Monday, July 11, 2011

It's All About God

I hope you had a great weekend! The psalm I'm reading from today is a reminder that life is all about God. It's Psalm 33. Let's listen to what God wants to say!

I hear God saying, "Put your focus right here...on me. I am the source of everything you need, and I want to bless your life." That's important, because most people don't think that way. Most of the time they're focusing on anything but God. But the wise know where to look.

Worship fills the opening of this poem: "Sing joyfully to the LORD....praise him. Praise the LORD...make music to him...Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." There is something wonderful that happens to us when we worship from the heart, when we let ourselves feel the wonder of God and let him know how awesome he is to us! Worship calms my mind when it's troubled. It makes me feel alive and reminds me that God is worth celebrating!

And why should I worship him? Because he formed the universe and rules it in his unimaginable wisdom! Because no matter what plans we humans make, it's his purposes and plans that prevail. I should worship because he is the source of life.

When I worship God authentically, it inspires me to trust him. Let's face it, sometimes it's hard to trust. I'm constantly tempted to take the world on my own shoulders and think that I have to solve everything. As if it's all up to me! That is a very stressful place to be, not to mention an unrealistic one. Lifting up the God who even formed my heart inspires me to let him be God. It helps me to turn over my plans to him and wait in hope for him. I love the ending lines:

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. (v. 20-21)

If I will really put my hope in God and trust his love, then I always have something to bring joy to my heart! And joy is really good thing!

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  1. It is all about God!! Just as you said, Chris, it is so easy to want to take our lives into our own hands....but the freeing reality for me is that I don't have to figure it all out on my own!!

    "For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does" (v.4)

    There are lots of times when I wonder what God is up to, he can be very confusing and I sometimes think I have much better solutions. That's because I only see the here and now and he sees the entire picture. I am so comforted to know that I can trust everything he does....he knows what is best and how it will all turn out!

    It is indeed all about God! Praising him produces joy in my heart and the comfort of knowing that the God who spoke the world into creation is my guide!!

    Thank you, Lord!


  2. "Without Him, I can do nothing...." an old song goes. How true! "When the wind blows, He is my shelter; When I'm lost and alone, He comforts me; and when the lion comes, He gives the Victory, constantly watching over me." Rest in the Lord and praise His Holy Name!
