Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Go For It

The last two posts by Michele and Katrinka were so good and encouraging! And I'm sure that God has more for us today. Let's continue our conversation with our Maker in 1 Samuel 14:1-23. This is another really interesting story! There's so much here to take in.

One of the hardest things in life is learning when to wait on the Lord and when to take initiative towards your goals. I wrestle with that a lot. Sometimes one is appropriate and sometimes the other. This story is an example of initiative.

Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, "Come, let's go over to the outpost of [our enemies]. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf..." (v. 6)

His father, King Saul, was waiting on the Lord with a company of men, inactive and in a stalemate with the enemy (v. 2). Jonathan is a man of action. He has an inner prompting that it's time to take a step of faith, and he is going to do it with or without the army. (He does manage to recruit one other brave soul to partner with him. He isn't so foolish as to act alone.)

I love his courage! "Let's go attack an outpost together! I know we're totally outnumbered, but maybe God will help us. And if he does, look out!" Sometimes you just have to make an advance. You have to eventually end all your deliberations, put your doubts and fears to rest and go for it. And trust that God will be there. And remember this:

"...Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few." (v. 6)

No matter how bad the odds may look, if God is on your side you can succeed. Sometimes all he's looking for is a few good men or women, or even a man and a woman, who have the faith to advance.

By the way, just because God is in it doesn't mean that it will be easy and effortless.

Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and his feet, with his armor-bearer right behind him. (v. 13)

Interesting that the writer felt compelled to point out that he had to climb "using his hands and feet." Hmm. What else would he climb up with, his teeth?? Maybe the point is that anything worth doing, even with God's help, is going to require exertion. You have to make your way there like climbing a rock wall--one hand-hold or foot-hold at a time, straining and clawing your way until you reach your goal. Don't imagine that God is going to make it easy. Rarely is that the case. And why not? He wants us to discover the strength he's placed inside us. When we find it and use it for good, we glorify him!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow!! This is such an encouraging post, Chris! This is just what I needed to read today as I struggle with some of these same questions. Over and over today, I've read or heard this same theme....just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't God's will. Faith, by definition, is believing in something that we can't yet see. We will have faith and move forward in that!
