Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Good Life

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We've been through some prophecy, then a letter, and now we're headed for some wisdom literature. I want to spend a little time in a section of the Psalms, fueling my worship to God. So let's start at the very beginning--Psalm one. Just a tip or two first: The Psalms are self-contained poems that were sung and/or read in public worship both in Judaism and in the early church. This is a collection of separately written songs as opposed to chapters in a continuous piece of literature. They are poetry and are rich with imagery and other poetic figures of speech. They are best experienced when read out loud. So give it a try!

What stands out in your mind as you read this psalm?

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.... But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. (v. 1-2)

Two lifestyles are contrasted in this psalm. One leaves a person dry, brittle and without anything to show for his life. The other is a life rich in spiritual nourishment that leads to stability, fruitfulness and a future. And what really sets a person down one of these two paths is whose voice they are mainly listening to. They're either following the counsel of people who have no understanding or appreciation of God and goodness, or they're listening to God's clear voice of truth, open and eager to be led by him. The voices in my life make a big difference!

Meditating on God's Word needs to be a part of my daily routine if I want to have the blessed life. Otherwise, I will be easily misdirected by the sinful influences around me that masquerade as icons of success. When I walk through my days listening to the advice of worldly people, I will end up standing for the same empty values that they do and eventually settle into a lifestyle that mocks God and has no use for him (v. 1). I should be careful of the voices I listen to in the media. They are leading me somewhere.

Lord, I love to be in your word and hear your voice there and in every way that you communicate. Please speak into my life today and every day. Thank you for this practice of journaling our conversations. What you have to say is always so helpful to me! Please guide me along in the good life. Amen.

Your impressions from this psalm are definitely requested! Sign into your Google account (top right corner of page) or just select Anonymous from the list in the "Comment as" field and share your thoughts below. God bless you today!


  1. Thanks Chris for allowing us all the opportunity to mediate the word of God together through your daily blog. One more way to help us all stay on the right track and not take the way that sinners do.

  2. "Listening" is an art most people never master! :-) I can speak from experience on that point since most of the time I talk too much and do not stop long enough to listen at all. Shame on me! Chris, you are right about letting God speak every day. Even one or two days without listening to Him speak through His word makes my life more difficult and directionless. That golden path that leads to heaven has "posts" along the way that keep us headed in the right direction and tells us what we are actually seeing along the way, as with a guided tour. I love having this time to share with all of you here. Thank you, Chris!

  3. Chris, this blog is just another way that helps me to meditate on God's Word, to listen to what God is saying to my heart, on a daily basis! Thank you very much!!

    The voices that we listen to are extremely important. Before I gave my life to Christ, I had a group of friends who did not know or live for Christ, but for themselves. After becoming a Christian I had some choices to make! I had to change the amount of exposure I had w/ those friends and I had to choose to spend more of my time w/ those who love the Lord. So that I did not fall into old patterns of behavior from listening to non believers.

    Taking the time to really listen to God's voice is something that I struggle w/ also, Katrinka!! I find myself talking far more than I listen too. I know that when I take the time to meditate on God's word, listen to his small still voice and obey, the outcome is far better!!


  4. I love this practice of journaling. It helps me focus on what exactly God is saying to me by forcing me to identify it and write it down. I'm glad it's also helpful to you to read. I hope that you will discover the blessing of journaling your own impressions, too. Well said above about how it's amazing that God's word is always relevant to what is going on in your life at the time!
