Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Grace and peace to you! Let's keep that thought going! Today, let's take it to Philippians 1:8-18. God's message to you and me is living and powerful. You'll get a peek here into Paul's own conversation with God as he sat in prison for preaching Jesus as Savior and King.

And this is my prayer...that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ... (v. 9-10)

Choices are important. To a large degree my life at this moment is the culmination of all of my prior choices. That's why I want to make the right choices today. They will shape my future! So what kind of choices will I make today? Will I make bad choices? Will I be content with average choices? Maybe I'll make good choices. If I let God lead me I won't settle for any of those. He will help me choose not just what is average or good but what is best. And that's because he wants to give me the best life possible! And that's definitely what I want for myself. How about you? We all do. Who wouldn't want the best life possible? But what we don't think about is the fact that the best life possible is built by making the best choices, one at a time.

My problem is sometimes that I can't always figure out what the best choice is. And I'm not talking about whether to go eat at Chili's or Olive Garden. I need to pray about my choices. I need to pray for discernment. I need to ask God to help me through the Holy Spirit and Scripture and sometimes the counsel of godly people to discern what is best.

But sometimes the problem isn't that I don't know what is best. It's just that I don't feel like going to the trouble to make that choice or I would rather take short-term, immediate gratification instead of long-term satisfaction. But when I'm close to God and letting him lead me in my decisions, I'm so much more likely to be able to see the best path and have the inner motivation to take it. And the result is...well, no one will have to wish me all the best because I will already posses it.

Choices really are the building blocks of my life! So what about the bad ones I've already made? What about all the average choices that I've already settled for? Well, they've had their impact in my present. But thanks to God's grace, the beauty of opportunity is knowing that I can improve my life ahead by making the best choices today. For some of us, the best life possible is just one great choice away! By your help and strength I will do that, Jesus.

Please share your thoughts with us! Comment below. You can choose Anonymous from the list or sign into your Google account first. We hope to hear from you!


  1. My dad used to tell me that the choices we make today will mold who we are tomorrow. As a kid, teen, young adult, I did not understand that at all. Of course, looking back, I fully understand that now. And today, I try to instill that into my children as well. Sometimes, they take my word, sometimes they have to learn on their own. Making decisions based on God and what His word says is THE rule Kevin and I try to live by, not saying that we get it right EVERY time, but when we miss the mark, we know that God's grace, peace and love will cover our flaws, our mistakes, our "was this really the decision God wanted us to make" times. I am so thankful that God has us in His hands. That He knows the plans He has for us. Even when I do make the wrong decision, He is there, with open arms, waiting for me. Thank You Jesus!!

  2. Lord, I need your help to make the best choices today.....choices that will honor you and will take me to the place that you want me to be in my life. I realize that when I leave you out of my choices I usually make the wrong ones. Your guidance in my life is vital and desired. Choices made after seeking you are always the best! Lord, help me to teach this to my child, as well, as he grows and changes and becomes more independent. Help him to not make the amount of choices that I made without you. I love you, Jesus, and will seek you because you know what is best. Thank you for saving me from my past decisions and welcoming me into you open arms.

