Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pitiful Pilate

Good morning to all of you! This is Michele with you today and we are moving into Chapter 19 of John verses 1-16. Yesterday, Chris wrote about Jesus' trial in front of Pilate and today we will move a bit further into the things that happened before his crucifixion. As I read this text, I am very disappointed in Pilate and the way he caved to peer pressure. Both in 19:1 and again in 19:16, Pilate made decisions based on his inability to withstand the desires of those around him.

Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip. (v.1)

In the verses that preceded this, Pilate states that Jesus is not guilty of any crime. Pilate knows that Jesus is innocent but he decides it may be easier for himself if he orders some sort of punishment for him. After all, the people are so strong in their passion to have this man killed. Pilate doesn't do what's right because he doesn't have the backbone to stand for what he knows is right. He gives in. He can't handle being the only one who seems to care about Jesus' innocence. Pilate becomes just one of the crowd. Have you ever done something like this before? Have you ever singled someone else out because you don't want to stand alone and defend the underdog? Something like this is easy to identify in children. So many times there is one child who is targeted and picked on by the rest of the class. If you were to ask the other children why this is occurring, they would most likely not know how to answer. Don't be fooled, this happens in adult settings also. Obviously, since we are studying such a scenario in today's reading. Sad, isn't it?

I think the thing that speaks so loudly to my heart in this text is Jesus' lack of reaction to the wrongdoing that occurred. The only retort he has for Pilate is to remind him that he has no power outside of the power given him by God.  ".....You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin." (v. 11) Very calmly. Very matter-of-fact. He could have stopped it all right then and there....but, he didn't. He had so much faith in his Father's plan, he accepted what was happening because he realized the end result would be well worth the price he had to pay.

This perspective is a great one to carry with us in all areas of life. When I feel like certain people are ganging up on me. When I feel hopeless. When my reaction to a situation is less than desirable or godly. I want to always remember that nobody has any power over me unless it is given to them by God. I don't have to be victim to other people's behavior or choices. I also have a choice to make.  I will choose to have faith, to trust that God has me covered and guarded. I don't want to be like Pilate and give in to what I know is wrong just because others are trying to persuade me into doing what they want. I trust that God's plan is worth taking a stand for!

And, yet again, Pilate gives in to the torment of others:

Then Pilate turned Jesus over to them to be crucified." (v. 16)

Wow! I bet that was a hard decision to live with. 

Lord, help me to stand for you. Help me to stand for what I know is right. Give me a clear mind so that I can see through the fog of certain circumstances and keep my mind focused on you. Help me not to give into the pressures of this world and the wickedness that so many don't even see in their own lives. I want to be free to live and move and breathe for you!! Dear Lord, I am yours! Guide me and help me to rest in your arms. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Having the strength to stand will allow you to look yourself in the mirror and like who you see. If you can't do that, what worse is there to lose? Great post, Michele!
