Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Good morning to all of you! This is Michele with you this morning and today we are reading John 20:24-31. Read it more than once if you would like. It's a short but powerful section of scripture. The focus is on Thomas and his doubt about Jesus' resurrection.

Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me." (v. 29)

Thomas wasn't alone. We all struggle with doubt. Being doubtful is very unsettling and sometimes very scary, depending on what we're doubting. I believe we are all like Thomas at one time or another and wonder if our Lord is really with us or if what we think we are hearing is really from him. It's much easier to actually visibly see, audibly hear, and physically touch our Lord than just have blind faith in his presence. But.......we, unlike the disciples, don't have those things. We have to simply believe that Jesus is real and trust in him completely.

I believe this concept goes much deeper than just believing that Jesus is real. After we come to the point in which we put our trust and faith in Jesus we need to continually believe in his guidance in our life. If we don't continue to seek God, if we put him on a shelf and don't give him our time and attention, we will have greater doubt. It only makes sense. If I'm struggling with a situation in my life and I'm in doubt but keep my distance from God how can I expect to fully receive his guidance and clear direction. I will begin to take it all on myself which is a recipe for disaster. But, when I focus on God and his Word and talk with him on a regular basis, it all seems much clearer. We have to nurture our relationship w/ Christ so that we can decipher where he's leading us. By stepping away from God we leave ample room for the deceiver to come in and try to steal away the blessings God has for us. I don't want to lose the blessing God intends for me.

God, help me to be in your Word and in your presence often so that I will fully believe you and put all my trust in you. I can't take all things on myself because if I do I will mess them all up. I need your direction. Help me to nurture my relationship with you so that there will be clarity and clear direction in life. When I step away from you there is more room for the enemy to step in and confuse me. I want to live my life believing you and believing in you. Yours is the only voice I want to hear! Amen

Please share your comments with us. We love to hear what God is doing in your life and what he's saying to you through the blog.


  1. Thanks so much for your thoughts! I love John's comment after telling about Thomas's struggle with doubt in Jesus: " believing you may have life in his name" (v. 31). It reminds me that Jesus wants to give me real life that will last eternally. And it's what I find when I trust him wholly and follow his guidance. The difficult thing is that sometimes his guidance is hard to discern.

  2. Michele, this was beautifully written! This is a situation that all Christians face at times, the doubt that can creep in and ruin the peace and joy in the gifts God is giving us! It IS hard to always feel secure in the knowledge that we are following God's leading when we cannot SEE His hand! You are right, returning to His Presence in prayer and study, then deciding to fully cast our lives and lot into His Loving Hands, that brings the peace we need. Remember, often in Psalms we read: :WAIT on the Lord." We must do just that. Thanks for your beautiful spirit and writings!

  3. Thank you, both, for your comments. It's great to share with others and gain insight from the wisdom that God gives to each of us. I'm so thankful for both of you!
