Friday, October 7, 2011

They Hate Me Because of You

Happy Friday and good morning to you all! Join me, Michele, in reading John 15:18-16:4 this morning. This text is a great reminder to us all that being a Christ follower is not always easy and we will sometimes be persecuted because of our beliefs. Read it more than once and really take in what Jesus is saying to you.

If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. (v. 18-19)

I remember years ago when God took hold of my heart and I became a follower of Christ. Before this time, I had a group of friends who I had been really close with since high school and spent most of my time with. I remember deciding that I could no longer spend all my time with this group of people because of the new convictions that God was placing on my heart. Not that I had to totally discount those friendships but I needed to separate myself because I was being called out of the world and into a relationship w/ my Father. I began wanting to spend my time with others who also knew God and who would help me grow in my faith.

I also think of situations in which children of faith struggle with their choice of friends because they choose not to join in with the behaviors of their peers. This can make for a very lonely experience for them. Kids can be cruel, particularly when they notice something different about someone else. This same experience can be true for Christian adults in the workplace. There are many adults who just want to fit in with everyone else. But, we aren't called to fit in with the world, we are actually called out of the world. So, kudos to you if you are one who stands firm to your faith and understands this calling. God will bless you for remaining true to him and being a beacon of light in this world despite  the persecution you may experience.

I have told you these things so you won't abandon your faith. (v. 16:1)

Thank you, Jesus, for guiding me through my journey of faith in you. Thank you for telling me what I will come up against as I live my life for you. You don't even say these things might happen. Your Word is very clear that they will happen. But, I'm not alone, I have your Spirit living inside me and your promise to never leave me. So, even if this world does hate me, you still love me and will carry me through the hard times. Lord, please give courage and strength to those who are currently struggling in this world. Help them not to be concerned about being part of a certain group of people. But, instead, help them to abide in you and rest in your loving arms trusting that you will see them through. Wash over them with peace and joy because of who you are and your love for them. Help us all to stand firm in our faith and not abandon you. We need you. We don't need the love of this world. In your precious name we pray. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Everyone wants to be liked, but it's hard to fit in with the crowd when you're swimming upstream. Good thing we have the company of Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Once we let go of the need to be accepted by certain people and rest in the reality of being accepted and affirmed by Jesus, we can be free from the pressure to conform. Thanks, Michele!
