Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapture Saturday

So Saturday is it, my friends! Jesus is coming back at 6pm. Or at least that's what Harold Camping of Christian Family Radio is warning. As I was reading through Philippians 4:4-9 again today my thoughts were drawn to this statement:

The Lord is near. (v. 5)

Some scholars have taken that to mean that the apostle Paul anticipated that Jesus' return was near. Based on other things he wrote, that is debatable. I take it mean that Paul felt the nearness of Jesus at all times and it was the source of his joy, his peace and his ability to treat everybody with consideration. But there is no doubt that every single generation of Christians since its beginning have had those who felt strongly that Jesus' return would happen in their lifetime.

Actually, that is exactly how Jesus intended it, it would appear. He warned his first followers to be ready and expect his return. He told them stories to illustrate the danger of thinking his coming was still a long way off and the importance of anticipating it.

So how near is the Lord's return? Could it actually be Saturday? Well, I would have to admit it's possible. But I doubt that God will give Camping the satisfaction of predicting it correctly, especially since Jesus himself made it clear on more than one occasion that nobody knows the precise time of his return--not even he knew! (Matthew 24:36, 44; Luke 21:8)  And this isn't Camping's first attempt at predicting it, either. I don't know that we have until Saturday. It may be today!

Some Christians obsess with being on the planning committee for Jesus' return. I prefer to be on the receiving committee. I'm ready today. If he comes today I'll be ready to receive him. If he comes Saturday I'll be ready then too. If his return is delayed until sometime mid-summer or next year or when I'm 75, I'll be looking for him, eager to see him, thrilled to witness the amazing reality of that moment. That is how Scripture teaches us to live. Never were we expected to read the Bible or the highly symbolic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation with a calculator in hand. In response to a question about the time that his kingdom will be fully realized, Jesus himself said, "It is not for you to know the times and dates the Father has set by his own authority." (Acts 1:7)  What he did want them to be focused on was this:  "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses..." (v. 8).

One thing is certain, beyond any doubt. The end of the world will come for you and me in our lifetime. How do I know? It's simple. The world as we now know it will end either at Jesus' return or it will end at our death. And we don't know when either of those events could happen. It could be before you hit the pillow tonight. So it would be a good idea to be ready for it whenever it may happen. I'm ready. Are you? If you're not, please get that way! But don't go selling all your stuff and joining Harold Camping's bunch on a mountaintop Saturday. The odds aren't good and you don't want to be homeless should Sunday morning dawn.

Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly! But if you delay I will celebrate the fact that, regardless whether you come Saturday, you are near today. Amen.

I'd love to hear what God is speaking to you today through this text. First, sign in to your Google account (top right corner) or you can select Anonymous in the "Comment as" field.


  1. No, not Saturday!!! I have big plans for this summer......

    Regardless of when Christ does come, we need to be ready because God may have totally different plans for us. Better plans!! We obviously don't know when that will be..... but God's Word tells us it will be glorious! To see our Savior face to face, to fall at his feet and spend the rest of eternity praising him. No more pain, no more tears, no more sorrow!

    It is hard for me to totally wrap my head around what that will be like, but one thing for sure is I don't want to be on the other side. We've been told what that is like too. I also don't want others that I love to spend their eternity anywhere other than Heaven. So, if you are ready, use the time that God has given you to witness to others! Wouldn't it be great if all of our loved ones could be ready and waiting with us?


  2. Isn't that the truth! I want to make sure that my relationships and friendships are forever, and not just for this short time. By the way, I have some big plans I'm looking forward to this summer too! If God wills it's going to be great!! If Jesus comes I'm sure it will be even better!
