Friday, February 3, 2012


As we cruise into another weekend, I'm ready to spend a few minutes hearing from God! I take it you are, too. Thanks for joining me! The part of God's written word that I'm looking at today is 1 Samuel 14:24 through the end of the chapter. I've pondered over it a few times and what my eyes keep resting on are these two statements:

"Do whatever seems best to you," [Saul's commanders] replied.
But the priest said, "Let us inquire of God here." (v. 36)

Saul had a military decision to make. He wanted to finish off the enemy while they were on the run. His army commanders' advice was to do whatever he thought best, while the man of God with him suggested that consulting with God would be a good idea.

There always seems to be a rush of voices telling us to just do whatever will make us happy. I'm thankful for the voices in my life that encourage me to consider what God might want me to do. After all, God loves me compeletely, so I know he wants what's best for me. And he is the only one wise enough to always know what actually is best for me and for the other people affected by my decisions. Thank you for reminding me, God, that it's always to my advantage to see if there is any guidance from you on a matter before I just act on my impulses.

What if everyone did that? Wow, what a different world we'd be living in! It can be difficult at times discerning God's guidance unless it is something that he has spoken clearly on in Scripture. But if we would just follow all the guidance he's given us there, we'd be a lot better off! Thinking about getting even with that hateful coworker who stabbed you in the back? Most of the people in your life might egg you on. What if, before you went there, you stopped and asked God for guidance about it? Maybe he would bring to mind Jesus' teaching to love your enemies and pray for those who treat you badly. How many marriages that end badly could be saved if either or both of the two were seeking God's guidance for how they should treat their spouse? I'm sure you would agree that the world we imagine, the one we long for, would begin to emerge.

It won't ever happen with the world at large, but it can happen in my own world. It has, in fact. And it is the way of blessing. So keep listening to the only voice that points true north. He loves you so much!

You're invited to share your own conversation with God through this passage, or reflect on what I've written. Comment below (choose anonymous in the "comment as" field or sign into your Google account first). God's peace.

1 comment:

  1. When we don't quite know or understand what to do over some particular issue, searching for the Heart of God in the matter is vital. But sometimes we can't see clearly what is His will, and then we are blessed if we have those who love God and are serving Him faithfully to chime in and give their observations and advice. Many times we get answers from other faithful Christians that we are too blinded by emotion or circumstances to see for ourselves. Thanks Chris for being one of those voices for me. Your sharing in this blog is a cornerstone for my daily strength. God's love is showing so strongly through you!
