Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trusting and Obeying

Are you craving a word from God today? When life seems to wear us down and we realize we're not strong enough on our own, we need to soak in God's word. God will strengthen us and give us whatever we need for the journey. This is Michele with you this morning and we are studying 1Samuel 28:3-25. Read it more than once if you need to.

This is what jumps out at me as I read this text:

....And Saul had banned from the land of Isreal all mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. When Saul saw the vast Phillistine army, he became frantic with fear. He asked the LORD what he should do, but the Lord refused to answer him, either by dreams or by sacred lots or by the prophets. Saul then said to his advisers, "Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do." (v. 3, 5-7)

Well that didn't take long, did it? Saul seems to have immediately forgotten his own ban on mediums. And why wouldn't you answer him, God? This reminds me of times when I've asked my child to do something or given him directions more than once and he has chosen to either ignore me or obey only a portion of what I've asked. If the child won't listen to your direction, Lord, then he or she may need to experience some natural consequences. I believe this is what happened here with Saul. You had directed him in the past and Saul was not obedient so you decided to leave him to his own devices.

Maybe this was a test to see where his heart really was on this matter. When it came down to it, Saul proved that his heart was not changed although he publicly denounced this practice. I think Saul thought that he was okay to call for a medium because he felt that God had left him. In fact, this is exactly what he told Samuel when Samuel asked why he had called him back (v. 15).

I know there have been times in my life when I've been very troubled about something and I don't feel like you're there. I have foolishly run to the counsel of others without waiting on you. Maybe the same has been true for me and you are teaching me that I need to seek you with my whole heart and be obedient to your direction in my life. You certainly don't force obedience. You know what's best and patiently wait for me to realize the same as I experience the natural consequences of my disobedience.

Father, help me to seek you with all of my heart and be obedient to what you ask of me. If I'm truly trusting in you this will come naturally. Lord, I don't ever want to feel like you've left me. I want to be fully submitted to you. Mold me and shape me into the child you want me to be. I give you reign over my heart. I am yours!  Amen.

Please share your comments with us. If this post was a blessing to you pass it on to someone else and bless them, as well!


  1. Insightful post, Michele! It's a good point you make that when we aren't obedient to the things that God has already clearly taught us or guided us in, especially through Scripture, we shouldn't be surprised if we don't get further guidance from him. Obedience is the power button that turns on God's GPS for making life decisions. Thanks so much for the encouragement!

  2. This was very helpful to me today, Michele. You are right, God's Word provides the gasoline for our spiritual "get up and go"! Mine was about "got up and went" until I read your blog today. Thanks so much for your gentle spirit in writing.

  3. I want to believe but I can't. I want to give in but I can't I feel like I am stuck and that there is nothing or no-one who can get me out of the muck....
