Friday, February 25, 2011


It's a beautiful day! Ready to hear from God? Great! Let's go to Isaiah 43 and read verses 1-13. He's definitely got something to say to you here. Take a minute to listen with your heart. What are you hearing? Here is what I'm hearing:

I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you . . . they will not sweep over you. And when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. (v. 1-2)

Wait! God, you mean that you accept me as your own and call me by name to walk with you, and that is going to involve fording rushing rivers and plunging through fire? So a life lived in relationship with you is more like a wilderness expedition than a membership at the country club. You're inviting me to journey along with you and experience an adventure together! And it will involve risk and danger and difficulty at times. You're not offering me a smooth, easy ride, but the excitement and challenge of invading enemy territory, expanding my borders, pursing the ultimate prize.

I accept! But only because I trust your promise to uphold me and see me through every challenge. I anticipate the thrill of accompanying you on this adventure and experiencing your deliverance. It will be worth it to get to encounter your divine presence, to get to know you personally, God. That is far worth the hardships of the journey. I won't trade it for the pseudo-safety of a tame religion that shrinks back from any real risk. And I wouldn't want to navigate the jungles and battlefields of this world without you beside me. When I have a healthy fear of your awesome power I am free from fearing anything else.

I embrace the journey, God. Thank you so much for inviting me along!

You guys had some really good comments yesterday. It's enriching to me and the other readers when you share your thoughts, too. And it creates a sense of community. So why not go ahead?

Please share your thoughts by commenting below. Either sign in with your Google account profile or select Anonymous from the drop-down list.


  1. I must admit sometimes I dont feel like God is anywhere near me when I am going through crisis in life. I go so much on feeling, human feelings, that I sometimes don't believe God is even there in the darkest times even though I want to believe He is.
    Lord help me to see that you are with me throught whatever I am going through good or bad. Open my eyes to your goodness and help me as I keep trying to grow in you.

  2. If we don't take risk, we don't grow. Trusting God in all situations, even when they seem impossible or too difficult to bear, is what our life of faith is all about!!

    I get so excited when I think of all that God has planned for me because he has ransomed me, chosen me, and tells me not to be afraid. Step out in faith, trusting that God will work all things for the good of those who love him, and wait and see what he will do w/ your life!! He will knock your socks off!

    Lord, sometimes I am fearful of things that look far too big for me to wrap my head around. But you promise to see me through and bless me when I am obedient. Over and over again in your word you tell me not to be afraid, for you are w/ me. Nothing in this world can overcome me because I am yours!! Your awesomeness is beyond my understanding. I want to trust you in all things and believe that you are the God of the impossible!


  3. Hey Uncle Chris I figured out how to comment idunno what was the dealio anyways this is wonderful stuff to follow along with. I cant write nearly as eloquently as Michele but i guess I better learn since I am in composition class hahahehe. God is good and stuff


  4. Great to hear your thoughts, guys! God is indeed with us through the times when he seems most absent. Perhaps even more so. Believe it. Memorize it. Internalize it. And recite it when you doubt it. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
