Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pray For a Change

God is continuing to speak to me about his covenant faithfulness and prayer through today's reading, Psalm 6. The most important part of participating in this blog is reading the Scripture and meditating on it yourself. What I hope you will begin to develop is the practice of letting God speak to you through his word and shape your life. My comments are more of an example to you of the kind of reflection that I hope you will develop the ability to do, if you haven't already. And hopefully, my thoughts will also enrich your own conversation with God. Go ahead and sit down with Psalm 6 for a few minutes. What is the Holy Spirit impressing on you?

My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?... The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. (v. 3, 9)

What I notice most about this prayer, besides the gut-wrenching emotion that it expresses, is the dramatic change in tone from the first half to the end. The person praying is deathly ill. He is physically weak and in serious pain. At the start of his prayer he's crying to God out of the anguish of his soul. He's afraid. He's feeling as though God is angry with him, punishing him for some sin on his conscience. Death is staring him in the face and he's not sure he's going to make it. His heart is breaking!

And then suddenly his whole aura changes. His extreme anxiety in a moment gives way to peace. A confidence sweeps over him that gives buoyancy to his spirit. And his confidence is that God has heard and accepted his prayer. He believes that God has granted him mercy and that his enemies who are hoping for his death will be disappointed. Healing is on its way.

That's the power of transparent, honest, humble, expectant prayer! A heart-to-heart conversation with God can take me from an anxious ball of raw nerves to a place of calmness and assurance. That's assuming that I have a real relationship with him, as the psalmist did, trusting that God's love for me will never be withdrawn ("save me because of your unfailing love"). And that peace is also conditioned on me believing that God is responsive to my prayers.

Have you experienced this? Have you ever prayed and felt an unexpected peace just settle over you? That's what God is offering you and me today and any day! One thing that authentic prayer always changes is me.  Holy Father, I too wonder how long it will be until you answer some of my prayers. But I want your peace to rest on me as I believe that, in your mercy, you accept my prayers, you hear me, and your blessing is on its way. Amen.

Now, please share what you heard God saying to you when you read Psalm 6. Sign in on the top right of the page or simply select Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. God's peace to you!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, thank you, Chris, for your explanation from Tuesday's blog......that provided great clarification.

    I can totally relate to the psalmist here! When I am really concerned about something and I turn to God in prayer there are so many times that I feel total peace by the time I'm done praying. I almost feel as if God is holding me in his arms and telling me that everything will be okay. Such comfort!

    Thank you, Lord, that you provide peace and hope to those who run to you. Even when times are hard and things are going very poorly, you can somehow provide a great sense of peace in the middle of the storm. You are my shelter, protector, shield and rescuer! Help me never to forget that. I will run to you and trust that you will answer my prayer.

    Just rest in the comfort of knowing that your Savior can and will hear your prayer and will always provide an answer! He is the creator and sustainer of all!

