Monday, June 13, 2011

A Rare Breed

I'm getting a late start on this blog entry, but it's been a very busy day! I'm listening for God's voice in Psalm 14--what is he wanting to impress on me through this ancient song?

The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. (v. 2)

Sometimes I feel the spiritual shadow hanging over my community. It just seems like most people are either apathetic or oblivious to the pursuit of a relationship with God. I wonder at how they could give so little thought to their Maker and all the implications that his existence has. How do you ignore something that big and important? How do you live as if there is no God?

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (v. 1)

He's not talking only of intellectual atheists. Actually, there were none of those at the time this psalm was written. Intellectual atheism is a rather modern phenomenon that has only been seen since the Enlightenment. He's talking about people who, although they believe in God, live as though he's not there. It's a foolish thing to go through your days ignoring the reality of God. Yet the world is full of such people! There have been some short periods in my life that I was one of them.

This morning on one of the radio talk shows, a female DJ made the comment that circumcision was something dreamed up by a man. She was arguing that it was purely a human invention, that God never really spoke to Abraham and gave him circumcision as a sign of the covenant between them. It was Abraham's crazy idea, or someone else who made up the story of Abraham. Oh yeah, right! Like what man would ever dream up the idea of taking a knife to his penis?? I mean, seriously! Of all the dumb comments! I just thought it was a great example of how few people show any real understanding.

A true seeker of God is rare. God is looking for them all the time. It's as though when he finds one he is pleasantly surprised, intrigued by the wisdom he sees in that person. And it is those who really seek God that do understand. They don't understand everything, but they understand the truth that makes life good. They know the secrets to real happiness, to lasting love. They are able to see through the shams that blind others to the ways they are messing up their own lives. God watches people like that with great interest. I bet they make him smile!

Father God, I want to always be one that you're watching like that. I want to be one of the few who seek after you and who understand what life is really about. I want to feel your favor and know, in humility, that even I am one of those who has turned aside and become corrupt and am in need of your grace. For true understanding points me always to my own weakness and your strength, my need and your provision, and to how much I need your salvation. Amen!

Please share your comments below!


  1. Is God really intrigued by the wisdom he sees in certain people or has he given them that wisdom to begin with? Just asking.

  2. Jesus said that one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled. To me, that is a big part of wisdom -- seeking God, wanting to be what God wants me to be. And there is the promise that the one who prays for wisdom will be given wisdom. Just as in Cain and Abel, it seems that although everyone is given the same opportunities, there are some who make it their priority to please God. This is a very interesting discussion today! I started off my day coming to see what spiritual thoughts would stimulate me to shine brighter today, as He asked me to. God bless all of us who participate with a special measure of His wisdom.

  3. Yes, God is the source of all wisdom. The psalm expresses that God is actively looking, intrigued by those who have enough humility and awareness to seek him and receive his wisdom. They are a rare breed in a self-satisfied, broken world.
