Wednesday, June 29, 2011

God, I Love Your House!

I'm spending time alone with Almighty God in Psalm 26. Yesterday's blog by Michele was a great one on taking the high road in conflicts, if you missed it! So be sure to read it and then take in God's word in Psalm 26 with me. Ask God to show you what he wants to communicate specifically to your own heart through these words. For me, this statement jumps out:

I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, O LORD, proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds. I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells. (v. 6-8)

We used to live in a little wood frame house while I was in seminary. It didn't have a piece of insulation anywhere in it. We could feel the cold breeze through the floorboards in the winter. A squirrel lived in our attic and would get in our closet, depositing nuts in Cathy's shoes. At one point, we discovered that raw sewage had been pouring out underneath the house. The floors were so unlevel that a ball would roll all by itself from one wall of a room to the other. And on top of all that it was Pepto Bismol pink with blue trim. But people would come to visit us and remark how they loved our house. I think they were lying. But it is a nice feeling when someone says they love your house. After all, it's where you live.

Through this whole psalm, David is laying his case before God, and it is this: I am faithful to you, God, so please come to my aid. And one of the points that he reminds God of is the genuine worship that he has offered up. It hasn't been hypocritical worship, which is really more of an insult to God than anything. He worships in innocence out of pure motives. He loves to tell about the great things God has done in history and in his own life. And he loves God's house. That would be the temple, the center of the worship and service of God. Through Christ, God no longer puts the focus on a building of brick and morter but on the people who make up his church. Christ's church is described as a spiritual house, with him as the foundation and each believer as a living stone (1 Peter 2:5).

I do love Christ's church. I can honestly and wholeheartedly say, "Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells." It is important to me. I prioritize my place in it and the contribution that I make within it. I love worshiping and testifying to God's goodness with his people. Sometimes the church doesn't live up to its calling. It's made of imperfect people. I've certainly been disappointed at times when the church failed to grasp the vision that God has for it. But I love it just the same! I love it because it is God's house and the place where his glory dwells.

It's good to be able to pray to God and ask for help and offer up my love for his church as evidence of my love for him. I wish the same for us all.

God, please help us to love your church with the passion that you do, to do everything we can to build it up and make it strong. I commit myself, my finances, my time and spiritual gifts, my effort to ramping up the ministry that happens from your house. Please bless all of my efforts and those of every other member and make your church all that you dream for it. Amen!


  1. I rest assured knowing that God's house, for me, is no other place than in my heart. Therefore, I know He is always home, no surprise visits, no emergency clean up in order... He lives there, He dwells there, and knowing that God's house is my heart, it keeps me in check of what I put in it, who I let live there with God and what comes out of it.

  2. Yes, he does also live in each of us, in our hearts! Awesome thought, isn’t it? But we shouldn’t overlook the house of God that we share with the rest of his people, the church. The fact that God also lives in us together as a people, a group, is equally important and the emphasis in this psalm.

  3. It is true that the Spirit of God lives inside me and that is the best reason to "keep my house in order" -- washed in His blood and walking in His light. It is also very important to remember that Jesus wanted his followers to be be unified in the faith and show it by loving each other. It is really hard to be alone without other Christians, especially over a long period of time. We should thank God for the fellowship we have in His church and support it with all we have -- body and soul.
    I thank God for this place where we can share! Thanks Chris, and Michele, for your thoughtful and inspiring words!

  4. We need other Christians in our share life with, to grow with, to hold us accountable, and to pray for one another. I am so thankful for my church and the relationships that I have developed there. Because the Spirit of God lives inside of me, I am moved to relationships w/ other believers. Thank you, Lord, for taking up residence both inside of me and in your church!

    Great comments! Thanks, Chris, for encouraging us to build up God's house and help it to grow!
