Monday, October 3, 2011

He Believes in Me

Ah, Monday. But it's going to be a good one! It's so encouraging to have confidence that God loves us and is inviting us to walk with him through each day. Do you enjoy reading this blog? I only do this to bless others, but I need to know if it's of help to you. Do you share it with your contacts? Let me know how I can make it better.

I'm picking up our conversation with God where we left it last time and reading John 14:7-14. These teachings are among the last that Jesus gave, so we can count on the fact that he's getting us focused on what is foundational.

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. (v. 12)

I've read it before. I've studied it. I've listened to different explanations. It still puzzles me. I would never in a million years even think of suggesting that I have ever done anything that would rival what Jesus did, much less exceed it. Yet Jesus said I would. What in the world is he getting at?

I've certainly attempted some big things for Jesus. I've wanted to do something great. But at best, my efforts have been fairly pedestrian next to the earth-shaking ministry of Jesus. He was bodily in action here for only three-and-a-half years and I've been at it for seventeen. But I don't feel like I've accomplished in all that time what he did on any given day.

But here's the thing. Jesus says that you and I will continue doing what he started, and we'll have his power from heaven to call on (v. 13-14). We'll also have the power of the Holy Spirit within us, as he'll go on to say in the next paragraph. The thing that strikes me is that Jesus believes in me. He believes in you. He believes in us so much that he has invited us into this partnership with him to continue his mission. That's an amazing reality!

His plan is to continue to shake the world with the life-changing love and grace of God through his followers...all of us! I can look around and I admire the big-time ministries of other men and women. I can see the major impact that people like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Beth Moore and others have had. But Jesus doesn't say that certain ones of his followers will do what he's been doing and even greater things. He says "anyone who has faith in me," anyone who trusts me enough to believe what I can do with them and through them. This is really open-ended!

So I've got to keep at it. I may feel like I haven't accomplished that much but there's lots of life left. Moses was 80 before God really started using him in a major way. The first 80 years were all about preparation.

And what about you? Do you let yourself dream about what Jesus might want to do through you? Why don't you take some time today and all week to ask him about it. Listen to what he may speak to your heart. Open your eyes to the needs around you. Go. Walk. Talk. Ask. Pray. Gather. Do. Let's just take a step. And remember, Jesus believes in you.

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  1. Thanks for posting this. Your blog is so interesting and very informative.

    1. Thanks, Zolo! I appreciate your encouragement!
