Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Rock

To get and stay close to God you don't necessarily need to read large chunks of Scripture at a time. It's better to take a small piece of Scripture and really absorb it and meditate on it. Listen to what it is saying. Think about how it applies to your life. Journaling what you are hearing takes it to another level. Then pray about it. It's a way of developing a real conversation with God that impacts your life.

Today, we're in Isaiah 44:1-8. Give it a read and take it in 2-3 times. Here's what is jumping out at me today:

You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one. (Isaiah 44:8)

One of the prevalent word pictures by which you have revealed yourself, God, is the Rock. What does that say about you? You are permanent and totally dependable, unlike anything else in life. You are the only secure and certain foundation I can build my life on. You have been the foundation of my marriage that kept our love strong and growing. You have been the Rock on which I've built my relationship with my children. Your wisdom has brought stability to my finances. Your grace has given me a solid place to stand in confidence that you accept me. When my circumstances are leaving me feeling lost or insecure, you are the one I can find stability in. God, you are the one I trust. You are my Rock, my fortress. As long as I'm attached to you nothing else can move me or set me adrift in life.

Today, my Rock, I will take my stand on you. Amen.

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  1. I thought about Matthew 7:24 " Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Rock vs. sand.......It's not "if" storms will come but "when" they come.
    On Christ the solid ROCK I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Amen
    your friend, Terry

  2. Brother!! I agree. I would rather have a personal goal to spend intense bible reading time on specfic passages of scripture or specifc books than trying to have a goal to try and read large chunks or even trying to read the entire bible in a year.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't try reading the entire bible in a year, I'm just saying slowing it down might make more of an impact.

    So, I have made it a personal challenge to focus on God's Word one verse at a time to help me and guide me in my life as well as sharing more about God with others.

    Psalm 18:2, "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

  3. Great comments, guys, thanks!

  4. So how do you KNOW He is there? Do you just go on blind faith? I struggle with this. I guess I am like Thomas there are times when I feel so far from God like he could care less about me or what is going on with me. I stuggle with depression among other things and pray for deliverance but I still am in the pit... How do I break free???? I pray, I ask, I beg, I cry and yet here I am still wondering why I am here at all

  5. Thank you for sharing your doubts and struggles. First, know that no matter how you feel you are deeply loved. As for your question: Well, yes, you do have to go on faith. But faith is not blind. Faith is having your eyes opened wider than ever before to the spiritual realities that you can't see otherwise. It is those who don't have faith that Jesus said are blind. And he came to shine light into your heart and mind and chase away the darkness. Are you really open to receive it?

    It is common to feel like God is distant when things are going badly around you. Don't feel alone in your struggle. You have to decide to take him at his word. Why not trust the voice of the one who framed the worlds? Are the other voices you are listening to taking you where you want to go? See the evidence of God around you. Feel the evidence of God within you--your desire to have meaning, your need to be loved, your longing for something higher and permanent to rest in and hope for, your need for relationship, your conscience, your sense that some things are good and beautiful and others are evil. All are evidence that God is real and present. But yes, you have to decide to trust him and see where he takes you. You can't walk with God without faith.

    I recommend a book to you called Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I also recommend that you start devoting your life from this moment forward to giving as much love as you can to the people around you. Love your neighbor. Love your coworkers. Love the guy on the side of the road that could use a sandwich and a drink. Love the poor in your city by volunteering with a ministry. God is love. Let this thought stay with you: If you live to love you will find that you love to live.

    Is there some hurt that was inflicted on you that you haven't forgiven yet? If so, you've got to go there and learn to forgive. Bitterness and resentment, bottled up anger, all lead to depression. I would advise you to get some guidance from a good Christian counselor. There is hope, and you can be set free. God bless you as you take a step towards that freedom.
