Monday, May 23, 2011

The Secret of Contentment

Today is my birthday, and I'm very thankful for the opportunities God has given me to be a positive influence in your life! I'm also thankful for all the blessings he has given me--some of them huge, but also the everyday things that add quality to my life. These thoughts I was having today really tie in to what God is also saying to me today in Scripture. I'm reading Philippians 4:10-13. It's amazing how much power God can pack into just a few sentences! Read it with me and let God speak to you, too. What I'm focusing on is this:

I ahve learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in pletny or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (v. 12-13)

I'm so blessed! God has given me life, health, a nice home, reliable vehicles that aren't embarrassing to drive, plenty of good food and clean water on daily basis, fashionable clothes that don't have holes in them, a couple of computers (they're great when they work), and lots of other nice stuff. I even got some nice birthday presents to boot! When it comes to things, I'm content!

It's one thing to get to a level of spiritual maturity that you learn to be happy with what you have and stop endlessly craving more. Wouldn't it be something life-changing to lose the fear of not having enough? That's where my struggle would more often be. It's not so much that I want more. It's just that I don't want to lose what I do have. But God is saying that he wants me to come to a place inwardly where even that fear can't harrass me.

It's not that he wants me to be lazy or foolish--not at all! It's that he wants me to quit basing my satisfaction in life on things altogether. He's saying that if I am right with him, close to him, doing good in this world, loving others and being loved, I am a success. My life is good! I may have some needs that are currently unmet. And while I should pray about those things and pursue a better supply while following God's lead, there's no need in worrying or fretting or feeling discontent about such things. God will take care of all those things for me as I live for him.

If I can get there, I wonder how differently I might live? I bet I would be more generous. I might slow down long enough to enjoy the life I have and the beauty around me more. The secret of contentment is the depth of satisfaction I have in my relationship with Jesus. I am leaning on him, strengthened by his love, filled with his Spirit, fueled by his mission, resting in his hope. I'm nuturing and growing that relationship right now. I hope you are too!

Please share the things that God is speaking to your heart in this text by commenting below. Sign into your Google account first (top right corner of the page) or just choose Anonymous in the "Comment as" field. Be blessed!


  1. I hope that your birthday was terrific, Chris, and that you had the opportunity to reflect on God's blessings in your life!!

    The fear of not having enough is a very real fear for me, as well. But then I think of others in this world who have nothing in comparison to what God has blessed me with.....and I feel very silly! God always provides and always will.........just not always w/ everything I want.

    Being content is a very hard thing for us humans to settle into, especially those of us who are in no position to be discontent. I wonder if we might be more content if we weren't quite so blessed. If we truly had to be thankful for every morsel of food we have been given and not take it for granted, we just may be!


  2. Thank you, Michele! I think you're right. Some of the most content and happy people are also some of the poorest. When you get used to a certain standard of living you see others with less and fear becoming like them. We've got to remember it's all God's stuff anyway.
