Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My True Advocate

Are you ready for a Word from God today? I am! This is Michele and I am excited to share with you what God is sharing with me in the remaining portion of John 14. But before we move forward please take time to read Chris' blog from yesterday. It is a great reminder that Jesus believes in us. What an awesome thought! The reading for today is John 14:15-31. Ponder the magnificence of what God is telling you in this text.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. (v. 15)

Comforter. Encourager. Counselor. Someone who pleads on the behalf of someone else. All of these define what an advocate is. We all need someone to be there for us. A friend or a listening ear or someone to pick us up when we feel like we've failed. After all, life is hard and it would be close to impossible to live without the aid of others. But, this verse is telling us that this other Advocate is much more than someone who will come along side us when times get hard.

First of all, this Advocate that Jesus is talking about is sent to us by the Father. And, second of all, he will never leave us. We've all had supportive people in our lives who at one time or another leave us. Maybe they move away or get another job or they leave the Bible study group or church we're involved in. This can happen for several different reasons.....but they move on. People come and go. Even when we feel as if we have a great support system of friends and family, people will inevitably disappoint us.  It's so comforting to know that we have an encourager who will never leave us! The text goes on to tell us that this Advocate will live in us. Think about it.....really think about it! God has sent us a comforter who not only supports us but will never leave us because he lives inside us. Wow, what an amazing thought! I truly am never alone!

But.....it gets even better than that!

I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. (v. 27)

Who doesn't want some peace?? I hope that all of you reading this know what God's peace feels like.  It only comes from having a relationship with the one true God. There is no other way to get real peace...it just doesn't exist outside of him. If you're reading this and have no idea what real peace is please find someone who you think does and speak to them or comment anonymously at the end and we would love to share with you what it means to have a relationship with your Creator.

I am reminded of someone I know who is not a believer. She spends a small fortune in an attempt to improve her appearance. One thing after another! She always says, "I will be happy after I have ____ done".  Time after time it's something else. But, never true happiness or peace within her. There are many other ways to chase what we think will complete us. It may be success, monetary gain, the material possessions one has, the people in our circle of friends, etc.

Everyone is looking for true peace and happiness. Unfortunately, if you don't know the only one who can really give you those gifts to the fullest, you will come up empty every time. I guarantee it! The peace he gives us far surpasses anything this world could ever attempt to give.

"So be not troubled or afraid". No need to fear anything.....even when people let you down and you feel up against a wall. Those of us who believe have the Holy Spirit in our hearts.....which is more than all the things this world can offer us!

Please feel free to comment anonymously if not publicly. We would love to hear your thoughts on the blog and each entry specifically. We want to bless you so you can bless others!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic thought, to have the peace of God and know that the Holy Spirit is there to come alongside us and walk through life with us, counseling, encouraging, convicting, leading us along and marking us as God's own children! Now that is indeed a gift. And I totally can second what you said about how true peace is only found in a relationship with the single greatest Being and source of everything good in the universe. I have to pause and receive his peace when I start to get stressed out. He is above all and knows all. He is for me, not against me. He works all things together for good. Excellent post, Michele!
