Friday, July 29, 2011

Playing Favorites

No matter what the weather or the time zone you are in as you read this blog today, it is a glorious, blessed day! Each day of our lives is a gift -- a gift of TIME, one of the commodities that can't be bought for any amount of money. How you and I choose to use that gift today is up to us. Part of that choice is deciding who I will spend time with. Our blog today has to do with this choice. This is Katrinka writing again on this Friday. Let's begin with reading the first 13 verses of James 2. It has some great practical advice for us today.

Especially notice the first 7 verses that talk about how a rich man is treated when he comes in, and the contrast with how a poor man is treated in the same assembly. The rich man is honored with the best seat in the house, while the poor man is shunted aside and treated with no respect. James, the inspired writer, goes ahead to explore the motives of such behavior by saying:

"Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world
to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom
promised those who love him? But you have insulted the poor.
Is it not the rich who are exploiting you?"(vv. 5-6)

It is just human nature to put some people on a pedestal. For example, when someone from a "royal family" gets married, it makes the news all over the world. That is especially true if the bride is young and beautiful and the groom is handsome and rich! Movie stars attract huge crowds who wait for hours just to get a glimpse of them in person as they walk the red carpet. Yes, it is human nature to want to associate with the rich and famous. We honor them with our admiration and our hard-earned money!

On the other hand, we don't stand in line to see a homeless man search through trash to find something to eat. Human nature turns away from such a sight, despising the man and wanting to stay as far from him as possible. His clothes are dirty and he does not smell of Chanel No. 5. He has nothing to offer us in the way of prestige or contact opportunities! We do not give a party in honor of the poor man who cannot pay his mortgage. Instead, we look up to people who have boo-koos of money which we will never have any part in. It is just human nature, but this is not the Christ-like, spiritual way to live.

"If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture,
'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right.
But if you show favoritism, you sin..." (vv. 8-9)

The Bible is an amazing book for many reasons, but this is one that validates it's authenticity and inspiration. No ordinary book would be telling us to treat the poor with the same honor and respect as we treat the rich and famous! No ordinary book would be telling you and me to offer food and work to a homeless man just because that is what I would want if I were in his shoes. No ordinary book would tell me to help the woman with several children and not enough food in the house just because I like to eat and have my children going to bed full instead of hungry.

Of course, we need to all be responsible for our own family first, but we should also actually search for opportunities to give someone in need help and comfort. Why? Because if I were in that same place, in that same circumstance of need, I would desperately want someone to reach out and help me. That is why One Life Church has gone into the streets of downtown Houston and offered sack lunches to the homeless. That is why they have collected and passed out warm blankets to help warm the poor in bitter cold weather. When we do such things we are serving our Lord in the way He told us to. We honor the poor in the best way we know how.

Beyond that, Jesus taught us to do that by both His words and His example. He left Heaven and came to earth to live a humble life and die a terrible death just for you and for me! He gave us His new covenant and in it he told us to be merciful and to love our neighbor as ourself. We can't take care of everybody who has need, but we can surely reach out and touch someone -- as many as we are able to help in a responsible way. Physically helping someone often opens their heart to receive spiritual words that can save a soul. Bring light into the darkness in every way that you can! Jesus did.

There was a commercial by a phone company several years ago that said, "Reach out and touch someone!" The thought today is that we can reach out and touch the poor, normal people in need, instead of giving rich and famous people our honor and resources. We can possibly put this into focus by thinking about who we might invite as guests into our home. Why not invite someone who has not got the resources to repay you? that is true giving.

President Obama, Brad Pitt, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Queen Elizabeth, or Frank Thompson who just lost his job and house -- if I could choose one of these to come to my house for dinner tonight, who would I choose? I still remember that my dear daddy used to say of the President, "He still puts his pants on one leg at a time." Funny, but true! People are just people. We are all equal in God's sight. By reaching out and helping someone who is poor I can show honor to my Lord. Doing this I follow in the footsteps of Jesus because he was of the humble folk and not of the rich and mighty in this world. And now He is reigning at the right hand of the Father in heaven!

Dear Lord, help me to open my eyes to my personal prejudices. Help me to see more clearly the opportunities I have to do good and help others in this world. Make we wise enough to realize that the rich and famous of this world are not to be my "heroes." Instead, give me Jesus Christ as my example and Supreme Lord. To Him be the honor and glory, not to a mere human being!
In Jesus' name I ask it, Amen.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Face in the Mirror

Thursday morning and the week is coming to an end. Don't some weeks just seem to fly by? Let's stop what we may be doing for a couple of minutes so that we can reflect on what God wants to say to us from his Word. We will still be focusing on James 1 today and specifically on verses 19-27. This is Michele again and I am so glad to be able to share with you what God is laying on my heart. I hope that you will share your thoughts as well.

But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For is you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in the mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. (v. 22-24) 

Oh boy....does this not speak to my heart right now and bring complete conviction to my spirit! I have always had an over active conscience. For as long as I can remember, I've had a deep need to let others know when I've done wrong and have truly needed to feel that I am forgiven and free of the guilt that comes along with my wrongdoing. As a child, that was my mother. I would tell her some of the silliest things because I just had to confess to someone. I was raised in the church but that was the extent of my spiritual did not extend into my home. Therefore, I was not taught to take my confession to the Lord. But.....I always felt deeply when I had done wrong. I saw it and desperately wanted to do better!

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and as you look in the mirror you notice that there are some things that need to be fixed before you can go about your day? Maybe some bed head, pillow lines on your face, or gunk in your eyes? If you're like me, you probably want to change those things before moving forward. It's great when we do and we then feel much better, but sometimes we just ignore what needs fixed and we continue to feel undone.

It is the same way with our sin life. Often times, we recognize that we are being sinful but we just simply go on. We know good and well what God says about the issue at hand but we ignore him. Or, we feel convicted and deeply want to change in that area, only to fall again. Knowing what God's word says is great and wonderful but we also have to apply it to our circumstances. Always easy? A resounding NO!! Facing sin is not something that is meant to be done alone......we need God's help. God will always be available to assist us.

But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. (v. 25)

Now that I am a devoted Christian who has put my faith and hope in the Lord, I realize that true freedom comes from God alone. Although confessing sin to others is very important, especially to those we have sinned against, we will only find true freedom in Christ. The law is available to us so that we will know when we are being sinful and be aware of what God expects of us. Knowing this does not take away our sinful nature because we are still fallen creatures. We will still sin but freedom comes from the grace that God continues to extend to us. It is only by his grace that we are able to pick back up and move forward. Only by his grace are we able to make the changes in our lives that mold us into the people that God wants us to be. The best part is that God promises to bless us if we will put this into practice.

Lord, I want your blessing in my relationships, in my work, in my every situation. I want to live my life as an example of your life changing salvation. Help me to apply your word to my life today and every day to follow. I want to leave a legacy of holiness with the ones who I am an example to and I can only do that by applying your truth to my life. I love you and need your guidance and wisdom to be all that you want me to be to the ones I love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Please share your insights. It is always great to hear from you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Times of Testing

Good afternoon and happy Wednesday to you all! This is Michele writing for you today. We have completed the first book of the Psalms and are now moving into the book of James. Living out our faith life is the central theme of this book. I am excited to see how God will speak to each of our hearts as we join together to study this portion of his Word. We are beginning with James 1:1-18. Go ahead and read it for yourself. Pay close attention to what God is saying to you personally. The following are the verses that struck me as I read:

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (v. 2-4)

This text does not say if, but when, troubles come your way. Life as a Christian does not mean a life of ease. Troubles are a part of life and James is reminding us that they will come our way.....guaranteed. This text also tells us how to respond to the troubles in our life. In fact, the text tells us we are supposed to consider them an opportunity for great joy. What!!! How can we be joyful when we are going through struggles? James is actually telling us that, in the long run, our struggles can bring us great joy as we persevere through them. We certainly should not pretend to be joyful as we struggle.

How about those of us who are parents, maybe starting our own business, or venturing into a brand new chapter in our lives? All of these are bound to bring trials! Trials help us to grow and become the people that God wants us to be. Many successful parents and entrepreneurs had to muddle through very hard times in order to raise their wonderful adult children or grow their business. In the end, they have great joy!! That is, if they were dependent upon God to develop their endurance along the way. And, God will give us wisdom as we persevere: "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you, he will not rebuke you for asking" (v. 5). The encouraging promise here is that we always have God to lean on. We will not have real wisdom without the help of our Heavenly Father. It is just a matter of asking!

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (v. 12) 

We are all tested and tempted in this life. We always need to remember that God will test us but only Satan will tempt us. Satan will use the people or situations in our life that mean the most to us in order to bring temptation. This text goes on to tell us that if we give in to our evil desires sin will fester and ultimately bring a very progressive manner. Death to our Christian convictions, our morals, and our values. If we depend on God to help us endure, we will not have to face our evil desires on our own. We have the conqueror of all evil on our side! I certainly want to receive all that God has promised me.....even if that means enduring whatever life on this earth will bring!

Dear Lord, please fill me with wisdom to live my life in a way that will honor you. Help me to depend on you, knowing that you have all my trials already solved. Please help me to persevere as I face whatever this life brings my way. Help me to keep my eye on the prize of ultimate eternal life with you. That is great joy!! Amen.

Please share your thoughts about this text with us! There is so much to gain from sharing with other believers. Please join in! We would live to hear from you!

Monday, July 25, 2011

"Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!"

Hello bloggers! How happy it makes all of us to be together again! This is Katrinka writing today. Please help by adding something to the thoughts I have written today. It blesses us all to share! I love to read your comments! Chris and Michele, along with the children, are enjoying a rare "time out" from their busy schedules. I pray their time is a happy and blessed one!

Maybe you are old enough to remember the commercial that this title is taken from? It was funny, but if you are in that situation, it is definitely NOT funny! Life is like that, isn't it? Many times in our life we are brought to a point where we really have very little control over our circumstances. Without a helping hand, we just can't get up! That is one of the great blessings of being a child of God -- we can lean on Him and know that He "has the whole, wide world in His hands." He is our Helper and our Comforter. Help is on the way!

At the same time, Jesus has made it really clear that He wants all of his children to be a helper, to be a blessing to others in this hard old world. Remember that Jesus said: "Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7). Today, in this chapter -- Psalm 41 -- I was struck with that same promise:

"Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; 
the Lord delivers him in times of trouble.
The Lord will protect him and preserve his life" (v. 1)

Only in Jesus have we been taught to treat other people just like we would like for them to treat us. This principle of caring for others is a constant thread that weaves the Christian's life together. Because God loves us, we should love other people. God uses you and me to be His hands in this world. When we show that we care, in every way that we can, we show the love and compassion of God. On the other hand, when we look around at the selfishness and "me first" attitudes that most people have, we witness what happens in the world when Jesus and God are left out. It's not a pretty sight.

One day while in a foreign land I saw this contrast clearly demonstrated. I was walking up long, steep stairs leading from a subway station. I was hauling a few shopping bags and my legs were getting tired. In front of me I saw an old woman -- stooped and lame. She was struggling to drag a huge, heavy sack of potatoes up the stairs. People rushed by her rudely. Some people ran into her and gave her a dirty look because she was in the way, holding up traffic. No one offered to help. No one put themselves into her shoes and realized how hard it was for her to go on alone. There was no sign of mercy and no compassion in anyone there.

I was with a young man who is a sincere Christian. He saw what was happening and went over to help the old woman. He reached down and, with a smile, was about to pick up her bag of potatoes and carry it up the stairs for her. I will never forget the look on her face. I saw her suddenly transform from a weak, old woman into a furious, raging maniac! She was yelling her head off and pounding the young man with her fists! The problem was that she had absolutely no clue that someone might try to help her. It was inconceivable that a young man would care about her problem! Instead, she misjudged him completely because the concept of helping was beyond her. In the mind of this old woman, the young man was a thief who was trying to steal her precious potatoes! There was no alternative.

Such is life when people grow up without mercy or caring. It is a "dog-eat-dog" world -- and that is such a cold, sad state of mind and soul. Even in atheistic societies it is not unusual for people to take care of those they love, to help their own family and friends. What is totally strange is for a person to help someone they do not know at all. The ability to even notice that someone may need help -- that comes from  the Lord. Our Jesus taught that true religion is to help the orphans and widows (people who cannot take care of themselves so well) and to live a pure life as much as we can. When there is no religion at all, mercy and care vanish.

When you and I give help to others we can be sure that we will receive help in return.That is God's promise. It is true that it is more blessed to give than to receive. But there comes a time when those who have been the "givers" will need care and help themselves. The circle of life is so that God supplies someone to help us after we have done all we can to help others. No one can be only a caretaker. Each of us will come to a time when we must also be on the receiving end. God supplies that help when we need it. He never leaves us with nothing and no one, as long as we are in His family. Jesus said:

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father in Heaven."  (Matthew 5:16)

Loving hearts and serving hands -- that's what this life is all about! And I thank God for all the opportunities I have had to serve others. Now, as I am growing older, I am also thankful beyond words for His human "angels" who come to help me in things I can no longer do. Yes, dear family of God, we ARE blessed in Christ Jesus our Lord! Have you helped someone today? If not, do so! To God be the Glory!

Friday, July 22, 2011

When the Lion Comes

Grace and peace to each of you today, followers of Chris' blog, and more important, followers of Jesus Christ our Lord! This is Katrinka writing today. It is my hope that you will add your thoughts to those which I have written. Sharing makes is so much more fun! I always go back for several days and see what others have added to the previous lessons. It is encouraging to see you here today! Thank you for joining in!

Today we are sharing the reading of Psalm 40. I have read it several times and thought it over, and I hope you will too. What struck me was that it seems to have some of the same characteristics as my real life. That is what is amazing about Scripture, it never gets out-of-date. Inspired writers filled with the Spirit of God gave us food and encouragement for every day and every situation we meet in our modern everyday lives.

In the beginning of this Psalm I see blessed relief and thankfulness! David, as king of Israel, was often in really bad and unpleasant circumstances. His song of relief and thanks for the help the Lord provided comes first:

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry,
he lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,..."
a hymn of praise to our God." (vv.1-3).

As I read this, the word "patiently" jumped right out at me, and I am thinking, "If I were the one sitting in the slimy pit of mud and mire, would I be waiting patiently for help?" I don't think so! I would be panicking! I would be yelling and flailing my arms trying to find something to grab onto! And the worse part would be that I would be thinking about all the snakes, leaches, and other slimy stuff in that mud about to make me their lunch! If it were quicksand and I could not feel anything solid underneath, you can be sure I would begin to pray, but not patiently! I want relief and I want it NOW!

How about you? Do you think you have the calm faith to be praying and "waiting patiently" when things in your life get really out of your control? This quality of faith that David has must come from spiritual exercise. This is a man who has done his "spiritual aerobics" By this time in his life, David has had a lot opportunities to experience the power of God in his life. David knows by now that true help comes only from God, the Lord.

The shepherd boy David still lives in the grown man, King David. Inside his soul still lives the boy who had the faith to meet Goliath the Giant when everybody else was terrified and and running away in panic. This kind of patience that David shows definitely comes from experience, from the fact that God always comes through and "sets his feet on a rock." Here in Psalm 40 we read that David has experienced it again! He has been rescued and put into a place again where he can "stand" and assume control of his life. He praises God in song with his whole heart!

You and I can become strong in the Lord in the same way, by keeping on trusting Him and seeing His deliverance in our lives. Jesus told his followers to "become as little children" if we want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Our children have their own "heroes" such as Spiderman or Batman. They play and pretend to have such super-powers. They like to be the invincible one who wins every battle because of some special "force" or ability that puts their abilities over the abilities of normal people. This is all in good fun, of course. But Superman and Spiderman cannot give me or my child the real power he allegedly has. But there is One who can! Jesus Christ!

We are God's children if we are washed in the blood of Jesus and set him up in our lives as our Hero! We know about His amazing power --  and that is real power! We know of His amazing love and protection that He gives -- and that is real! We know that He does not have to go into a phone booth to change clothes before he can come to our rescue when we call! We have the Lord God Almighty --  the One who created earth and heavens -- watching over us! We have the King of kings leading our small band of soldiers as we meet the hoards of the enemy, Satan, in battle every day of our lives. Wow! What Power we can call on in time of trouble!

And now I need to ask myself , "If the proverbial  LION comes into my life today, will I call for help from my God and then 'patiently wait' for the deliverance He will surely bring?" I may not get immediate rescue, immediate removal of the lion or the situation immediately resolved, but I have the promise of God that He will bring the Victory! Wait on the Lord, and be faithful for as long as it takes. He will OVERCOME, and I will overcome right along with my God, praise the Lord! Come! Let's follow Him with a song of thanks in our hearts!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Running Out of Time

All of God's blessings to you, my friend! Ready for a conversation with God? Let's do it! But first let's remember to let God be the one who decides what we need to hear. The conversation starts with him, the sovereign King.

I'm taking in the thoughts of Psalm 39 on this beautiful Thursday. It's not expressing the mood I feel today. I'm up and this text is down. But before I move away from it, there may still be something I should hear. So I'm giving it a second read and a third... Here's one thing that I think God wants me to apply:

Lord, help me to realize how brief my time on earth will be. Help me to know that I am here for but a moment more. My life is no longer than my hand! My whole lifetime is but a moment to you. Proud man! Frail as breath! A shadow! And all his busy rushing ends in nothing. He heaps up riches for someone else to spend. (v. 4-5)

Thank you for that reminder, God. But I'm all too aware of it. I think a lot about how quickly the time passes, how fast the years seem to be blowing by. I see it especially in my children as they grow. A lifetime seems long when you think about it, but the actual living of it goes by so fast. And I wonder how many people rush through their lives and one day come to the moment of their death and realize that they never got around to truly living.

I don't want to be that guy! I don't want to waste my life on trivial stuff. I don't want to fail to experience the joy of the little blessings. I don't want to miss out on the big ones either just because I was too afraid to trust God and take a risk. I want to spend the time I should with my kids, my loved ones and my friends, and especially my God. I want to accomplish something I can take with me into eternity, something that will last and continue to make ripples for good after I'm gone. I can't let the clutter of this life keep me from what's most important. There is only so much time...and then it's gone.

It isn't exactly inspiring but it is motivational. God has given me my one life to live here and now. And it's not going to last long.

And so, Lord, my only hope is in you. (v. 7)

I'm going to live a whole lot longer on the other side of death than I will on this side. It's like comparing an inch worm to light ray from the furthest star, multiplied exponentially into infinity. So yes, I'm going to live now in preparation for then. I'm going to make sure that I use this little test run we call "life" to launch me into the real thing yet to come! There's just no other way that makes sense.

Check out the video below of a relevant song by Rebecca St. James. But first, can I ask you a favor in return for the time I put into this blog? Share this entry to your Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook icon below (F). Also, share your thoughts and reflections by commenting below. Choose Anonymous from the "Comment As" field, or sign in first with your Google account (top right corner of the page). Thank you so much!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Feel So Guilty

Welcome to today's conversation with God! I hope these times in God's Word are strengthening to you and bring you closer to God. Today, let's settle into Psalm 38 for a few minutes. Give it a reading. Is there anything that stands out to you or speaks to your life right now? This psalm is a prayer of repentance and a plea for mercy and healing. So it's very specific to those times when we know that we have sinned against God and we feel the distance that our sin has created between him and us.

My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear. (v. 4)

Guilt can be good and guilt can be bad. It depends on what is causing it and how you deal with it. There's true guilt and false guilt. True guilt is when you have done something wrong or failed to do something good that you should have done. It's like your conscience's smoke detector. It's going off, alerting you that you screwed up and you need to do something to fix it. False guilt is when you feel bad about something that you really shouldn't. Maybe it's guilt that someone else loads on you unfairly. Or maybe it's just you beating yourself up. But either way, guilt is heavy and it sucks the life out of you if you let it hang around.

So what to do? The solution isn't to lose your conscience. It's there for a good reason! If you keep repeating what you did wrong you'll eventually stop feeling bad about it. But that doesn't mean you're alright. Quite the opposite, it just means you've gone numb inside. You've stopped feeling what you should. You've let the smoke detector's batteries die. The threat is still there; you're just not hearing the alarm anymore.

The thing to do with guilt is deal with it. Figure out the source. Is it true or false guilt? If it's true guilt, the solution is found right here:

I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin.... O LORD, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior. (v. 18, 21-22)

Give it to God. Own up. Admit it. And ask forgiveness. If you've received Jesus as your Savior, then the price has already been paid for your sin. Claim it. And then celebrate God's mercy and grace!

If it's false guilt, let it go. Identify it as an unfair burden and refuse to carry it. Give it to God, too. Affirm to him that you aren't subject to anyone else's judgment. You only answer to God. You are free to live under his loving rule and let his word be your guide. You are free from the bondage of other people's rules and expectations. God, it's good to be free!

Please help us double the size of our online community! Share this entry to your Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook icon below (F). Also, share your thoughts and reflections by commenting below. Choose Anonymous from the "Comment As" field, or sign in first with your Google account (top right corner of the page).

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Jaw-Dropping Inheritance

God is on his throne and watching over us today! I saw a glimpse of his majesty in the sunrise this morning on the water. I need to hear from him so I'm going to his Word, back to Psalm 37 for a second helping! Did you notice this thread?

Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture (v. 3) .... those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land. A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. (v. 9-11).... those the LORD blesses will inherit the land (v. 22).... Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever (v. 27).... the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever (v. 29)... Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land (v. 34).

That's the refrain throughout this inspired song, which is all about the fact that God establishes his people and assures their future. The most immediate fulfillment of these promises was that the people of Israel would continue to be blessed to live in the land God had promised and given to them. But it ultimately speaks of something more, something further down the path of time--a time when all evil-doers will be totally removed from the landscape and only those who have put their hope in God will remain. Jesus was alluding to this psalm and reaffirming the same promise to you and me when he made the famous statement, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5: 5).

Throughout Scripture God makes promises about the new earth that he will recreate when he destroys the present one to purge it of all its corruption, much like he did in the flood of Noah. But this time it will be a total recreation, and the biggest difference will be that God will join the new heaven and new earth together as one. He will dwell among us, and we who love him will inherit it all! It will be ours to live eternally, to laugh, to play, to love, to serve, to be together, to be productive with work perfectly suited to us, to explore, to worship, to enjoy music and dancing, to feast, to experience the ultimate best of all of God's blessings forever!

I can't wait to enjoy all that God has in store! It will make all the struggles of this life fade away into oblivion, scarcely to be thought of again. And I will inherit it because of the grace of Jesus Christ! My investments are going there. It's going to be awesome beyond words! Thank you, Lord!

Please help us double our online community by sharing this entry on your Facebook page. Just click on the Facebook icon (F) below to do that! Share your comments and thoughts about what God is saying to you in this psalm. Sign in at the top right corner of the page and then type your comments in the box below. Or just select Anonymous from the "Comment as" field. Can't wait to hear from you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweet Time With the Lord

Good morning and happy Friday! This is Michele sharing with you this morning. I am reading Psalm 37, which is rather long. There are a plethora of insights to be gained from this song but this is what spoke to my heart this morning:

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. (v. 4-5)

First of all, how do I delight in the Lord? Remember what it was like when you first met your spouse or, for the single people, the time you fell in love with someone? The longing for every minute you spend together, talking on the phone for endless hours about any and everything, taking extra time to make sure that you look wonderful for this person. Getting to know him or her was/is exciting and exhilarating! You took/take delight in that person, deriving great pleasure from being with him or her. That's just the same way that we should take delight in the Lord! The more time we spend with God, the better we will know him. Spending time with him should be as exciting as spending time with the person we are in love with. After all, God loves us even more! Knowing that gives me delight in him.

Does the second part of this verse mean that if we do this then God will give us anything we want? No, not hardly. Wouldn't that be nice? I do believe it means that the more time we spend with him, the more we will delight in him and desire him. This will then result in us wanting more and more of him! Don't we become like those we spend lots of time with? My heart will ultimately desire the things of God and not so much the things of this world. Therefore, he will give me the desires of my heart because my heart will desire him!!

As I spend more and more time with the Lord, I will learn to trust him in all areas of my life. God is trustworthy and is able to take care of all things much better than I am. I will begin to commit everything to his care because I will have experienced the true depth of his grace and love for me over and over again. What a relief to know that he will help me!!

Dear Father God, I want to desire you more and more every day! I want to take even more delight in you than I do in the person I am in love with. Help me to spend more time with you, talking with you throughout my day, sharing each and every detail with you. Give me a deep desire for your Word, Lord. Please lead me in your ways and fill my heart with delight and desire for you! Amen

Okay,'s your turn now! Please share your thoughts and insights with us. We thoroughly enjoy your comments and hope that you will make them known. Have a wonderful Friday and great weekend!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Fun House Mirror

Welcome back to the fellowship we share here in the blog! What a blessing it is to my heart every day to come here and be stimulated with thoughts that help me be a better person in God's sight. I am also thankful to be part of this Christian family that I treasure -- the family of God. I, Katrinka, am writing today instead of Chris as he travels back home after a short trip out of town. It is my prayer that the thoughts that come to me today from Psalm 36 will be a blessing to you, as you are to me with your comments. Please DO comment. Then it is as though we are sitting together in a lovely place and discussing these things instead of just traveling a one-way street.

"...concerning the sinfulness of the wicked:
There is no fear of God before his eyes,
for he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin." (vv. 1-2)

It is really hard for me to see myself in an unbiased way! Mostly I think that I am "a good person" who tries my best to live in a good way. I try to keep from hurting others as much as possible, and I try to remember to work on the faults I know that I have. But even then, it is impossible for me to see myself as others see me. It is especially impossible for me to see myself as God sees me. It is a lot like looking into one of those crazy mirrors in a Fun House. No matter what you do to get a better perspective on yourself, still the image you see before you that is supposed to be you is really not right at all! It is a false image -- a distortion of me.

I am especially humbled when I remember that Jesus taught that only God is GOOD. I know that I sin even when I try not to. But if only I can recognize it and see myself in a more realistic light, then I can know how to pray and how to live to become more what God wants me to be. The Bible is the best mirror for our souls. If we look into it regularly, we are more likely to see our own shortcomings more clearly. We can then see a true image in place of a distortion.

Most of us are a lot better at checking out the faults of another person than we are at seeing and recognizing our own "dirty linen." We can easily tell someone else what he/she needs to change, can't we? It reminds me of the parable that Jesus told about the guy with the log in his eye trying to take a splinter out of another guy's eye! Impossible, right? Please, Lord, let me remember this story more often!

The real cause of such blindness is diagnosed right there in the first part of this passage in Psalm 36: "There is no fear of God before his eyes." If a person has no fear of God, no respect for His Creator, does not even acknowledge that there is a God, then he is truly blind in the ultimate way. God is Light, and if we refuse that Light, we live in the deepest darkness. No wonder then that such a one cannot see his own faults? Does a mole know that it lives in darkness?

The closest way to God's heart is through humility -- through our humility to see our own mistakes and confess them. First I must confess my mistakes to myself before I am even able to begin to confess them to God, and to others. We are taught by Jesus to confess our sins to each other. Instead, all too often we go to great lengths to simply cover them up. It takes genuine humility to admit fault, and yet we are never more fault-free than when we fall on our faces before our God, and before other people and admit our mistakes. Then we are truly raised up and blessed as a child of the King! Now, it is YOUR turn. Please share your thoughts on this, or another verse in this beautiful Psalm.

Blessed Lord, please give me clear eyes to see myself honestly. Please help me to be able to admit to my problems and sinful ways, and then seek your Face and the love of my fellow Christians to overcome my failings and sins. Thank you, Lord! In Jesus' blessed name I ask it all, Amen.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to Comment As Yourself

Tired of being Anonymous when you comment? Ready to proudly attach your name to your insights? I'm going to walk you through step-by-step how to sign in and comment as yourself.

At the top right corner of the blog page it says “Sign In.” Click on that.

It will take you to another page where it says “Sign in with your Google account.” If you already have one, enter your email address and password. You probably don’t have one yet, so look below that sign-in box where it says:

“Don’t have a Google account? Get Started.” Click on the blue, underlined link.

That will take you to another page titled “Create a Google account.” Fill in the fields, choose a password, submit it, and you’re done. You can even attach a photo or icon to your profile if you want which will show up beside your name when you comment.

Now you can go back to the Sign In link on my blog, fill in your email and password, and click on the Sign In button. It will send you back to the blog page and you can now comment. You will see in the “Comment as” field that it now has your name.

If you don't want to go to the trouble of signing in each time you want to comment, you can check the box below where you enter your email and password that says "Keep me signed in." No worries!

Let me know if you have any problems. Now, please read today's journal entry, God In My Corner, by clicking on it's title in the right-hand column!

God In My Corner

Welcome to our daily conversation with God! If you'd like to read it regularly, please use the appropriate link on the right column. Today we're letting God speak to us from Psalm 35. Voice this prayer with me. What most resonates with you? I found both an assurance and a great purpose to carry with me. First, the assurance:

The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant. (v. 27)

Michele pointed out in yesterday's entry that a trouble-free life would leave us feeling independent and without need of God, even though he would be the one eliminating all our problems. That is one reason he allows us to go through times when our faith is both tested and refined. But at the same time, the above statement from verse 27 assures me that God is always for me, not against me, when I have given him my life.

That's important because every temptation I face to do wrong basically is rooted in the lie that God's way isn't the best, that he is holding out on me. And every time I feel discouraged in the middle of life's troubles and stresses, it's because I wonder if God has turned his back on me. As someone I know recently complained, "Why should I keep believing in God? He's doing nothing for me!"

But God is telling me that he delights in my well-being. He is for me, not against me. He is wise enough to know what is best for me and loving enough to want to give it to me. When I flourish, he is delighted! And the reality is that my best growth often comes through the challenges and failures. So he allows those too. But even then God's ultimate purpose for me is to see me flourish and become all that he dreams for me. With that confidence, I can carry with me the purpose that David had for his life:

My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long. (v. 28)

Knowing that God is in my corner, rooting me on, I will go about each day with this intention--not just thinking of him or avoiding sin but also looking for every opportunity to put in a good word about God. I will honor the God who loves me as his own child by speaking his praises. When I am blessed, I can acknowledge that with my mouth. Instead of saying, "Wow, I sure am lucky!" I can say, "Wow! God sure is good!" That will both increase my feeling of closeness to him and point others to him. See how many times you can speak of his goodness today!

We picked up a couple of participants this week! Please help us double our online community by sharing this entry on your Facebook page. Just click on the Facebook icon (F) below. And share your comments and thoughts about what God is saying to you in this psalm. Sign in at the top right corner of the page and then type your comments in the box below. Or just select Anonymous from the "Comment as" field. Can't wait to hear from you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Times of Trouble

Have you ever had the feeling that God has forgotten you or just doesn't understand the troubles you are facing? I certainly have! Join me, Michele, as I read Psalm 34 this morning. This is what I hear God saying to me:

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time (v. 18-19)

Why is it that those of us who are following God and trying to live our lives to honor and glorify him, still have trouble? Doesn't seem fair, does it? Why isn't all the calamity saved for those who don't follow God, who live their lives specifically for themselves? What use is it to be a Christ follower if my life will be full of trouble anyway?

What I would really love is to be totally free from any type of struggle. It would be great to never have to worry about what direction my life will go, to have no care regarding the uncertainties of life. To live like a carefree child! But, if that were the case, I wouldn't need a Savior. I wouldn't need to depend on God, I could just depend on myself. I could handle all of it alone.

I know one thing for sure....I want the Lord close to me! I want him to come to my rescue when I feel as if I am drowning in my sorrows! I am assured of these two things when I read verses 18-19. The psalmist assures me that I am not alone, that my God will draw close to me and rescue me.  I need God's wisdom, power and courage to get through the things of this life. He may not always totally wipe away the troubles but he will always help me through...I don't have to do it by myself!

We have all had times when we question God's presence in our circumstances. We wonder why. We try to make sense of what his plan for us may be. Or, we just try to make our own plans work because we are tired of waiting on him. But, there is another promise in this psalm:

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. (v. 5)

Lord, I want to be radiant with joy! I want to feel no shame because I know that I have waited and depended on you to show me the way. Help me, Lord, to trust you in all areas of my life. I want you to draw close to me as I lay all my burdens at your feet. You are the God who can and will rescue me....I can't rescue myself. I need you and I love you, Heavenly Father. Amen

Please share any comments with us! Also, invite your friends to read the blog. It may be just the blessing they need at this time in their life. Have a great day!

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's All About God

I hope you had a great weekend! The psalm I'm reading from today is a reminder that life is all about God. It's Psalm 33. Let's listen to what God wants to say!

I hear God saying, "Put your focus right here...on me. I am the source of everything you need, and I want to bless your life." That's important, because most people don't think that way. Most of the time they're focusing on anything but God. But the wise know where to look.

Worship fills the opening of this poem: "Sing joyfully to the LORD....praise him. Praise the LORD...make music to him...Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." There is something wonderful that happens to us when we worship from the heart, when we let ourselves feel the wonder of God and let him know how awesome he is to us! Worship calms my mind when it's troubled. It makes me feel alive and reminds me that God is worth celebrating!

And why should I worship him? Because he formed the universe and rules it in his unimaginable wisdom! Because no matter what plans we humans make, it's his purposes and plans that prevail. I should worship because he is the source of life.

When I worship God authentically, it inspires me to trust him. Let's face it, sometimes it's hard to trust. I'm constantly tempted to take the world on my own shoulders and think that I have to solve everything. As if it's all up to me! That is a very stressful place to be, not to mention an unrealistic one. Lifting up the God who even formed my heart inspires me to let him be God. It helps me to turn over my plans to him and wait in hope for him. I love the ending lines:

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. (v. 20-21)

If I will really put my hope in God and trust his love, then I always have something to bring joy to my heart! And joy is really good thing!

Please help me expand the reach of this tool to others by sharing it to your Facebook page. Just click on the "F" icon below! And share your thoughts about what you heard from God in this psalm by commenting. I love to hear from you!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sweet Forgiveness

Friday is finally here and most of us are winding down for the weekend! Join me, Michele, in Psalm 32 this morning. Forgiveness is the central theme of this song. What a refreshing topic for us to focus on today! I know that I daily need God's forgiveness and I am reminded of the joy of being forgiven as we read this psalm.

Immediately, in the first 2 verses of this reading, I am filled with hope!

Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty! (v. 1-2)

I don't know about you, but I need to be reminded of the complete forgiveness that is mine through my relationship w/ Christ. My past is full of choices that have led to life-long consequences. I lived my life, at one time, completely for myself and my decisions were definite proof of that. David, the writer of this psalm, had also made some choices that brought regret and remorse to him. David wrote this psalm after he realized God's forgiveness of his sins against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah. Talk about needing to know you are forgiven!

God not only forgives our disobedience but he also no longer sees our sin and totally clears us of all guilt! Ahhh........that's what I need to remember! Forgiveness is something I need every day of my life and it is mine, and yours, through faith in Christ. We no longer have to carry the weight of guilt or feel like we carry a big sticker on our forehead naming the worst thing we've done in our life. No, we need to turn to God, repent of our sin, and believe what God's Word says about his promise to forgive. It is a promise and God's promises are always true!!

Dear Lord, please help me to claim your forgiveness and feel the joy that comes along with that. Help me to live an honest life that honors you. Help me to remember, when I mess us up, and I will on a daily basis, that forgiveness is mine through faith in you. Keep my feet on your path and help me to live my life for you. I am forgiven, you see my sins no more and you have taken away my guilt. I love you, Lord! I am yours, washed and cleansed through the blood of your son, Jesus!! Amen.

Please share your comments about this psalm with us. Chances are, your heart picked up on another verse in this song and it would be interesting to know what God is saying to you. We would love to hear from you!! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Point the Way

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Our conversation with God today is centering around Psalm 31. Let's ask God to speak to us through it and then read it together. If something stands out to you, underline it. Think about it. How does it apply to what's going on in your life right now?

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. (v. 3)

This is wisdom. If God is the strong bedrock that keeps me secure, I want his help in making my decisions. So many choices. Such an array of paths to take. How will my life be different ten years from now if I choose this path or that one? It can be a paralyzing thought sometimes. If I choose this school or that school for my kids, will it affect the kind of adults they become? Will more happiness come my way if I stay on this career path or should I divert to that one? How will this relationship play out if I pursue it? I don't know the future or the long-term implications of the decisions I make. 

But I know someone who does! God, it is you. I know you have given me my mind to reason, to imagine, to problem-solve. You've given me my intuition to help me know when something feels right and when it doesn't. You've provided me with common sense. But still I know that these tools are all fallible and can potentially be misleading. But you are not, God.

Lord, please lead and guide me in the decisions I am making. Be my compass. May my reasoning and intuition be channeled through the superintending influence of the Holy Spirit. Guide me to decisions that will bring about a future of blessing and joy instead of sorrow and regret. And do this "for the sake of your name"--not just for my own good but for your good intentions and your glory. Let everyone in my life see that your guidance leads to the best places! Amen.

Help me reach my goal of doubling the followers of this blog by the end of July. Below is a row of icons. The one with the F is Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, please click on it and then type in a comment to share this blog entry on your profile status. It's one easy way to share your faith! (You may be prompted to log in to Facebook.)

Also, share your insights into God's word to you today. Sign in at the top right corner and then type your comments below. Or choose Anonymous from the "Comment as" menu. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do the Dance!

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening! I'm taking in your word in Psalm 30. Show me what you want me to hear most importantly right now. Ingrain it on my heart. I love to read your inspired word and know it is your letter to me!

When I felt secure, I said, "I will never be shaken." O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed. (v. 6-7)

Self-confidence is important, but it should be anchored in my my trust in God. Any sense of security that is based on my own ingenuity, my job, my savings, or the way I've positioned myself is a like leaning on a spider web. There have been times that my confidence was more in myself than it should have been and, like the psalmist, I sooner or later discovered that any security I had was because of God's favor. Even my assets were from him. And when he "hid his face" I was quickly reminded of how much I must depend on him.

But when I lean on God through life's challenges and disappointments, he wants me to rest on this promise:

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (v. 5)

I'm hearing Trading My Sorrows in my head right now. God will at times discipline me or test me because he loves me and wants me to grow. But his favor is always upon me, even when I don't feel it. I am his child, and he loves me even when I disappoint him. Sad times and hard times don't last. But God's love does. My days may feel more like the dead of night for a season, but God has promised that the morning sun is on its way! I'm claiming that promise today. Joy is coming!

And when it does come, then I will break out in celebration for what God has done:

You turned my mourning into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy... (v. 11)

Yes, there is a time to dance! And nobody should dance like the children of God! Celebrate his blessings! Do the dance!

Help me reach my goal of doubling the followers of this blog by the end of July. Below is a row of icons. The one with the F is Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, please click on it and then type in a comment to share this blog entry on your profile status. It's one easy way to share your faith! (You may be prompted to log in to Facebook.)

Also, share your insights into God's word to you today. Sign in at the top right corner and then type your comments below. Or choose Anonymous from the "Comment as" menu. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Storm God

God is thundering today through Psalm 29! Take in the scene with me! Can you hear it?

The God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.... The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars.... The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. The voice of the LORD shakes the desert...twists the oaks and strips the forests bare.
This is possibly the noisiest, most chaotic text in the Bible. Seven times the voice of the LORD thunders. The mountains, the desert, the seas all shake and churn, the trees bend back and forth as huge branches break under the pressure as the storm of God's power thrashes them! God's might and strength are compounded by his fury. The displays of his glory are sometimes violent and awesome.

In the middle of all the noise and disruption--the pounding rain, the crashing thunder, the flashes of lightning, the hurricane-force winds--the last line of the poem seems totally out of place:

The LORD blesses his people with peace (v. 11).

There is something about being awed by God's power and might, even in the most tumultuous displays of his glory, that calms the heart of one who loves him. Unlike his enemies, we take comfort in his power. We know that he uses it to defend us. So the thunder of God's voice may ravage the world around us while at the same time settling a peace over our hearts. That is the blessing of belonging to him.

Yes, God sometimes rides the storms. Sometimes it is he who brings it. But if you are his son or his daughter, you are seeing the strength and glory of your Father in the storm. Let his awesome might bring peace to your heart and calm your spirit. He's on your side!

Father, you amaze me! The displays of your glory are astounding! Your power humbles me and reassures me that my God is awesome! Show the world your might! Flex your muscles! Only remember to keep your promise to bless your people with peace. My soul finds rest in you in the midst of the storms. Amen.

Your impressions of God's message to you in this text may be an encouragement to others. Please share them by commenting below. To do that, sign in at the top right corner first, then type your comments. Or choose Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. God be with you today!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Two-Faced Man With Your Two-Faced Lies

Well, if you've been working for the weekend, congratulations! It's here! If you're part of One Life Church, first watch this short video announcement:

I know how much I need to let God shape my perspective today, so I'm sitting down for some time alone with him in Psalm 28. You're invited to join us! First pray and ask God to speak what you need to hear. Read the psalm with me at least twice, preferably out loud. Keep looking over it and see what catches your attention most. Here's what I noticed...

Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts... Repay them for what their hands have done and bring back upon them what they deserve. (v. 3-4)

Duplicity. There really is a lot of it in this world. Is there anything uglier? It's like AC/DC's old rant, Kicked in the Teeth Again, where Bon Scott screamed about that "two-faced woman with your two-faced lies." It reminds me of a time shortly after I had stepped into a long-established church as their new minister, some years ago. One of the 60-something couples always greeted us cordially at worship gatherings with big smiles and handshakes and were very friendly. One evening, they invited our family for dinner at their house and we had a nice time. Not long after that, I had gone to breakfast with some minister friends at a local restaurant one morning. We were sitting in a high-backed booth talking and eating when we started hearing a loud voice coming from the booth directly next to ours behind me. I immediately recognized the voice as belonging to this man who had previously had us over for dinner. He was in the middle of a rant with two of our church leaders about what a menace to the church I was! He was angrily going on and on and, at one point, even compared me to Hitler! My friends and I were looking at each other in disbelief. The reason for his malice? I had introduced projecting lyrics on screens instead of using the hymn books and brought more contemporary songs into the mix with the traditional hymns. In his mind, the church was headed straight to hell behind me.

The man's dislike of technology and new songs is one thing. He's entitled to his opinion. What disgusts me is his duplicity. There is nothing quite so slimy as a person who pretends to like you when they really hate you. They say nice things to your face and then stab you in the back with a proverbial knife. Maybe you've been the victim of someone like that. The comfort is in knowing that God sees. He knows. And he is not pleased. He will bring their treachery back to haunt them. Why? The psalm explains...

Since they show no regard for the works of the LORD and what his hands have done, he will tear them down and never build them up again. (v. 5)

What are "the works of the LORD" that such people have no regard for? Their neighbors that that they hate. What has God "done with his hands" that they totally disregard with their malice? He created that person that they are hurting. He formed them. And he loves them so much that he sent his one unique Son, Jesus, to suffer and die to save them and bring them back to himself.

Father, thank you for reminding me about the value of every person you've created. May I treat them as your works, the creation of your hands. Lord, point out any hint of duplicity in me. If any is there, please show it to me and convict me. May I never harbor malice against anyone or be guilty of treachery. Purge me of any spite towards another person. Free me from all hatred to be able to love even my enemies. Make me true and authentic in all my relationships. Amen!

We welcome you to share whatever God has stamped on your heart through this inspired text. Sign in first (top right corner of the page). Then type your comments below. Or skip the sign-in and choose Anonymous from the "Comment as" field. Have a God-led weekend!