Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Faith With Teeth

Today's conversation with God comes from Psalm 11. You'll notice some of the same themes in this one as the past couple of psalms. But don't fail to hear the voice of our God in these words. What is resonating with your heart where you are right now in life?

I trust in the LORD for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety!" (v. 1)

I love this exclamation! This is faith with teeth in it! This is much more the spirit of following Jesus than what we often settle for and witness around us. God is looking for a few good men and women who have enough trust in him to step out and take on the challenges of life with courage! This is a psalm for a man's man. Or for a strong, gutsy woman. People are telling us to play it safe. Always take the safe route. Run at the first sign of danger. Christianity can get so domesticated and, well, wimpy. Our prayers are filled with requests for safety, which would be totally understandable if we were actually risking something. But I'm not seeing too many courageous moves being made advancing on the darkness and laying it all on the line for the Kingdom of God.

But why not? What are we missing out on? The psalmist says, "Why in the world are you telling me to run at the first sign of danger? Don't you know that I am a believer in the true God??" Faith doesn't make cowards. It builds warriors. And not just male warriors. The church of Jesus Christ needs more men and women who refuse to play it safe, who pursue God for far greater motives than their own comfort, who have a much more noble agenda than protecting their own security. As he points out in verse 2, the ungodly are certainly on the aggressive. This is no time for the godly to cower and hide.

The church will grow mighty again when we have the kind of faith that builds muscle. It's easy to say we trust in the Lord, but our actions speak much louder than our words. If we really trust him than we'll be willing to risk big for the salvation of lost people and to right the wrongs in our oppressive world.

Just think how exciting a relationship with God can be! It's more about forging rivers on the rugged frontier in this raging war between good and evil than it is about nice clothes, cushioned pews and air conditioning. Unfortunately, a lot of the real men in the world view Christianity as something for women and children. And that's because we've taken all the adventure and challenge and danger out of it and replaced them with something so much softer and easier.

Will the real disciples of Jesus please stand up and be counted? Let's go do this thing called being on mission with God! I'm not talking about anything fanatical. I'm just saying it's time to really trust God and take some real risks for his Kingdom.

How can you tell me to flee like a bird to the mountains? I'm in this for real. I'll follow my Commander wherever he leads me. I'll fight and die with him for the glory of God's kingdom if necessary. How about you? 

Please share your reflections on what God is saying to you here in Psalm 11 by commenting below.

1 comment:

  1. That hit right between the eyes, Chris! I believe you have been given the words that you wrote from the wisdom you have so often prayed for. All my life I have trusted in the Lord and taken my family into places and situations that were far from safe. I remember singing "Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go..." many times with my children. I believe I taught them this concept of faith. And yet now I find myself wanting to protect them - wanting them to play it safe, so to speak. Thank you for posting this "kick in pants" that has put me back on track. Blessings as you go forth in the fight for right and truth.
