Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rising Again

Alright, my fellow God-questers, time to tune in! I'm open to hear from God this morning and I hope you are too. Let's open up his word to Philippians 3:10-16. This is such an inspirational text! I feel a power surge pulsing through my spirit! What is God saying to you here?

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection... (v. 10)

Life's disappointments and unhappy endings may be inevitable, but they are not terminal. I can experience the same power for new beginnings that Jesus did in his rising from death! And that is the truth.

One thing I've noticed as a cat owner is that they are eternal optimists. No matter how many times I put my cat in the utility room for the night, he always thinks this is the night he will get to roam free. Hope springs eternal when I am walking in faith in Jesus. Relationships that appear hopelessly broken can be restored through Christ. Dreams that have been shattered can be recreated new and fresh. Bad choices that have left me fallen on my face do not have the last word. I can rise again! Jesus makes it possible. In fact, he makes the impossible possible in many cases. But there's more to it:

"I want to know Christ...and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death." (v. 10)

That part of the statement doesn't seem to grab me like the first part does. Who wants to suffer or die? Nobody...well, except Texans fans. But God is telling me that that's part of the package. To experience the power of his resurrection means that I must first go with him through sufferings and even death. I can't experience the power of rising again unless I first get knocked down. But the beautiful thing is that whether I'm currently hurting or celebrating, either experience can give me an even stronger connection with my Savior Jesus. Either can build our fellowship, our friendship. Because Jesus experienced both the pain and the triumph, too!

Right now, I'm so glad to be experiencing the power of his rising again! After the long journey through the blackness of loss he is bringing resurrection to my hopes, my dreams, my heart, my future. This is for real, my friend. So if you're in the pit right now just hang on, pray and know that your day is coming! Until then, enjoy the fellowship of the One who suffered for you and now suffers with you.

What did God speak to your heart in this text? We'd love to hear it! Share your comments below.

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