Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Peaceful, Easy Feeling

I love this passage of Scripture! I'm reading Philippians 4:4-9 today. It's always been a favorite that has spoken to me countless times. Today I'm trying to hear it again as if for the very first time. Lord, what are you wanting to say to me through these ancient yet clearly relevant words today? Ask God yourself and give it a few minutes to read it over a few times.

This is what God is impressing on me:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (v. 7)

I was just having some anxious thoughts a few short minutes ago, and then I open this up and God is speaking his peace to me. Just what I needed to hear! So, God, this is what I'm hearing you say: Your peace will take its post as a guard protecting my emotions and thoughts from tormenting me. It's your peace you speak of, not a peace that I can conjure up based on my own problem-solving skills or by seeing all the ducks line up neatly in a row. Not that I don't love it when that happens! But you're talking about a peace that isn't produced through circumstances lining up and making sense. It is a peace beyond my ability, or anyone else's ability, to really understand or fully explain. It's a peace that anchors not on smooth waters on the surface but on solid rock deep down under.

I hear you saying that you offer me your peace when I pray more than I worry, trusting you with the outcome, thanking you in advance for keeping your promise to work all things together for good. Help me to remember to do that. Remind me when I'm letting my thoughts run amok. But there's more. To receive your peace I must choose to focus on all the good I see around me and the amazing blessings you've provided, as opposed to obsessing over the problem or the fears that I have. What? One more thing? Okay, what is it? Oh, you're saying that your peace will be mine when I'm busy doing the good I know to do, being about what you're about, being productive and active in following your lead, instead of sitting passively on my hands where worry and anxiety run rampant.

So that's how your peace will rest on me--through turning it over to you in prayer, focusing on the good, and doing what I know to do. Got it! Thanks, Father. By your grace, I'll make it my goal to do just that!

So what is God saying that you need to hear? Sign into your Google account and comment below, or just choose Anonymous from the "Comment As" field.


  1. Boy, does this section of scripture ever speak to my heart!! In my Bible, I have this section underlined with stars around it.....which means God has used these verses to speak to me, not only now, but in the past!

    "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything" (vs. 6)

    Oh, how I wish I would do more praying before I choose to worry!! Life would be much easier if I would. Only a very small portion of the things we worry about even matter.....and God always has it planned out already anyway. What a waste of good energy!!

    We are also commanded to rejoice in the Lord.....always, not just when things are going well. There is no better feeling then pouring my heart out to God and thanking him for whatever he is doing in what I may see as a bad situation. Peace does overflow in my heart as I lay it all down to him and I feel his presence.
    Rejoice in the times I feel uneasy, when my son is being a typical teenager, when others in my life are being unrealistic, when things at work don't go as planned, etc. Rejoice regardless!

    God's peace is just what I need every day of my life!! I will choose to pray instead of worry, to allow God to be ruler of my heart and my thoughts.

    Lord, I give you all of the extra "stuff" that I carry unnecessarily. I choose to follow your ways!

    "Fix our thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable and to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise" vs. 8

    It is very hard to think godly thoughts when I am lost in my own! Lord, I want your ways to reign in my heart and in my life!

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take" Prov. 3:5-6

    Obviously, there is absolutely nothing to worry about if I put my trust in my Savior!! He will direct me and guide me and protect me along the way. He promises!!

  2. This has been one of those scriptures that the bible talks about writing on your heart. And it has a great testimony attached with it.

    When my son was 5 months old and we were headed home from the doctor's where we had been all day. It was the first official Dr. appointment after the testing for the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis. The visit where the Dr confirmed what the tests showed. A day full of blood draws, xrays and just very draining emotionally.

    In the car on the way home while listening to the Christian radio station. The DJ said "God will not give you more than you can bear"

    So immediately, I got real with God, saying, "God, I cannot do this alone, I give Billy to You, place him in Your hands" as quickly as I said this a peace that words will never be able to describe flooded my whole being and car. And my ever loving and capable Father has and continues, through all we face, to carry Billy.

    There have been and I am sure there will be more times when I try to take him back and God reminds me "i have him, and you too"

    His peace truly does surpass all our understanding.

  3. Good posts yall.. Very encouraging!

  4. It's pretty evident that this is a life passage for a whole lot of people! Thanks for sharing your testimonies!
