Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Safety in God's Arms

This is Michele writing for you today. This is an especially tough day for me as I am struggling with some situations in my life that, at this time, seem too hard to bear. But I know that being in God's word and seeking his guidance is what I need to overcome life's struggles. That is why I asked Chris to allow me to write for him today. I am focusing on Psalm 16 this morning and need desperately to hear this word from God. Please read it with me and try to hear what God has for you in this psalm.

As I wrestle with my emotions today I am hearing my Lord remind me of his protection of me and the ones I love. Sometimes in life there are decisions that seem humanly impossible to make and I feel very inept in my ability to do so. I don't understand how God could expect me to put so much on the line and alone make a decision that could potentially have disastrous consequences regardless of which one I make. When my mind is so foggy and my thoughts are so overwhelming that I can't make sense of them I just need to cry out to God. Even cry out to him without words, just cry and know that he is aware of my concerns and listens to me. Nothing I'm dealing with is foreign to him or bigger than he can handle!

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.... I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. (vs 1,7-8)

God does not expect me to make any decision alone....instead he expects me to come to him for refuge. Even if I don't have the words or a full understanding of what lies ahead, I can be assured that my Lord is always with me. God seems very quiet and distant at times.....and maybe this is because he wants me to draw closer to him, to stop trying to figure it out all by myself and to allow him to truly guide me. My need to come to a conclusion quickly needs to be tossed away as I rest and trust my Lord with my life.

I can be shaken if I allow myself to be. That would be Satan's desire. I could just give in and give up quickly. That would be Satan's desire as well. Or, I could do as the psalmist did and trust that my God has me in his hands and will see me through this very hard time. With God right beside me I can rest and wait for him to speak to my heart....all the while knowing that I am safe in his arms. Nothing can take my hope from me!! God knows my heart and will guide me through....he promises!

God, you are so faithful, even when we aren't. You promise to keep us safe through all of life's ups and downs. Help me to trust you and to allow you the authority in my life. I love you Lord and will seek you and cling to your goodness! Amen

My prayer is that you will share with me if you have ever felt the way that I'm feeling today. Have you ever felt that something in front of you is too big for you? Have you ever wondered when God would reveal his plan to you? And please tell me how it all worked out. Please share your comments below!


  1. Michele, thank you for sharing what you did in this post! Your reflections are clearly so real and honest and so encouraging.

    Yes, I've been at places, too, where I was facing something that dwarfed me like an ant in the shadow of a mountain. I, too, know what it's like to cry out to God and not even be able to find words, to feel that same swirling confusion that you describe. I faced something like that just a year ago in Cathy's death.

    I can't really say yet how it all worked out. It's still being worked out. I'm still waiting to see God's plan for the rest of my life to develop. I know that I am a partner with him in that plan. I have choices to make. I have to be faithful and do what he has put before me to do. There is still a lot of haze surrounding all that happened and where it will lead. But I do know that God is with me and his love is totally dependable.

    I can say that God has held me, held us, through all that we were hit with and the aftermath. And a few months ago he brought a new love into my life that has been such an amazing blessing! God will see you through your crisis and bring you to a place of blessing again. Trust him!

  2. Oh yes, it sounds so very familiar, Michele. I have been in such places many times in my eventful life! And somehow, all the worry, all the fear, all the feeling of being vulnerable melted in the face of God's love and care and guidance for me. So many of life's struggles are like the waves of the sea....they loom up in a most dreadful and threatening way, but before they actually get to me they have turned over and are simply a stream flowing over me. Looking back, I see how amazingly He has led me by His loving and caring hand into places and through situations I could never have planned for myself. "Let go and Let God"...that saying is a good one. Lean on Him and not on your own understanding. Thanks for sharing from the depths of your soul. This is what true Christianity is all about.
    I will pray for you, and I trust God to guide you as you look to Him to show you the way.
    God bless you and make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace.

  3. Thank you, both Chris and Katrinka for your comments. It is great to know that I'm not alone, although it feels that way sometimes.

    I know that God will hold me. I have also experienced many times when the thing that brings about such fear is really not such a big thing in the long run.

    Chris, God has also blessed me with a new love in my life. This love is from God and is such a source of support and encouragement in my life. I am so thankful to God for this blessing!!
