Monday, October 24, 2011

Off the Fence

Here in Pearland it's a gorgeous day! God has shown me his goodness in several ways already today. I've been prayed for by two people, one in person and one over the phone. That's pretty cool when you get to hear others pray for you. Think about who you could pray for today--via phone, text message or in person. You'll be giving them a huge blessing, and you'll get one in return!

I'm taking this ongoing conversation with God to the next page of this story of Jesus' arrest and trials. I'm reading the rest of chapter 18 today, starting with verse 28. Why don't you join in?
Pilate is back and forth, in and out, flustered and torn within. Jesus, on the other hand, is calm, cool and collected. Who’s on trial here, anyway? Who do you feel more sympathetic to: Pilate or the religious leaders? The religious leaders are foaming at the mouth. They’re violently against Jesus and make no bones about it. Pilate is uncertain, torn between justice and what will best serve his career. In his heart, he knows Jesus is innocent, a good man, but he is unwilling to commit to him because it will put him in a disadvantageous position politically.

Know any Pilate’s? (Not the kind that fly airplanes.) There are plenty of people who will side with what best protects their place in the world over what is true. I see other Pilate's around me that are similarly indecisive about Jesus, running in and out of the church, back and forth, stuck in this awful position of being pulled and tugged from both sides, confused and anxious. It's not a good place to be.

In the final frame, Pilate just as surely rejects Jesus as do the Jewish leaders, even though he isn’t nearly as hostile to Jesus as they are. To stay stuck in neutral about Jesus is to reject him.

Jesus: "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (v. 37)

That invitation to come to him as the source of truth is met by a predictable sarcasm:

"What is truth?" (v. 38) 

For all of us, as for Pilate, there is the truth Jesus speaks of—what is right and good and noble and just and ultimately meaningful. And then there is the truth of the way things are, the reality that we live with in this social vise, squeezed between the way of the world and the Way of Christ. And we sometimes wonder which should we choose? Is either really truth? Is there even such a thing? Everybody puts their own spin on things, right?

Pilate stands as a representative of all of us, it seems. He was really the one on trial here, not Jesus. And so are we. Will we leave our empty shadowlands and embrace the Light, even when it threatens our place in the world that we've worked so hard to construct and protect? Jesus stands tall and confident, as can we who choose him. Truth and justice will rise to the top. Light will overcome darkness, even though it may look at times like just the opposite is happening. As long as we stand in God’s grace, living under his reign, we have nothing to fear.

I'm hearing you, Jesus. And right now, today, I choose Truth, the reality of who you are.  And I'll sacrifice whatever I have to to have you and the Life you alone can give.

I'd love to hear your own heart's impressions of what Jesus is saying to you here. You can comment below anonymously (choose that option in the "Comment As" box) or by name (by signing in first). Click the Facebook icon (f) below to share this post with your friends who may still be on the fence.

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