Thursday, June 30, 2011

No Fear

Psalm 27 is such an inspiring song of praise to God! That's where I'm listening for the thoughts God wants to place on my heart today. It's so packed with profound and encouraging thoughts, I am having a hard time focusing on just one! What is God impressing on you?

The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? (v. 1)

God is saying there is no room for fear where there is faith! Instead of feeling afraid I can feel confident, because God is with me and he is the one that gives me my sense of security. Who or what should make me fear when God is for me? There is nothing that will ever come my way that he can't bring me through. When everything else feels precarious, God is the fortress that I can run to. Within his care and love and direction nothing can ultimately harm me, not even death! Today, I lay down any fear and replace it with faith!

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. (v. 13-14)

A year ago when my wife, Cathy, died, it was hard to conceive that life could ever be good again. The most precious person in the world to me was gone, torn from my life. The pain was overwhelming. The black clouds settled in, pressing down on me for a long time. God seemed distant and baffling. It was hard to believe the words of these verses then, yet I clung to them.

And God has proved true. While nothing can replace Cathy or what was suffered in losing her, God has shown me his goodness again. He pierced that heavy blanket of clouds with the rays of the sun and broke it up. He has brought new and wonderful blessings my way, including an exciting new relationship. He has brought love and happiness into my life again! No matter how dark things may be for you now, hold onto this promise from God: you will experience his goodness again. Believe it!

There are yet many uncertainties ahead and some imposing obstacles in the way of realizing my dreams. Sometimes I flat out get discouraged and wonder if things will work out. And God speaks to me here and says, "Wait for me. Be strong and take heart, and wait for me. I haven't forgotten you and I will come through. You will find that my plans are better than yours, and I will indeed work them out. So just be patient! It will be worth the wait!"

To share what God impressed on you through this psalm, first log in (top right corner of the page). Then type your comments below. Alternatively, you can select Anonymous from the "Comment as" field.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

God, I Love Your House!

I'm spending time alone with Almighty God in Psalm 26. Yesterday's blog by Michele was a great one on taking the high road in conflicts, if you missed it! So be sure to read it and then take in God's word in Psalm 26 with me. Ask God to show you what he wants to communicate specifically to your own heart through these words. For me, this statement jumps out:

I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, O LORD, proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds. I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells. (v. 6-8)

We used to live in a little wood frame house while I was in seminary. It didn't have a piece of insulation anywhere in it. We could feel the cold breeze through the floorboards in the winter. A squirrel lived in our attic and would get in our closet, depositing nuts in Cathy's shoes. At one point, we discovered that raw sewage had been pouring out underneath the house. The floors were so unlevel that a ball would roll all by itself from one wall of a room to the other. And on top of all that it was Pepto Bismol pink with blue trim. But people would come to visit us and remark how they loved our house. I think they were lying. But it is a nice feeling when someone says they love your house. After all, it's where you live.

Through this whole psalm, David is laying his case before God, and it is this: I am faithful to you, God, so please come to my aid. And one of the points that he reminds God of is the genuine worship that he has offered up. It hasn't been hypocritical worship, which is really more of an insult to God than anything. He worships in innocence out of pure motives. He loves to tell about the great things God has done in history and in his own life. And he loves God's house. That would be the temple, the center of the worship and service of God. Through Christ, God no longer puts the focus on a building of brick and morter but on the people who make up his church. Christ's church is described as a spiritual house, with him as the foundation and each believer as a living stone (1 Peter 2:5).

I do love Christ's church. I can honestly and wholeheartedly say, "Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells." It is important to me. I prioritize my place in it and the contribution that I make within it. I love worshiping and testifying to God's goodness with his people. Sometimes the church doesn't live up to its calling. It's made of imperfect people. I've certainly been disappointed at times when the church failed to grasp the vision that God has for it. But I love it just the same! I love it because it is God's house and the place where his glory dwells.

It's good to be able to pray to God and ask for help and offer up my love for his church as evidence of my love for him. I wish the same for us all.

God, please help us to love your church with the passion that you do, to do everything we can to build it up and make it strong. I commit myself, my finances, my time and spiritual gifts, my effort to ramping up the ministry that happens from your house. Please bless all of my efforts and those of every other member and make your church all that you dream for it. Amen!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Teachable Hearts

Good evening all! I, Michele, am reading and focusing on Psalm 25 tonight. This is a favorite psalm of mine because it speaks of the character traits that I desire to portray.

Many of the psalms are about enemies and the havoc they raise in the writer's life. Sometimes our enemies seem to "take the upper hand" in life. Those with blatant disregard for God appear to get what they want......and that's just not fair! So it seems.

But I don't want to act like my enemies. I want to take the high road! Isn't that the example we want to set as Christians??

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. (v. 4-5)

David is seeking guidance in these verses because he wants to do what the Lord wants, not as his enemies did to him. We have to want to be guided by God. We need teachable hearts. The only way to accomplish this is through a committed relationship with God. Being in his Word and spending time w/ him are vital to softening our hearts so that we are able to be examples of his love for others.

He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. (v. 9)

Humility will also come as we seek God's direction in our lives. I don't need to behave like my enemies because I know who I am in Christ! I know my depravity outside of God's will....I've been there many times before! I am no better then those who torment me....but, I have been saved and my enemies need to see the evidence of my faith and changed life.

Many integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you. (v. 21)

Lord, I want to walk in moral uprightness. I want to show your love to my enemies. They need you desperately! I also want to be a godly example to the younger ones in my life. We need to be an example for the next generation. I'm afraid they sometimes see more of the enemy's example in this world than a godly one. I want to have a teachable heart that desires your guidance. Mold me and shape me to be a reflection of who you are. Amen.

Please share your thoughts and how God has used this song to minister to your heart. We would love to hear from you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

King of Glory

Psalm 24. It's where I'm going to hear from God today. Come along! This is meant to be read aloud, so enjoy! ... What did you hear?

What especially impresses me here is the focus on God. This one isn't as much about me and my life and what God is going to do for me. This one is about God, for the most part. And that's a welcome point of focus! I read this and I just take in the God that I love and trust!

Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. (v. 7-8)

God...Yahweh...Creator of all things...the one who laid out the world and all of its wonders. He is awesome! And he is the King of glory! Five times he is lauded with that title in the closing refrain, as if to say, "Stop everything and pay attention! The King of the universe is entering! Take him in. See his majesty. Let the world just be put on hold for now. Nothing and no one compares with our King! His might is unparalleled! Nothing exists beyond his realm and power. The victorious King is returning from his conquest over evil an dtaking his rightful place on the throne of heaven.

It's an image that is just so inspiring when I pause and take it in! God is so much greater than me. My problems pale in comparison to his power. Life isn't about me; it's about him. His church is about his greatness and goodness. His world is in his hands. And that means my future is secure.

Lord, I worship you. I lift up my heart in praise and awe of who you are! What an awesome God! Take your rightful place on the throne of my heart today! It is yours. Reign in me, God. Reign over me. I am forever your loyal subject. Amen!

Friday, June 24, 2011

All That I Need

Happy Friday to you all! I hope that you all will enjoy this day and the weekend to come! This is Michele with you this morning and I am focusing on Psalm 23. I have heard this psalm used at times of death but today I am drawn to the promise of God's provision as we live our lives. This text is short and can be read several times in a short amount of time.

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. (v. 1)

This is the verse that my heart is centered on today.

The Lord is my shepherd....a shepherd is one who provides for his sheep, guides them, and protects them from any and all danger. Sheep need a shepherd to lead them away from the wolves in this life! What happens if the sheep don't follow or obey the shepherd? Disaster!!

Many people live their lives without following Christ or giving him any thought at all. People who choose to live this way are very lost and floundering in this life looking for direction and meaning. This is why the crime rate is so high, drug use is rampant, and people invest in highly unhealthy relationships. There is no fulfillment in life without Christ, our good shepherd. The sheep know their shepherd and follow him faithfully because they are very aware of what will happen if they don't. If we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything!

I have all that I need....When you really stop to think about it we do have all that we need to live this life. I know it seems like we are always in need of something....or so we think. Just like a teenager who thinks he/she "needs" a cell phone or new shoes or more freedom, we all grumble for things we think we need. How about a new car, new house, new job because we don't get along w/ a coworker or our boss, an exotic vacation to "get away" from day to day life, or any number of things depending on our circumstances. Do we really need any of these things?

We need to be obedient followers. Jesus sacrificed his life for us! Not because he had to or because he had fun in the process. He sacrificed his life for us so that we can be forgiven for all of our sins and have new life in him. A life with purpose, meaning and joy. We are not alone, we are being guided by the creator of all things! The one who set the sun and moon in their places is invested in our lives! God knows what is best for us even more than we parents know what is best for our children. God promises to provide for all of our needs....not all of our wants.

Lord, help me to live my life following you and trusting that you will provide all that I need. So many times I've tried to go my own way only to find that I really do need you to be my guide and protector. I am lost and clueless without you, Lord. I need your direction in my life. Thank you for the many blessings that you provide. Amen.

Please share any thoughts or comments below. We would love to hear from you!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alone in the Dark!

Today is a new and beautiful day in the life! Rejoice and be glad in it and give God the glory and thanks for every blessing! God is Good! Please read through Psalm 22 before continuing. Here we have one of the major prophecies of the Bible fortelling the death of our Lord Jesus. In this psalm we see the whole scene of Jesus' crucifixion laid before our eyes in great detail. This text was written hundreds of years before the actual event took place! What an amazing thing! There are many such passages in the Old Testament that predict to the last detail the life and death of Jesus our Lord!

What hits me right between the eyes as I read this psalm is that in this we have been given the chance to "get into Jesus' head." We have the chance to feel what he felt, think what he thought as he was being rejected, tortured, killed by the very people that he loved so much! Sometimes I have wondered what it was like for Jesus through those terrible events. Did the fact that he was God-man make it so that he didn't actually suffer or feel the pain like you or I would? What exactly did Jesus go through to become our sacrifice for sins? What did it feel like as a human being to become the greatest GIFT the world will ever know? What is amazing is that the answers to these questions are found right here in this psalm.

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (v. 1)
Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 contain these exact words as Jesus hung on the cross dying for the sins of the entire world! As I read verses 1-5 my eyes fill with tears. Jesus was "dying of loneliness." Sometimes we think we feel alone but we have never had anything like what Jesus went through in our lives! For the first time in all Eternity, Jesus felt that God the Father had left him alone! Right at the time when his soul and body were in torment, just when Jesus needed the Father the most -- that was the time he was left alone. The anguish of his soul was excruciating as he experienced the "aloneness"! Although Jesus being God surely "knew" the answer before the foundations of the world, during this horrible experience his soul shouted out the same question that we so often ask: "WHY?" That gives me great comfort because now I realize that he really does know what we feel when we are asking the same hopeless question: "Why?"

"But I am . . .scorned by men and despised by the people.
All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads;
'He trusts in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him.' (vv. 6-8)

Talk about betrayal and heart pain at rejection -- Jesus experienced it to the fullest degree! Have you ever felt betrayed by someone you trusted, someone you have done a lot to help? Have you ever been "kicked in the teeth" by someone or a group of people who you counted as your friends? Jesus suffered it ALL. His face was wet with tears as he cried looking out over the city of Jerusalem who refused to listen to him and come to him as his own nationa and people. Sometimes my heart is broken and I cry too when someone I love dearly refuses advice and goes in a destructive path of life. Jesus understands, he knows how it feels when they turn and "slap you in the face" after all you have done to try and help them. The thing is that Jesus had it a LOT worse than you or I will ever have it! His pain at the rejection is very real. He suffered.

In the following verses the physical anguish of Jesus is described in detail. As his life ebbed away and his body was closing down, Jesus felt it all. He says that his strength "dried up" and his tongue "sticks to the roof of my mouth" (v. 15). Yes, Jesus felt the pains of dying just like any other human being dying. Death is not a pretty sight ever! The death Jesus suffered was among the worst possible, and our Lord felt it all as a human being, and without his Father beside him. Jesus died ALONE. That was the worst part of it all!

Another well-known prophecy is found in verse 18, "They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing." These events took place hundreds of years later and are described in detail in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John This truly was historical event.

"You who fear the Lord, praise him! . . .For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one, he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help." (v.24)
What? After all that has happened to him, Jesus still praises His Father! It is also very interesting to me to notice that the answers Jesus asked for came after  he died! First he had to go through the fire, the pain, the rejection, the torture, the hateful words and actions of those around him, the physical pain, the horror of death closing in around him -- and THEN the blessings came! Jesus was raised from the dead and glorified beyond the heavens! He sits at the right hand of God and rules the nations!

Jesus bought us with his precious blood and suffering and now WE ARE HIS! We are washed in his blood when we are baptized and our spirit wears bright, white clothes! Now we can overcome and be with him after this life is over. He blesses us in this life with his Holy Spirit to comfort us so we are never ALONE as he was as he went through the crucifixion. We always have the Spirit to strengthen and carry us when we are too weak to go it alone. Praise the Lord, oh my soul!!! I have Jesus, the Light of the world beside me in the darkness!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm listening for a word from God from Psalm 21. The first thing I noticed was how closely connected it is to the previous psalm. The warm wishes and blessing that are extended in Psalm 20 have been fulfilled in Psalm 21 (compare 20:1 with 21:13; 20:4 with 21:2; 20:5 with 21:1; 20:7 with 21:7). Again, the power of blessing! But what else is God impressing on you here?

Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. (v. 6)

God is so generous! And the blessings he gives are numberless and constant. Just today we finally got some good rain here in the Houston desert! What a blessing to see it fall! I have a computer and Internet access that allows me to share this blog with you. More blessings to be thankful for! And a lot of people get those kinds of blessings from God, even people who don't see them as blessings or bother to thank God for them. But God's best blessings--his very best--are "eternal blessings." They're the sort of gifts that you never stop enjoying--things like endless love, forgiveness, a noble legacy, friendships that really will last forever, freedom to become all God intended, authentic core goodness, the adventure of exploring and enjoying the new heaven and earth, and most of all, the 100-proof joy of being in the direct presence of God!

Not everyone gets those blessings, because not everyone seeks God and puts their hope in his only Son. But of all the good things that he's introduced into my life, there is nothing temporary--no matter how good--that is going to satisfy like God's eternal blessings! And they are mine no matter what temporary troubles I face! All of the struggles of life on this present earth will simply melt away the moment that I am escorted into a face-to-face encounter with the ultimate Being who honors and loves me as his own! That's a good thought to hang onto! It's amazing to know that you've hit the motherload!Even now, the small tastes of his presence that he gives me make me feel glad to be alive!

God, how can I thank you enough for the ways you bless my life? And I want to be sure that your best, eternal blessings will be mine to enjoy! I don't want to miss a single one! Amen.

What did God speak into your day in this ancient text? Please share it in the comments box below. First sign in (top right corner of page) or you can opt for Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. I wish you the best blessings!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Power to Bless

Today's conversation with our awesome Creator is going to get its start in Psalm 20. I really like this one! Ask God to speak to you through it and then read it aloud at least a couple of times.

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.... May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. (v. 1, 4)

When you read this, who do you apply it to? Do you read it as if it's being prayed over you? Wouldn't you feel blessed if someone prayed like this for you? I know I would! These statements aren't promises, they are petitions. This is a psalm of blessing. Simply put, it contains words of hope and encouragement to speak to someone else. This was a blessing for the king, a song that the people sang in their worship gatherings on behalf of their leader. They knew that as their leader went, so would go the fortunes of the people. Their expectation as they sang this blessing was that their leader was in a committed relationship to God and seeking his will.

I feel God telling me that I need to pray for the president and other leaders more. As a spiritual leader, on those occasions when I have received an encouraging card or note from someone in my church, I have felt so honored and blessed. I deeply feel a need for the prayers of the people I lead, just as I pray blessings over them. Are you praying over your leaders?

But a blessing like this could be said over anyone that you or I want to bless. Shift the focus--instead of reading the psalm as if it were being said to you, think about who in your life you could say or pray these words for. You could pray them in private or, for an even more powerful impact, you could write them to someone or pray them over them in their hearing. What about your parents? your children? your mate? a friend? someone who's struggling? Either way, it's intended to be used as a blessing for someone else.

God, thank you for reminding me of the powerful effect that a blessing I speak or write to someone can have. It's a pretty amazing reality to be able to impact someone's life that way! And not just on their life but mine too, for when I pray for blessing on my leaders they filter down to me, as well. Impress on my heart someone that needs a blessing right now. Amen!

Please share the message you feel this psalm has for your life right now. Comment below!

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Own Movie

A new week has begun! Am I ready for it? I'll be a lot more ready if I let God speak into my life today. So here goes! I'm listening to what he wants to say through Psalm 19. Take a few minutes to get your Bible and read it with me. Remember, psalms are meant to be read out loud. Are you at work? Don't be embarrassed! Maybe the guy nearby needs God in a bad way!

What is God impressing on your heart? What is said here about the skies showing brilliantly the glory of God, testifying to his being and his presence, is something I totally relate to. I love to look at the skies, especially when I'm praying. I just can't deny the reality of God when I look at them! But today I'm focusing in on this statement:

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (v. 14)

That's more than a great memory verse! I think God is especially calling attention to how I need to guard my inner thought world--the meditations of my heart. I think we're all pretty aware of how we need to watch what we do and say. It's obvious how those things can get us in trouble! But where do those actions and words come from? They don't just come out of nowhere!

Every now and then someone does something that just seems so off the wall. A dedicated Christian husband and father happens to suddenly meet a woman at a coffee shop and jumps right into an affair. A teenager's behavior suddenly makes a major shift from good to bad. You see it and you wonder what in the world happened? How does someone who is going one direction suddenly change and start going the opposite direction with no warning?

Things like that happen because the person has been thinking thoughts for a long time that have led them to that moment. That Christian husband jumps into bed with the woman at the coffee shop because for years he's been mulling over all the things that he's dissatisfied about with his wife. And he's often been thinking about what it would be like to be with someone else. The thought of a chance meeting with someone new has excited his imagination for a long time. So when the temptation actually arises he has already set himself up to fall right into it.

And it's not just big moral failures that are tied to our thought world. It's everything. My feelings are so tied to my thoughts. Whatever I choose to meditate on will either give me positive feelings or negative ones. I'll either feel peace and joy or I'll be anxious or angry, depending on where my thoughts are. Depressing thoughts lead to depressed feelings. Faith-filled thoughts produce courage and hope. There's no debate over which I'd prefer!

Thoughts come and go--all kinds of thoughts--good and bad. But what is "the mediation of my heart"? What thoughts am I dwelling on? If the thoughts in my head were played out on a movie screen, what kind of movie would it be? Would I want to go see it? Would I want my family to? Would I recommend it to my friends? Because the striking truth is that God has seen the movie. He sees it every day! ("May the...mediations of my heart be pleasing in your sight...")

As much as is possible, by your grace, Lord I want to think thoughts that will lead me to the kind of life I'll be proud of and enjoy living. I want the thoughts I dwell on to be as pure as my actions. I realize how they shape me. I am going to make this my own prayer:

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Please share the message God has spoken to your heart through this sacred text. After signing in (top, right corner of the page) you can comment below. If you don't want to sign in you can choose Anonymous from the list in the "Comment as" field. I'm wishing you some good, worthwhile thoughts today! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

GPS By God

God has more to say to us today than usual! He's speaking from Psalm 18, a little longer song of praise. There is a lot here to take in. Part of it will be exactly what you need to hear. So let's read and reflect!

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless... It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. (v. 30, 32)

I need this reminder today, my God. Your ways are perfect. I need that reminder because I don't always understand them. Sometimes your ways seem baffling to me. It must amuse you the way we humans attempt to question and judge your wisdom. But I guess the questioning is part of learning what faith really is. If I never felt uncertain about what you were doing, I wouldn't fully appreciate the decision to trust you.

Your ways are perfect. Every plan of yours is formed out of your infinite wisdom and understanding. Every motivation of yours is good and pure and loving. And you have all the power you need to accomplish whatever you purpose to do! You are amazing, God! I'm so thankful that you are my God, that I don't have to depend on myself and my own ability to make my plans work out.

It's a tremendous source of peace to realize that, since your ways are perfect, when I follow your leading you will also make my way work out perfectly. "...he makes my way perfect." It may take what seem like crazy hairpin curves and go up and down like a rollercoaster at times. The future may be hazy and feel as though everything is up in the air. But all of those feelings are borne out of my inability to see what you see. Your ways are perfect. I know that if I follow and go your way, you will make my way perfect, too. I won't be perfect. Circumstances won't be perfect. But the path you carve out will be just the perfect path for me to take to grow in the ways I need to grow and to unpack all the potential you have filled me with: "...he enables me to stand on the heights" (v. 33). That's what I want to do!

I bless your name, Lord! You are most certainly trustworthy! There is no GPS system for life that compares to you! I can't wait to see the perfect plans that you have for me, my family, and all of your people! When I feel uncertain or doubtful, remind me of this rock-solid truth: As for God, his way is perfect...and he makes my way perfect. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

I am very interested in hearing what part of this psalm especially spoke to you today, so please share it! Sign in at the top right corner of the page, or just choose Anonymous in the "Comment as" field, and share your impressions below.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Anthony Weiner and Bold Prayers

I need a word from God to keep me focused on the right priorities today, don't you? Let's get it from Psalm 17. This is a prayer for vindication and protection, but pay attention also to the kind of commitment to God that the writer expresses:

Though you probe my heart and examine me at night, though you test me, you will find nothing; I have resolved that my mouth will not sin. As for the deeds of men...I have kept myself from the ways of the violent. My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not slipped. (v. 3-5)

This morning, I heard Steeler's star Hines Ward say that he and NFL Hall of Famer Franco Harris are "tight like that." He's got friendship access to the legend. I want to be tight like that with God. When I most need him I want to know I have friendship access.

When I pray and ask God for help, turning to him for what only he can do, like the psalmist I find that I can do that much more confidently when my conscience is clean. If there is guilt, I can't help but wonder if God is angry with me and disciplining me for what I've done. I am reluctant to pray, or at least tentative. But a conscience clear of guilt pumps up the boldness of my prayers and the peace of believing that God will be favorable to them.

In these verses above, the writer affirms that his heart, his mouth, his actions and his direction in life are all in harmony with the will of God. He even says, "Come surprise me at night! You'll still find me the same man that I am in the daytime. No double life here!" Don't you think Anthony Weiner wishes he could say that right now? There is peace in authenticity and consistency in walking with God.

That kind of peace and the powerful, confident prayers that it breeds begin with a clear decision and a strong resolve. He isn't offering excuses and falling back on the fact that he's human and full of weakness. He is clear about his life's direction, all-out in his devotion to God. "I have resolved that my mouth will not sin."
He doesn't run his mouth destructively because he's full of resolve not to. He made a strong commitment to God that his mouth would be ruled by God's Spirit instead of just saying whatever came to mind. Wouldn't it be great if everyone lived that way?

It's so assuring to know that you're innocent, to be able to pray and say, "God, I know that I have kept to your ways and haven't slipped." Sometimes we accept our weakness to the extent that we begin to believe that we can't live a holy life. We accept our character failures as if they're natural and normal. Yes, we're all sinners in need of God's grace, but those of us who have been redeemed and changed by Jesus Christ are free to no longer be slaves of sin. We're not just free from its condemnation but also from its power to run our lives. I can live nobly and purely, above the carelessness of our culture. And I feel the benefit when I go to my knees in prayer to the holy God whose help I seek.

 God, today I commit my heart, my mouth, my actions and my decisions to you. I will not sin or stray from the goodness of your will. I will not let myself be drawn away, tripped up or let my feet slip. I'm taking my stand right here with you. Let your character be mine. Amen!

Has God brought something to your thoughts from this psalm? Why not share it? It might be just what someone else needs. Sign in at the top right corner of the page and then comment below--or you can just select "Anonymous" in the "Comment as" field below. God's peace to you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Safety in God's Arms

This is Michele writing for you today. This is an especially tough day for me as I am struggling with some situations in my life that, at this time, seem too hard to bear. But I know that being in God's word and seeking his guidance is what I need to overcome life's struggles. That is why I asked Chris to allow me to write for him today. I am focusing on Psalm 16 this morning and need desperately to hear this word from God. Please read it with me and try to hear what God has for you in this psalm.

As I wrestle with my emotions today I am hearing my Lord remind me of his protection of me and the ones I love. Sometimes in life there are decisions that seem humanly impossible to make and I feel very inept in my ability to do so. I don't understand how God could expect me to put so much on the line and alone make a decision that could potentially have disastrous consequences regardless of which one I make. When my mind is so foggy and my thoughts are so overwhelming that I can't make sense of them I just need to cry out to God. Even cry out to him without words, just cry and know that he is aware of my concerns and listens to me. Nothing I'm dealing with is foreign to him or bigger than he can handle!

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.... I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. (vs 1,7-8)

God does not expect me to make any decision alone....instead he expects me to come to him for refuge. Even if I don't have the words or a full understanding of what lies ahead, I can be assured that my Lord is always with me. God seems very quiet and distant at times.....and maybe this is because he wants me to draw closer to him, to stop trying to figure it out all by myself and to allow him to truly guide me. My need to come to a conclusion quickly needs to be tossed away as I rest and trust my Lord with my life.

I can be shaken if I allow myself to be. That would be Satan's desire. I could just give in and give up quickly. That would be Satan's desire as well. Or, I could do as the psalmist did and trust that my God has me in his hands and will see me through this very hard time. With God right beside me I can rest and wait for him to speak to my heart....all the while knowing that I am safe in his arms. Nothing can take my hope from me!! God knows my heart and will guide me through....he promises!

God, you are so faithful, even when we aren't. You promise to keep us safe through all of life's ups and downs. Help me to trust you and to allow you the authority in my life. I love you Lord and will seek you and cling to your goodness! Amen

My prayer is that you will share with me if you have ever felt the way that I'm feeling today. Have you ever felt that something in front of you is too big for you? Have you ever wondered when God would reveal his plan to you? And please tell me how it all worked out. Please share your comments below!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What It Takes to Be Close to God

God is watching over you today, thinking of you. He wants to speak into your life and be your guide. Let's sit and listen from Psalm 15. It's just five short but meaty verses. Read through it out loud three times and let it simmer in your thoughts.

LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous... (v. 1-2)

This psalm is all about who gets the honor of being welcomed by God into his holy presence. Who gets to live with a constant sense of God's abiding nearness? It assumes that a covenant relationship with God has already been established. The question is whether the covenant is being kept. God is most present with people who keep his covenant and live noble lives.

I remember a friend of mine once saying that the reason he was Catholic was that he could do whatever he wanted--drink, cuss, sleep around. As long as he went to mass and occasionally stopped in for confession, he was good with God and still able to live it up. Not that Catholics have a monopoly on hypocritical religion. Plenty of Protestants play that game with God as well. The Jews were no exception either.

But this psalm is setting us straight that God doesn't fall for it. If you want to live in God's favor and have him near, there is only one way--keep the covenant of love and faithfulness that you've entered with him. Reflect his character. Live your faith. Be a person of integrity, morality, truthfulness and generosity.

It's not that we have to earn our way into his graces by our performance. It's that he's given us his grace and he wants our love. You just can't be close to God if you don't really love him. And if I really love him I will be the kind of person described in this psalm. Because I love God's holiness, I will live a holy life. Because I love God's truthfulness I will tell the truth. Because I love God's faithful dependability to keep his promises, I will be a person of my word, even when it hurts. I will keep my commitments. Because I love the way that God is for me and not against me, I'll want the best for the people around me, too, and treat them with goodwill.

God, there's nothing I desire or need more than your nearness, your love and holiness and kindness washing over me! I do love you and I am so thankful that as I live the right kind of life before you I feel that sense of friendship with you that gives me wings. You are amazing, God! Amen

What did you sense God impressing on you from this text? How does it speak into your life right now? Share your reflections below. Sign into your Google account (top right corner of page) or just choose Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. Thanks, and be blessed!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Rare Breed

I'm getting a late start on this blog entry, but it's been a very busy day! I'm listening for God's voice in Psalm 14--what is he wanting to impress on me through this ancient song?

The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. (v. 2)

Sometimes I feel the spiritual shadow hanging over my community. It just seems like most people are either apathetic or oblivious to the pursuit of a relationship with God. I wonder at how they could give so little thought to their Maker and all the implications that his existence has. How do you ignore something that big and important? How do you live as if there is no God?

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (v. 1)

He's not talking only of intellectual atheists. Actually, there were none of those at the time this psalm was written. Intellectual atheism is a rather modern phenomenon that has only been seen since the Enlightenment. He's talking about people who, although they believe in God, live as though he's not there. It's a foolish thing to go through your days ignoring the reality of God. Yet the world is full of such people! There have been some short periods in my life that I was one of them.

This morning on one of the radio talk shows, a female DJ made the comment that circumcision was something dreamed up by a man. She was arguing that it was purely a human invention, that God never really spoke to Abraham and gave him circumcision as a sign of the covenant between them. It was Abraham's crazy idea, or someone else who made up the story of Abraham. Oh yeah, right! Like what man would ever dream up the idea of taking a knife to his penis?? I mean, seriously! Of all the dumb comments! I just thought it was a great example of how few people show any real understanding.

A true seeker of God is rare. God is looking for them all the time. It's as though when he finds one he is pleasantly surprised, intrigued by the wisdom he sees in that person. And it is those who really seek God that do understand. They don't understand everything, but they understand the truth that makes life good. They know the secrets to real happiness, to lasting love. They are able to see through the shams that blind others to the ways they are messing up their own lives. God watches people like that with great interest. I bet they make him smile!

Father God, I want to always be one that you're watching like that. I want to be one of the few who seek after you and who understand what life is really about. I want to feel your favor and know, in humility, that even I am one of those who has turned aside and become corrupt and am in need of your grace. For true understanding points me always to my own weakness and your strength, my need and your provision, and to how much I need your salvation. Amen!

Please share your comments below!

Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Wait

Well, I'm back! After a wonderful trip I'm trying to catch up on so much I have to get done. My mother, Katrinka, has done such a fantastic job blogging for me that you may be disappointed that it's me writing today. I promise to have her write more often along with Michele, who also has so much insight to share. Thanks so much to you both!

I confess I'm in a hurry today so it's going to be short and sweet. I'm listening, though, for God's voice and his word to me in Psalm 13. I just can't overlook how the first four sentences all begin with the same phrase, "How long...?"

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?" (v. 2)

I wish that God would move on my timetable. So many times I have felt like he was dragging his feet taking forever to grant my prayers. Sometimes I feel like reminding him that just because he lives forever and thinks nothing of time doesn't mean I do! He would laugh and tell me I would do so much better if I would learn to slow down and get comfortable with waiting for the pace of life.

How long? How long, Lord? How long till you act? How long must I wait? That's how this poem begins, but then the whole tone shifts:

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. (v. 5-6)

When I'm waiting impatiently God wants me to just focus on this--he loves me. His love for me never quits. I know that whatever else happens, God will see me through and will eventually deliver me. I will anticipate it and know that his salvation is just around the corner! Instead of fretting while I'm waiting, I'll just sing praise to him for how good he has been to me, for every blessing he's graciously provided, and for all the promises he will yet fulfill. With a heart like that I can learn to wait. God may seem slow, but he's never late.

I love you, too, Lord. You have been so good to me!

Please share your insights from this psalm below. Great to hear from you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Blessing and an Opening

Hello Bloggers!  :-)  Once more I am writing for Chris as he travels home today. It has been a blessing for me to help out and I do pray that something I have written has blessed your heart and your life. Today we are reading Psalm 12. It is largely about how people misuse their tongues -- specifically by flattery, lying, boasting and deception. Please join us by posting your thoughts at the end. You can choose "Anynonymous" as your format and add your name if you wish to. It is so good to share!

Everone lies to his neighbor; their flattering lips speak with deception...
I will now arise, says the Lord. I will protect them ....
And the words of the Lord are flawless... [vv. 2, 5, 6]

God is angered by all the sins of the tongue He sees in our world today. He has promised that He will arise and protect from such people. We wait for the Lord to take vengeance because that is for Him to do, not for us. I am reminded of James 3 which has some great lessons on the tongue and how dangerous it is to misuse it. As God's children we must learn this hard lesson well, and then keep on learning it again! I know that is a battle of flesh against spirit that never ends. Everyday we should try our best to find a way to use our tongue to bring someone else closer to the Lord.

The blessing of life is something that should never be taken for granted. This morning my brother-in-law was released from the hospital in a large city nearby. I drove from our small town to pick him up and bring him back home. I have been praying recently for more opportunities to talk with him about spiritual subjects. He is a good man but has never been one to think about Christianity or serving God. There are few times when I am alone with him long enough to bring up the subject at all, but I have been looking for opportunities to talk about my salvation -- about faith and trust in Jesus, about God's  care for us everyday of our lives.

All went well on the way to the hospital and we were happily heading home. As we were driving along I was talking about what a tremendous blessing just an ordinary day of life is, especially after something like an operation or a prolonged illness. He has never been sick and works hard all the time. His own strength is something he really trusts in. But now he has some health problems and after an operation it was clear that he was more attuned to what I was saying than usual. We observed a beautiful sky and I said that the sunbeams streaming through the clouds remind me of God and our home in Heaven.

We came through a long tunnel and made a turn onto the 3-lane freeway. Picking up speed, I was thankful that at last we were out of the city traffic and well on the way home. Ahead of me in the right lane I saw a van pulling a very large boat. Otherwise, the road ahead was clear so I relaxed and continued to accelerate. Suddenly the boat began to sway back and forth. In an instant it swung suddenly to the left, sliding across the freeway and directly toward us! There was no time to think, I simply "put the pedal to the metal"and swung as far to the left as I could, missing the boat by a hair! There was a loud crash and I was sure we had been hit, but thankfully, whatever it was landed behind us. We were spared a terrible accident that could certainly have been fatal. The entire freeway behind us was shut down and many other cars were involved.

As we recovered ourselves, I looked at my brother. He was white and shaking. He said, "Boy, were we lucky!"Then, at that moment, I had the opportunity to speak of God's  care for his children. I said, "No, John, we were greatly blessed!" I prayed then and there, thanking God for sparing us and guiding us to safety. I told John that I had prayed to God before leaving to come and pick him up, asking for a safe journey and return home. Then for the first time John was open to such a discussion. He was also very thankful for our safety! We praised God several times as we drove on home. I can tell you for sure, coming home today was a tremendous and beautiful blessing!

It is very true that our troubles bring out the beauty of our peace! Health and happiness are so often taken for granted by God's people. We should constantly use our lips to speak words that help others see their blessings and in thankfulness come to Jesus too. The peace that passes understanding can only come through Christ as we live our lives in this perilous and sinful world.

May God bless you as you go about your life today...and may you always be a blessing to someone else. The Lord protect you and give you wisdom.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Faith With Teeth

Today's conversation with God comes from Psalm 11. You'll notice some of the same themes in this one as the past couple of psalms. But don't fail to hear the voice of our God in these words. What is resonating with your heart where you are right now in life?

I trust in the LORD for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety!" (v. 1)

I love this exclamation! This is faith with teeth in it! This is much more the spirit of following Jesus than what we often settle for and witness around us. God is looking for a few good men and women who have enough trust in him to step out and take on the challenges of life with courage! This is a psalm for a man's man. Or for a strong, gutsy woman. People are telling us to play it safe. Always take the safe route. Run at the first sign of danger. Christianity can get so domesticated and, well, wimpy. Our prayers are filled with requests for safety, which would be totally understandable if we were actually risking something. But I'm not seeing too many courageous moves being made advancing on the darkness and laying it all on the line for the Kingdom of God.

But why not? What are we missing out on? The psalmist says, "Why in the world are you telling me to run at the first sign of danger? Don't you know that I am a believer in the true God??" Faith doesn't make cowards. It builds warriors. And not just male warriors. The church of Jesus Christ needs more men and women who refuse to play it safe, who pursue God for far greater motives than their own comfort, who have a much more noble agenda than protecting their own security. As he points out in verse 2, the ungodly are certainly on the aggressive. This is no time for the godly to cower and hide.

The church will grow mighty again when we have the kind of faith that builds muscle. It's easy to say we trust in the Lord, but our actions speak much louder than our words. If we really trust him than we'll be willing to risk big for the salvation of lost people and to right the wrongs in our oppressive world.

Just think how exciting a relationship with God can be! It's more about forging rivers on the rugged frontier in this raging war between good and evil than it is about nice clothes, cushioned pews and air conditioning. Unfortunately, a lot of the real men in the world view Christianity as something for women and children. And that's because we've taken all the adventure and challenge and danger out of it and replaced them with something so much softer and easier.

Will the real disciples of Jesus please stand up and be counted? Let's go do this thing called being on mission with God! I'm not talking about anything fanatical. I'm just saying it's time to really trust God and take some real risks for his Kingdom.

How can you tell me to flee like a bird to the mountains? I'm in this for real. I'll follow my Commander wherever he leads me. I'll fight and die with him for the glory of God's kingdom if necessary. How about you? 

Please share your reflections on what God is saying to you here in Psalm 11 by commenting below.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Are They Stealing My Blessings?

Today Michele and I are blogging together from Psalm 10. We would encourage you to read this Psalm and let God speak to you through it.

This psalm contains the essence of one of our core struggles to live the life of faith. It poses the question, "Why do those who have no use for God succeed in their plans at the expense of those who try to do what is right?"

The wicked are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead. Yet they succeed in everything they do.... Why do the wicked get away with despising God?.... Lord you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. (vs. 4, 5, 13, 17)

Sometimes I look at people who do not honor God with their finances yet seem to prosper financially while others who are committed to generosity and honesty struggle.  I often wonder why that is the case. In the past I've observed couples who have no desire to glorify God in their relationship appear happy together, while others who long for a God-centered relationship stay lonely for so long. Why is it that godless people seem to have the blessings that Christians would honor God with?

As believers we want to see that justice is served and we want to believe there is a difference in the way that God treats the godly versus the ungodly. But it is not always so clear cut in this life. This cry of the psalmist is something that all believers share. We believe that we should be the ones prospering. Our plans, especially the ones to honor God and advance his Kingdom, should be the ones succeeding. Why did the plot to destroy the World Trade Center towers succeed while plans to create new ministries fail?  It's okay to acknowledge the disproportion of justice that does in fact exist in our world. But God isn't through with the world yet!

This psalm reminds us that God will bring justice and we need to continue to pray for that as the psalmist did. While the plans of wicked people may succeed for a time, a reckoning is sure to come. And, God's definition of success is different from ours. God doesn't measure success by the goals that we accomplish but by the character that we exemplify. The ultimate prize that we seek is not wrapped up in the things of this world but in eternal life. 

God does know our hopes, he does hear our cries, and he provides the comfort of his love and good plans for us. They will be far better than anything we could have attained on our own by the world's methods. Believing that is what the whole life of faith is about. Most people settle for mere shadows of the real blessings that only God can give and don't realize how empty their lives really are. But we know that the real thing is worth the wait!

Share your reflections of what God is saying to you in this psalm by commenting below. Sign into your google account at the top right corner or just choose anonymous in the "comment as" field. Thanks!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Set Up the Most Powerful Speakers!

Hello again, followers of Christ, and also followers of this interesting blog that Chris writes for us. It is wonderful that we can get together and talk over something great from the Bible. This blog it is just a great excuse to actually spend some time in the Word of God. Again I am writing instead of Chris since he is away on a trip. May the Lord bless him and the children, and may He bless us as we come together to think about heavenly matters.

Have you praised the Lord today? Jesus said to pray without stopping. How can we do that? I think it is by staying aware, throughout the entire day and night, that our God has given us everything we have, including life itself. Leaning on God to supply our needs and giving Him our thanks keeps us constantly praying. Our chapter today, Psalm 9, begins with these words:

I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

When you woke, did you think to thank God for a beautiful new day of life? Have you realized the awesome wonder of the sun rising again in the East, or of the rain falling from the clouds to water the earth? Praise the Lord! Here in the Psalms that is an ongoing, important theme that we should not miss

But there is more! It is not enough to simply think about praising Him personally. You and I need to actually open our mouths and talk about the power and majesty of our God! Most people miss so much as they go about the business of daily living. Few ever stop to notice a rainbow in the sky, the different shades of green in the trees, or a gorgeous sunset. If such events took place only every 25 years and you had to stand in line to get a ticket to see it, then the true value of such things would be noticed. It is our job as followers of Jesus and believers in God to remind others about it and give God the praise!

The words that come out of our mouths are so very, very important! Most of the time we forget about that fact and "talk off the top of our head." Telling other people about God and Jesus can begin by us interjecting comments about the blessings He gives us into our everyday conversations. Just a word or two can sometimes open up a discussion that gives us a chance to express more that can bring someone else closer to a relationship with God.

 The name of Jesus should be on our lips often, and not as a curse, but as a constant blessing! I often hear the exclamation, "Oh, Jesus!" or "God!" In most cases, that is not meant as praise to Him, that's for sure! I hope that, as children of God, we are learning to reverence the name of God and Jesus. His children should only speak their names with love and praise. We should be happy for all the blessings we receive. We should connect this inner joy with using the name of Jesus and God in a way that lifts up honor and glory to them.

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. [v. 9].

For those who praise and honor Him, the Lord is a refuge, a place of comfort and protection in the storms of life that are certain to come our way. His Presence is a fortress against the winds and waves that beat on our faith and hope. His amazing Love surrounds us and shields His children. How Great Thou Art, O Lord! "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart"! And hopefully, everyone around will hear my praise and glorify God with me!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Majesty and Me

Grace and peace to each of you! Today is another beautiful day, a gift from the Lord our God. Each time we come together to study and reflect on a passage from God's Word we gain a very special blessing. I think it makes the Lord smile to see his children come together to think about spiritual things instead of frittering away all our time on stuff that really doesn't matter that much. Chris is away for a few days and has asked me to write in his place. What an honor that is! His thoughtful and insightful comments always help me a lot. I hope that something I write can also be a blessing to each one of you. Please add to the enjoyment by freely commenting. The more the merrier!

Psalms has always been one of my favorite places to go for spiritual encouragement. They speak to me in so many situations and moods of my life. Today we are reading Psalm 8. Please read it aloud a few times and let it sink into your soul. I found the first and last verses inspiring. Repetition is a form of emphasis, and here we cannot miss the mood of glorifying and praising God!

O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name
in all the earth!

When I read this aloud I feel the overwhelming emotion of praise that David (the writer) is giving to the Lord. My soul joins with his in praising the Lord - our Lord! What an amazing thing it is to have a relationship with God! He is not only God, he is our God. He is not just the Lord, he is our Lord. It is appropriate and expected then that we should give him enthusiastic and sincere praise.

This chapter speaks to my heart about relationships. There are two parties in this relationship: God, the Creator, and mankind, the created. This is not a relationship between two equals. It is a relationship between the Divine and the Human. That is a strange and wonderful combination.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and stars which you have set in place, ...

The words of this chapter lay out breathtaking panorama before us. God's glory is set on display for all to see! His glory is above the heavens. The span of the universe is only the beginning of the glory of our Lord. What a spectacle of light and power is set forth in the night sky -- the moon and the stars.

I love the way David describes the creation of the universe.  The unfathomable depths of space and the planets and exploding stars and galaxies seem to call for huge explosions, mighty thunders and power upon power. And yet, here David paints the picture of our Lord carefully setting the stars one by one into their place with his fingers. I love that thought -- the huge universe in the fingers of our Lord!

Äfter presenting the glory and majesty of our Lord, our Creator, then David changes gears and begins to show a contrast in relationships. He poses this question:

 . . .what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

There is such a contrast between God and man,and yet God crowns us with glory and honor! He gives mankind power over all the earth and everything in it -- on the land, in the sea and in the air. What a great responsibility we have been given to our earth! The way we use our planet and resources is part of our service to our Lord. We need to take care of our bodies too because as Christians we are temples in which the Holy Spirit lives. You and I are caretakers for our God.

Science and religion often come into conflict in our time.We have been blessed with many good things through scientific research but many have left their faith in God and put all their trust into the science of mankind. I hope you and I can be like the children and infants in this passage who praise and honor God when we see the amazing display of His power in the universe. The eyes of a small child when he looks at the moon and stars say it all! And Jesus said that we must become as little children if we want to enter the kingdom. Let's not become jaded by scientific fact to the point that we are blinded to the glory of God that is visible all around us.

Majesty and mankind -- God and man -- my God and I. The great Lord over the universe has a relationship with me! He hears my smallest prayer and knows my every thought and motive. He feels my joy and my pain. He wants me to be with Him. He knows MY name! Wonder of wonders!

May the Lord give us the eyes of a child so that we can always see His glory. May we never stop praising Him and telling Him how thankful we are for His love and care. And, I hope we will grow closer to each other because after all, we are brothers and sisters in God's family. God bless you as you go through this day with a song in your heart and praise on your lips.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Angry Enough to Act

God has something to say to you and me through Psalm 7 today. So let's open up our Bibles and let his word sink into our hearts. Take a few minutes with this one. Here is what I am impressed by:

God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day. If he does not relent, he will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow. He has prepared his deadly weapons; he makes ready his flaming arrows. (v. 11-12)

This psalm, on the surface, makes God sound like a vengeful, angry God who is poised to strike and kill. I mean, "God expresses his wrath every day"? What ever happened to his love and grace and mercy? That's the God I want!

But on a closer examination, the writer (David) viewed these expressions of God's anger as proof that God deeply cares about people. This poem rebuffs the idea that God is apathetic to the injustices that people suffer. Sometimes, checking out the news, I am horrified by a report of what some depraved jerk did to someone else. Are you with me? All my sensibilities are offended and I want to cry out, "God, how could you let that happen??" It seems to us sometimes that God must not care and we question his character.

But far from sitting on his hands, kicked back with his feet on his desk, disinterested and unmoved by our plights, God gets seriously riled up when innocent people are abused. That's what he is saying to me in this text. He cares! And he doesn't miss a thing. Justice will be served out, sooner or later. As angry as I get about the victimization of the innocent (especially when the innocent is me), God's wrath is even fiercer. But unlike humans, he keeps his anger in control so that he never overreacts. His justice is always right on target.

God cares. I must remember that. And if he cares so deeply about injustices in his world, so should I. His conerns should be mine. I must care too. If anyone is guilty of turning a blind eye, it would be me rather than him. And rather than sit back apathetically, I need to do whatever is in my power to alleviate the plight of the victims and give them a voice. There are practical ways to do that, especially given the way that technology has shrunk our world and given the common person such vast opportuntities to get involved.

Lord, help me to discern how and where to fight for the abused and oppressed. Like you, may I be angry enough to act. But let me always act out of your wisdom and guidance rather than my own impulses. Amen.

Please share your thoughts on what God is saying to you here. And be blessed! Comment below (choose Anonymous from the list beside "Comment as.")

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pray For a Change

God is continuing to speak to me about his covenant faithfulness and prayer through today's reading, Psalm 6. The most important part of participating in this blog is reading the Scripture and meditating on it yourself. What I hope you will begin to develop is the practice of letting God speak to you through his word and shape your life. My comments are more of an example to you of the kind of reflection that I hope you will develop the ability to do, if you haven't already. And hopefully, my thoughts will also enrich your own conversation with God. Go ahead and sit down with Psalm 6 for a few minutes. What is the Holy Spirit impressing on you?

My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?... The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. (v. 3, 9)

What I notice most about this prayer, besides the gut-wrenching emotion that it expresses, is the dramatic change in tone from the first half to the end. The person praying is deathly ill. He is physically weak and in serious pain. At the start of his prayer he's crying to God out of the anguish of his soul. He's afraid. He's feeling as though God is angry with him, punishing him for some sin on his conscience. Death is staring him in the face and he's not sure he's going to make it. His heart is breaking!

And then suddenly his whole aura changes. His extreme anxiety in a moment gives way to peace. A confidence sweeps over him that gives buoyancy to his spirit. And his confidence is that God has heard and accepted his prayer. He believes that God has granted him mercy and that his enemies who are hoping for his death will be disappointed. Healing is on its way.

That's the power of transparent, honest, humble, expectant prayer! A heart-to-heart conversation with God can take me from an anxious ball of raw nerves to a place of calmness and assurance. That's assuming that I have a real relationship with him, as the psalmist did, trusting that God's love for me will never be withdrawn ("save me because of your unfailing love"). And that peace is also conditioned on me believing that God is responsive to my prayers.

Have you experienced this? Have you ever prayed and felt an unexpected peace just settle over you? That's what God is offering you and me today and any day! One thing that authentic prayer always changes is me.  Holy Father, I too wonder how long it will be until you answer some of my prayers. But I want your peace to rest on me as I believe that, in your mercy, you accept my prayers, you hear me, and your blessing is on its way. Amen.

Now, please share what you heard God saying to you when you read Psalm 6. Sign in on the top right of the page or simply select Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. God's peace to you!