Monday, April 11, 2011

Rise and Shine

I'm back, boys and girls! Thursday and Friday of last week I was on a trip and was unable to do my blog. I should have informed you of that in advance, so please accept my apologies.

I wonder as you woke up this morning, perhaps to an alarm clock, were you anticipating the day? After all, it is Monday, and there's all kinds of bad news to tune into--more earthquakes, war, radiation leakage, soaring gas prices, massive budget cuts. Maybe a word from God will help. Join me in reading and listening to him in Isaiah 60:1-14.

It's the first two verses that really speak to me today:

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.

I can dwell on the darkness around me, the bleakness of the world scene, the trouble that is seemingly at every hand, but if I did I would miss something amazing--the glory of God shining on me! There has always been trouble of one sort or another going on in the world. It isn't hard to find. I don't have to look far to find something to be discouraged about. But to be happy I need to have sharper vision.

Because of God's presence in my life, it is full of light! Right now it's like its brilliance is blinding! Sometimes it's difficult to see because of the dark clouds that show up in my life's sky. But God's glory is nevertheless shining on me, hovering over me. Because of my trust in him, his light is light is basking around me, about to be revealed, and when it breaks through the darkness it is nothing short of awesome!

God is encouraging me today. Sure, there is plenty of darkness out there. I don't need to be blind to that. God even points it out himself. Darkness has settled over the peoples of the world. I won't find much real deep-down joy or much focused hope out there. But there is something else to see--things are different in the case of anyone whose hope is the LORD.

Our God, Yahweh, is with us! He's telling me to rise and shine! My vision is clear. My heart is open. My future is secure, and it will be glorious! Even right now at this very moment my life is so very different, so much better because my God is renewing and empowering me, blessing and leading me. It's Monday, and it's a great time to get up and shine! Thank you, God, for how amazing you are!

Please talk to us about what God is impressing on you in this text. Your reflections are very valuable! Comment below (sign into your Google account first or choose Anonymous from the drop-down menu).


  1. The passage below illustrates how our lives in Christ are called to be filled with Light. This light comes from He who has Redeemed us and He who lives within us.

    John 1:4-5 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

    Such as that, which was given to us freely, should we also give away to all those we meet along our way!
    give freely unto others. We should let our Light shine, as
    It is God who truly shines through us! The love that God has
    God has freely given, we must freely give to others!

    After all, this is the second greatest command that God has
    given to us. The greatest command of all is found in
    Mark 12:30 - And you shall love the Lord your God with all
    your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with
    all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

    I pray that your day will be Blessed beyond your greatest

    In Christ,

  2. Darkness and Light...the two essential elements in this world. It is also interesting to realize that we have the Light inside of us if we are children of God and walking "in the light." God is over and above and in and through and all-compassing. How can I ever feel alone and helpless with all this Light and Love in my life? Shame on me when I give in and do feel discouraged! Thanks for sharing this beautiful verse and admonishion.
    Blessings on you today, and always!

  3. Well, crud! Shame on me too!! Sometimes I feel as though I give in to what the world has me believe, instead of what the Word says. But clearly, it states "and his glory appears over you"... Over ME! In my DARKEST of dark, His glory appears over me... what else do I need?!?!?! There is nothing but God, for He will supply ALL of my needs! Glory to God!

  4. What a great text to focus on in the midst of all the negativity in this world!! As a follower of Christ, his light is shining on me even in the dark times. This thought brings such security to my heart and peace to my mind.

    Father God, please help me to have that sharper vision to see your glory and to focus my attention on your word, not on the negativity of this world. Help me to shine w/ your glory and to be a reflection of that to others. This world is so negative, but, as your follower, I am deciding to focus on you and what your word says for my life.

    Kristal, it is true that his glory is all we need to be victorious in this world!! I love to think about how he has, time after time, supplied exactly what I have needed! Many times, in ways that I would have never expected. Praise him for his goodness and his mercy in our lives!!


  5. Great hearing from each of you! Thanks for encouraging us all with your reflections!
