Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm listening for a word from God from Psalm 21. The first thing I noticed was how closely connected it is to the previous psalm. The warm wishes and blessing that are extended in Psalm 20 have been fulfilled in Psalm 21 (compare 20:1 with 21:13; 20:4 with 21:2; 20:5 with 21:1; 20:7 with 21:7). Again, the power of blessing! But what else is God impressing on you here?

Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. (v. 6)

God is so generous! And the blessings he gives are numberless and constant. Just today we finally got some good rain here in the Houston desert! What a blessing to see it fall! I have a computer and Internet access that allows me to share this blog with you. More blessings to be thankful for! And a lot of people get those kinds of blessings from God, even people who don't see them as blessings or bother to thank God for them. But God's best blessings--his very best--are "eternal blessings." They're the sort of gifts that you never stop enjoying--things like endless love, forgiveness, a noble legacy, friendships that really will last forever, freedom to become all God intended, authentic core goodness, the adventure of exploring and enjoying the new heaven and earth, and most of all, the 100-proof joy of being in the direct presence of God!

Not everyone gets those blessings, because not everyone seeks God and puts their hope in his only Son. But of all the good things that he's introduced into my life, there is nothing temporary--no matter how good--that is going to satisfy like God's eternal blessings! And they are mine no matter what temporary troubles I face! All of the struggles of life on this present earth will simply melt away the moment that I am escorted into a face-to-face encounter with the ultimate Being who honors and loves me as his own! That's a good thought to hang onto! It's amazing to know that you've hit the motherload!Even now, the small tastes of his presence that he gives me make me feel glad to be alive!

God, how can I thank you enough for the ways you bless my life? And I want to be sure that your best, eternal blessings will be mine to enjoy! I don't want to miss a single one! Amen.

What did God speak into your day in this ancient text? Please share it in the comments box below. First sign in (top right corner of page) or you can opt for Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. I wish you the best blessings!


  1. God did speak today to me. It was because of what you said. Your faith shines and your words lifted me up when I was feeling sorta like things were hopeless. And after what you've faced I see faith in action. Thanks for the sermon brother.

  2. So true, Chris! There are far more blessings in my life then there is pain. When I really think about what countless other people have to endure on a day to day basis, it puts my life into perspective.

    I was praying yesterday as I was taking a walk and asking God to rescue me from certain things in my life. I suddenly felt God's presence as if he was holding me and a sense of peace washed over me. I love when that happens because it is a sure sign that God is with me even as I struggle in life. What a blessing!

    Father, help me to stay focused on your blessings in my life. Most importantly, your eternal blessings! Help me to see through the junk of life and see your blessings. Lord, help me to be an example of strength and love and hope to those around me. Amen!


  3. It's great to know that you you, too, are experiencing the peace and joy of God's eternal blessings, especially those priceless moments when you feel his nearness! May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
