Friday, June 17, 2011

GPS By God

God has more to say to us today than usual! He's speaking from Psalm 18, a little longer song of praise. There is a lot here to take in. Part of it will be exactly what you need to hear. So let's read and reflect!

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless... It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. (v. 30, 32)

I need this reminder today, my God. Your ways are perfect. I need that reminder because I don't always understand them. Sometimes your ways seem baffling to me. It must amuse you the way we humans attempt to question and judge your wisdom. But I guess the questioning is part of learning what faith really is. If I never felt uncertain about what you were doing, I wouldn't fully appreciate the decision to trust you.

Your ways are perfect. Every plan of yours is formed out of your infinite wisdom and understanding. Every motivation of yours is good and pure and loving. And you have all the power you need to accomplish whatever you purpose to do! You are amazing, God! I'm so thankful that you are my God, that I don't have to depend on myself and my own ability to make my plans work out.

It's a tremendous source of peace to realize that, since your ways are perfect, when I follow your leading you will also make my way work out perfectly. "...he makes my way perfect." It may take what seem like crazy hairpin curves and go up and down like a rollercoaster at times. The future may be hazy and feel as though everything is up in the air. But all of those feelings are borne out of my inability to see what you see. Your ways are perfect. I know that if I follow and go your way, you will make my way perfect, too. I won't be perfect. Circumstances won't be perfect. But the path you carve out will be just the perfect path for me to take to grow in the ways I need to grow and to unpack all the potential you have filled me with: "...he enables me to stand on the heights" (v. 33). That's what I want to do!

I bless your name, Lord! You are most certainly trustworthy! There is no GPS system for life that compares to you! I can't wait to see the perfect plans that you have for me, my family, and all of your people! When I feel uncertain or doubtful, remind me of this rock-solid truth: As for God, his way is perfect...and he makes my way perfect. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

I am very interested in hearing what part of this psalm especially spoke to you today, so please share it! Sign in at the top right corner of the page, or just choose Anonymous in the "Comment as" field, and share your impressions below.


  1. Strange, I was thinking along these same lines yesterday as i was driving. And I came to the same conclusion, God knows where I am going, even when I don't. He is able to lead me through the depths and over the heights, and finally to my home with Him. I thank God for this knowledge because it puts my heart at rest when I am struggling against the decisions of life. We can't always see around the corner, but He is already there! Thanks Chris! Great thoughts!

  2. Awesome blog!! It's amazing how God knows exactly what we need to hear! At times, he speaks to our hearts so vividly...there is no question he wanted us to hear this from him today!! Knowing that his ways are perfect and he will make our ways perfect takes the pressure off us and allows us to rest and let him lead. There is such freedom in trusting our Lord!!


  3. I'm so glad this one struck such a cord with you! This is one to really hang onto and keep coming back to when feeling uncertain about the future. He is leading!
