Friday, February 18, 2011

My One Constant

Happy Friday! We need to hear from God as we head into the weekend. Let's spend a minute in Isaiah 40:27-31. It's short and powerful! Read it two or three times and notice every phrase. I encourage you to write in a journal what is standing out to you and why. Here's mine:

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary. . . . He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (v. 28-29)

God, though I get weary and burned out sometimes, you never do. You are perfectly constant. Every day for you is your best day! You don't have off days like I do. And what's more, you lend your strength and power to me and others who believe in you and who look expectantly to you for help.

I'm so glad that I can rest in the everlasting God whose love and energy never, ever quit on me. In my life, he's my one constant.

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  1. Good thoughts,Chris. Weary and tired is a constant for me right now, and this is very applicable. Thanks for the encouragement! Our God is our refuge, an ever-present help in times of trouble or anytime. I need to remember to take Him with me everyday, everywhere.

  2. I like that when we trust in God we find new strength! Like you Chris, I get worn out and I feel hopeless at times. I am so thankful that I don't have to go at this alone. God is always w/ us and will give us the strenth to overcome!Thank you Chris, I needed to hear this today.

  3. AMEN! God strengthens me, daily. Every morning I usually spend my 5:30 time slot with Him, but the past few days I haven't, and I can tell... mentally, emotionally, physically. When I am in constant prayer, I am always lifted up... when I am "too busy", somehow, it always catches up with me. Imagine that!

  4. I loved hearing the break down of these verses from Kevin on Sunday. Definitely makes it easier to remember the verse now.
