Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heart Check

Today's reading is 1 John 2:15-29. Let God speak to you through his Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth you need. What statement in this passage does he seem to be emphasizing to you today? For me . . .

Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. (v. 15 The Message).

There was a time when I was living with one foot in God's Kingdom and the other foot in the world. It was no life at all. A divided heart can't fully belong to God. And that's the thing about true love--you won't take just half of your lover's affection. It's like Rod Stewart once sang: "You're crazy if you think just half your love could ever please me." God wants all of me or none of me.

We're so immersed in the world's ways that they get to feeling normal--like they aren't evil. We get numb to them and then we start to accept them, even crave them. They attract us and suck us in if we let them. But the reality is that they are a mirage competing for our hearts. I must choose between loving the illusion or loving the real, true God that loves me beyond my comprehension.

Father, if I don't get anything else done today, help me to love you a little bit more than yesterday and love the world a little less.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one Joe. I also love that song "My heart can't tell you no." And you are so right about being half and half. Still finding my way, but I'm sure I will get there eventually! The Lord has been so good to me. I went from being dark and negative to happy and positive. Amazing how your life changes when you let God love you and you love him in return!
