Monday, February 28, 2011

Loving You God

Today is a great day! It's Monday, but God is still speaking to you. Let's check out Isaiah 43:14-28 after you ask God to speak to you through his Word. Give it a read-through at least twice if you can. What are you hearing there that God is impressing on you? These complaints from God made me think:

"You have not called upon me . . .you have not wearied yourselves for me. . . . You have not honored me with your sacrifices . . . you have not brought any fragrant calamus for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices." (v. 22-24)

What strikes me here, God, is that you sound strikingly like a wife who feels neglected and unloved. It's like you're saying, "When is the last time you bought me some nice perfume or went out of your way to do anything special for me?" I know this isn't about what you need but about what I need. Only when I love you like I should do I find the real life you want to give.

I say that I love you, God. I say that you have first place. But I confess that sometimes I fail to show it. I wonder, if you were my wife, would you feel loved by me or would you feel neglected and taken for granted? When is the last time I made a significant sacrifice for you just to express my love? What have I lavished on you lately? My time? My money? My creativity to do something special for you?

I know that, as in every other relationship, my actions speak so much louder than my words when it comes to how I really feel about you, God. Lord, I want to love you more intensely than ever before. I want you to feel loved and treasured by me. Because the truth is that you are the best thing that ever happened to me! Amen.

Please share your thoughts with us by commenting below. Either sign in with your Google account profile or select Anonymous from the drop-down list.

Friday, February 25, 2011


It's a beautiful day! Ready to hear from God? Great! Let's go to Isaiah 43 and read verses 1-13. He's definitely got something to say to you here. Take a minute to listen with your heart. What are you hearing? Here is what I'm hearing:

I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you . . . they will not sweep over you. And when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. (v. 1-2)

Wait! God, you mean that you accept me as your own and call me by name to walk with you, and that is going to involve fording rushing rivers and plunging through fire? So a life lived in relationship with you is more like a wilderness expedition than a membership at the country club. You're inviting me to journey along with you and experience an adventure together! And it will involve risk and danger and difficulty at times. You're not offering me a smooth, easy ride, but the excitement and challenge of invading enemy territory, expanding my borders, pursing the ultimate prize.

I accept! But only because I trust your promise to uphold me and see me through every challenge. I anticipate the thrill of accompanying you on this adventure and experiencing your deliverance. It will be worth it to get to encounter your divine presence, to get to know you personally, God. That is far worth the hardships of the journey. I won't trade it for the pseudo-safety of a tame religion that shrinks back from any real risk. And I wouldn't want to navigate the jungles and battlefields of this world without you beside me. When I have a healthy fear of your awesome power I am free from fearing anything else.

I embrace the journey, God. Thank you so much for inviting me along!

You guys had some really good comments yesterday. It's enriching to me and the other readers when you share your thoughts, too. And it creates a sense of community. So why not go ahead?

Please share your thoughts by commenting below. Either sign in with your Google account profile or select Anonymous from the drop-down list.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Enveloped in Flame

Did you find the lyrics yesterday? God says, "I will not give my glory to another." (Isa. 42:8). You'll hear that repeated multiple times in the bridge of Matt Redman's Heart of Worship. And God says that he will "open eyes that are blind" (v. 7), the basis for the line in Amazing Grace: "I once...was blind but now I see."

Today, soak in Isaiah 42:10-25. Ever heard Paige's Darkness Into Light? You'll find where that came from here. But what is God speaking to your heart right now in your circumstances through this part of his Word? Here's what I'm hearing:

They would not follow his ways; they did not obey his laws. So he poured out on them his burning anger. . . It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart. (v. 24-25)

This isn't the Charmin-stuffed God that I think a lot of Christians concoct in their minds. God is all-out passion. He is fire. He is fury. His emotions for people are intense! As passionately as he loves us, he is passionately angered by our stubborn self-will that leads us away from him and causes us to waste the life he has given us. When he thinks of all my potential for good wasting away in a dump because I'm so consumed with what I think I want, it burns God up. And he will burn my backside with an eventual blast of his anger. Not because he's mean and tyrannical. He wants me to get the message and change before it's too late.

This is the scarier side of God--the side I must have a healthy fear of. But it also intensifies my wonder of him. Like the mighty lion Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia, God isn't safe, but he is good. I can relate to Addison Road's burning question, What Do I Know of Holy? I intend to try to avoid experiencing the fire of God's anger and intead be filled with the fire of his passion. One thing God never is is cold. He won't be tamed or put in cold storage for me to pull him out and thaw him when I need a blessing.

God is fiery in the best sort of way. He is never apathetic or unmoved by what is going on with me. He cares immensely. He is either fired up by how I am letting him maximize my impact on others and my world or he is burning up about my wasted life. Either emotion, however opposite they may be, is coming from his red hot passionate love for me.

God, fill me with your fire!

Okay, you guys have been quiet lately. I'd love to hear your own thoughts from this passage. This shouldn't be a one-way conversation.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breathe Life

God wants to speak to you. Are you listening? Today I'm reading Isaiah 41:21 - 42:9. And just a tip, if you pay attention you may hear lyrics to a hit praise song or two here too. Can you find them? Read it with me. Do you hear anything?

See, [the world's idols] are all false! Their deeds amount to nothing; their images are but wind and confusion. . . .  God Yahweh . . . gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it. (41:29; 42:5)

Our world is a noisy place with a lot of people leaking the hot air of their empty philosophies of life. The gods of our world make a lot of noise and create a big stir like a strong wind howling through a trailer park. But there is no real substance there. The end result of going their direction is chaos and confusion. People are left wondering what there is to live for, if there is anything they can count on or legitimately hope for. It's all smoke and mirrors.

The God of creation, on the other hand, is a different story. The wind of God is the breath of life. When he speaks life springs up and blooms. That's what God gives that no idol can--life.

God, breathe your life into me! Blow through our community and bring real life to everyone around.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We're going back to Isaiah 41 for another message from God today. Go ahead and listen to what he has to say in verses 17-20. Read it through 2-3 times and focus in on different phrases. Ask God to give you ears to hear. Pick a phrase that is speaking loudly to you and journal your observation and application. Here's mine:

The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. . . . I will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into springs. (v. 17, 18)

God takes pleasure in supplying my most intense needs when I trust him. It's not really my tongue that's parched; it's my soul, when I'm living in the wilderness of doubt and self-direction. My inner life begins to shrivel up. Dreams begin to die. The difference his love and grace and wisdom make in my life is so radical that it's like a desert being morphed into a lush meadow fed by a cool, fresh spring that just keeps gushing. That's what he wants to do in my life. His commands aren't to repress me but to free me so that my inner life and relationships can flourish!

God pour the water of your goodness over me. Drench me in it!

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Monday, February 21, 2011


I've been on the go all day. Sorry about getting to this later than usual. But it's good to hear from God in the evening as well as the morning! Today's conversation starts with what God has to say in Isaiah 41:1-16. There is some really encouraging stuff here. Why don't you give it a thoughtful read?

I am holding onto this promise today:

You are my servant; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strenthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (v. 9-10)

Rejection. It's an ugly word. I fear it sometimes. I like to be accepted, wanted, appreciated, valued, even desired. It's part of being human. But I don't always get that from people, and when I don't it hurts. But now I know that it doesn't really matter. Because here's the deal: God accepts me! The only perfect one in the universe not only accepts me, he has chosen me. He wants me on his team! And it's not like I was the leftover that the other team didn't want. No, he wanted me enough to pay heavily to get me--more than any signing bonus that any hotshot sports superstar ever got. Wierd, huh? Blows me away!

I'm chosen not to be superstar but a servant. Not to crave the bright lights and cameras but the basin and towel. I know, it's all kind of a wonderful way. He doesn't leave me to do the work alone. He serves right alongside me. He's cheering me on. He's telling me to never quit, never give way to discouragement. He's there. He's strong. He's pulling the bulk of the load. Every need he supplies. I never lack the time or resources or money or talent or opportunity to do exactly what he has called me to do. And I'll serve a God like that until my dying day. Check that--forever!

Holy God, thank you that when I come before you you never reject me. It's an honor to be on your team!

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Friday, February 18, 2011

My One Constant

Happy Friday! We need to hear from God as we head into the weekend. Let's spend a minute in Isaiah 40:27-31. It's short and powerful! Read it two or three times and notice every phrase. I encourage you to write in a journal what is standing out to you and why. Here's mine:

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary. . . . He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (v. 28-29)

God, though I get weary and burned out sometimes, you never do. You are perfectly constant. Every day for you is your best day! You don't have off days like I do. And what's more, you lend your strength and power to me and others who believe in you and who look expectantly to you for help.

I'm so glad that I can rest in the everlasting God whose love and energy never, ever quit on me. In my life, he's my one constant.

If you'd like to share your thoughts, comment below. Either sign in with your Google account profile or select Anonymous from the drop-down list.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I hope you enjoyed 1 John as much as I do. It's always been one of my very favorite parts of Scripture. Now let's shift to a powerful part of the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah. It's a very long book, so for now I'm going to just focus on the second half. The first 39 chapters are mainly about God's judgment on his hardened and unfaithful people. Starting in chapter 40, the prophecy turns to a message of hope and renewal.

Let's read 40:1-26 today. It's poetry, so read it that way. If you can, read it aloud so you can also hear it. What is jumping out at you?

To whom, then, will you compare God? . . . "To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One (v. 18, 25)

In my quest for closeness to God, I need to also reflect on how great and far above me he is. This passage reminds me of his incomparable power and wisdom. It's as if he holds the earth within his cupped hands! Nothing and no one can ever come close. He alone is eternal. His plans never fail. He keeps the universe in motion. Yet he also "gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart" (v. 11).

God, what level of honor and respect do I give you?  I love to be in your presence especially in nature and just be in wonder of you. What problem could I possibly have that you can't handle? And what in the world could be so compelling that it would move you out of first place in my life?

If you'd like to share your thoughts, comment below. Either sign in with your Google account profile or select Anonymous from the drop-down list.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


All right, I hope you're doing well today! Ready for a conversation with God? Let's spend a few minutes in 1 John 5:1-13. What do you think God wants to get across to you in this moment?

Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. . . . I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. (v. 4, 13)

When life seems hard and its struggles inescapable, it's important to remember that there isa way to win in this life and the next. God didn't birth us for defeat but for victory! The victory won't always be realized in ideal outcomes in every situation. It will be fought for and attained through continuing to trust God through the struggle.

When I trust God enough to follow the way of Jesus (that's called faith), I know I'm going to win. Even when the world appears to have me beaten I will emerge the winner. God has guaranteed it. Thank you, Father, for giving me a kind of life that will last eternally. Not even death can take it away. This is my confidence through Jesus.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life-giving Love

Today we're going take in 1 John 4:7-21. Give it a good listen with your heart. As you read through it again, what is the Holy Spirit laying on your heart? Here's mine:

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. (v. 12).

You can tell how close a person is to God by how much love they show to other people. They have an over-sized capacity for love because they hang out regularly with the Source of pure, concentrated love. When we show someone love, we're showing them God. That's pretty awesome.

What kind of love, though? "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him" (v. 9). We're talking about the kind of love that is life-giving. It's when I stop being so consumed with myself and even deny my own wants for the good of someone else. If I will love my family like that I'll see a huge return in love coming back to me. But it may take time and patience before those returns come. Right now, my focus has to be on making sure I give them everything they really need to thrive that I have the power to give, starting with myself--my time, my patience, my service, my presence, my tenderness, my encouragement, my loyalty. God, show me how to love like you do.

Now, why not share your thoughts?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Welcome back! Today is God's. Let's take in what he has to say in 1 John 4:1-6. Pray and then go ahead and read it for yourself first. There may be something you need to hear today other than what I bring out. It's just six verses so read it through more than once. Ask the Holy Spirit to make your heart sensitive to his Word.

This statement speaks to me today:

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (v. 4)

It sometimes feels to the contrary. The force of the tide of this world pushes so strongly against what Jesus is all about. There are those moments when I feel so outnumbered and get that "what's the use?" attitude. Sometimes it's just one person that has me in their crosshairs and is trying to make me miserable. That's when I need to hear this. I not only can overcome, I already have! My victory is so certain that the writer can speak of it as if it's already happened. And Jesus is the reason.

I need to remember, good really is stronger than evil. In the end, love really does win. Because Jesus, who lives in me, is indeed greater than Satan, whose influence permeates this world. Father, today I affirm your truth and your word to me that I have overcome. God, no one is greater than you!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Feeling Like a Failure

Let's let God speak to us today from 1 John 3:11-24. It's powerful stuff! Ask God to help you hear what he wants to say and read through it, more than once if possible. Pay attention to anything that stands out. What do you most need to hear in this passage? What challenges you? encourages you? Think about it.

This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. (v. 19-20)

There's nothing like being at peace with God in my heart. When my heart is condemning me I can ask myself if I see evidence of God's love acting through me to serve others. But even then God knows everything about me and he knows I am his. No matter what uneasiness or doubts I may feel about my relationship with him, he has made it clear that I am his. He is greater than my heart. His declaration that I am his son, washed and purified by the blood of his unique Son, overrules whatever doubts and uncertainty I may sometimes feel. Isn't that cool?

Thank you, Father, for being my Father and loving me as your son, whether I have a good day or a bad day, whether I'm hitting home runs or striking out. I rest in your grace and it inspires me to live for you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life Test

First, a tip about subscribing to the blog posts: Beneath this post you will find a button labeled "Subscribe to Posts" and another labeled "Subscribe to Comments." If you click on either, it will ask you to identify which of several web services you use. I don't recognize all of them, but if you use a personalized My Yahoo or Google homepage on your browser, it will add the blog to your page. Even if you don't, you can create one for free and quite easily even if you don't plan to use it as a homepage. Once you've added the blog to your My Yahoo or Google page, then you can click on the Options button on the corner of the box in which the blog appears there and select Alerts. You can then tell it to send you alerts for new posts to your email or your mobile phone via text. At that point, if you don't want to use the Yahoo or Google page as your homepage, you can go back to whatever homepage you like to use, click on Tools on your IE toolbar, select Internet Options, then click the Use Current button under the Homepage box. The alerts should still come.

Now, for today's conversation with God. I'm reading 1 John 3:1-10. If you can, get out your Bible and read it slowly, then re-read it and try to soak it in. Find a statement that catches your attention and ask yourself why it does. Write down the statement and then your observation about it.

No one who lives in him (Christ) keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. (v. 6)

At first glance this verse is disturbing. I know I still sin at times. The struggle with my human nature is still part of my experience. Does that mean I don't really have a relationship with Jesus? John wants to get my attention and make me take real stock of my heart. He's saying that if I really have met Jesus and been captivated by his goodness and how he brings beauty and healing to the broken world, I won't choose to keep living in the dark, destructive ways of people who don't know him. Knowing Jesus changes the way you see reality, and the way you see reality guides your choices.

He's not saying I will never be temporarily deceived again and sin. He's saying a real relationship with Jesus brrings me out of the spiritual fog and into the sunlight where I will choose to live a different kind of life by his grace and power. If I find myself still living like an unbeliever and there's no real difference in me, the likelihood is that I haven't really come to know Jesus. I may know of him, but I don't know him and love him and trust him.

If there is a difference in me and I'm moving his way but I am still a slave to some sin in my life, I shouldn't question my salvation. But I need to figure out what lie I'm believing and replace it with the truth and wisdom of Jesus. I need to give it over to him and turn to trusted spiritual friends for help and strength. A growing relationship with Jesus will keep me from being apathetic or content to stay stuck in sin.

Jesus, I want to know you for real. I want to see through your eyes. I want to live in your way. Give me your grace to forgive my mistakes and your power to free me from their grip. Teach me that I can't do this alone.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heart Check

Today's reading is 1 John 2:15-29. Let God speak to you through his Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth you need. What statement in this passage does he seem to be emphasizing to you today? For me . . .

Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. (v. 15 The Message).

There was a time when I was living with one foot in God's Kingdom and the other foot in the world. It was no life at all. A divided heart can't fully belong to God. And that's the thing about true love--you won't take just half of your lover's affection. It's like Rod Stewart once sang: "You're crazy if you think just half your love could ever please me." God wants all of me or none of me.

We're so immersed in the world's ways that they get to feeling normal--like they aren't evil. We get numb to them and then we start to accept them, even crave them. They attract us and suck us in if we let them. But the reality is that they are a mirage competing for our hearts. I must choose between loving the illusion or loving the real, true God that loves me beyond my comprehension.

Father, if I don't get anything else done today, help me to love you a little bit more than yesterday and love the world a little less.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All About Love

Today, take a few minutes to read 1 John 2:1-14. First pray and ask God to open your heart to hear what he has to say. Read through it thoughtfully and think about what you see there. What especially caught your attention? Today, for me it was verse 5:

But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him.

God is love, and his Way is all about love. If we will let God rule in our hearts, receive his Word openly, and act responsively to it, the result it will bring is a life of love (compare 1 Timothy 1:5). That's what God wants to create in me. If I am caring more about the people around me, even the ones that chap my hide, I am moving in the direction God's Word wants to take me. On the other hand, if my study of his word makes me more condemning and I find myself withdrawing and pushing people away, I'm missing something. God's Word will make me more sensitive to sin but it should also make me more compassionate towards sinners, especially since I am one.

Father, my sins may not always be as obvious or brazen as some other people's but I know they are just as condemning without your grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. Please make your amazing love for broken people like me complete in my life so that I pour it out on others. Amen.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Double Your Joy

I'm back online after a long hiatus from blogging devotional thoughts! I hope this tool will help you grow through the week as you follow along with me in your own devotional reading of God's Word. Let's start reading the book of 1 John together and share what God says to us there. Today, read chapter one. It's short. Read it again. What jumps out at you? What do you hear God saying? There's a lot here. Just focus in on one thought for today. Here's what jumped out at me today:

We saw it; we heart it; and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this too. Your joy will double our joy! (v. 3-4 The Message)

When you receive Christ, you find joy! The life he gives, the hope, the love is beyond anything you'll find anywhere else. But you get double the joy when you share him with someone else and help them receive him, too.

Father, though it's often frustrating when people don't respond, I'm going to continue to share Jesus with those who are still missing out. The joy of the one who says yes to Jesus is so worth it! Give me the eyes to see the opportunities and the people around me who are in such need of your grace, love and leadership. Amen.