Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just Jesus

Have I mentioned how much I love the Gospel of John? It's my favorite book of the Bible to read. I like it so much because it paints such a vivid picture of Jesus and the life he brings with such interesting language and imagery. Today, we're walking into chapter fifteen and another powerful bit of teaching from our Lord. Please read through verse 17 and then again, asking the Holy Spirit to imprint it on your heart.

"Remain [or abide] in me, as I also remain in you....If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit." (v. 4-5)

As I read this, I am thinking about how I want my life to be full of good "fruit." I'm thinking along the lines of some sweet character, picking ripe opportunities, enjoying satisfying relationships and bringing good things to the lives of everyone around me. I don't just want a couple of pieces here and there. I want to be fruit-full. I'm talking a horn of plenty!

And the secret to living that kind of life is all over this text. It's one thing that Jesus keeps saying: "Remain in me. Abide in me. Make your home in me." That's what I keep hearing today. I need to focus on just being in Jesus.

I abide in Jesus when I come to him as a real Divine person, who loves me personally and knows my name and my struggles and my joys. A close connection with Jesus comes with practicing the spiritual disciplines. It’s reading your Bible listening to God, thinking about what he’s saying to you and talking to him about it. It’s about slowing our frantic pace, or at least finding moments within it to stop and soak in some of his wonder and celebrate his goodness regularly. Then we can approach our activities with a sence of his presence with us, all of life lived with him and for his glory.

I've served a lot in his Kingdom. That's part of living a fruitful life. It's serving others in Jesus' name, listening to them or helping them, guiding or encouraging them to experience God's love. Yet this fruit-bearing isn’t primarily about going out and living an even faster-paced life doing all kinds of things for God. It’s doing more with God. It’s about learning to enjoy him more, lean on him, making myself available just to be with him, and then carrying his purposes into my everyday activities. Abiding in him is also about spending moments of the day intentionally resting in his presence, loving him, seeking him, being filled with more of him.

That produces a life-giving relationship with God. And it's something I want more of.

So, how do you "remain" or "abide" in Jesus? We would like to know what specific practices most help you feel connected to Jesus? Please comment below (choose "Anonymous" in the "Comment As" field, or you can sign in first at the top right corner of the page).

1 comment:

  1. The way that I "abide in Jesus" is by spending the first part of my morning with him, reading his Word, talking w/ him, and trying to listen to what he may be saying to my heart. I can really tell if I haven't had time with him. I need to spend that time so that my relationship w/ him doesn't become stagnant. It's just like my relationship w/ those I love.....if we don't spend time together our relationship won't grow. I don't feel very fruitful if I don't abide in the Lord.
