Monday, March 12, 2012

To Obey or Not to Obey?

Happy Monday and welcome to a new week and the last chapter of 1 Samuel. Please read 1 Samuel 31. It's only 13 verses long. Saul's life has come to an end and we will learn how. Thank you for letting me, Michele, be with you this morning as we wrap up 1 Samuel.

I read this a couple of times and both times my focus remained on verse 4. This is what it says:

Saul groaned to his armor bearer, "Take your sword and kill me before these pagan Phillistines come to run me through and taunt and torture me."
But his armor bearer was afraid and would not do it. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

Why would Saul ask his armor bearer to kill him, Lord? It sounds as if Saul was trying to escape some sort of torture. I hear you telling me something about both Saul and his armor bearer in this verse. First of all, the armor bearer refused to kill Saul. Why? Saul was king and he should have obeyed, correct?? Not necessarily. The king was telling his armor bearer to do something that was morally wrong. When we are faced with moral dilemmas we always need to follow your ways regardless of who's giving the order. There is only one set of standards for moral issues and they are yours, God. So, the armor bearer made the right decision and chose your way, not Saul's. That time. Too bad he didn't continue on that same path. (v. 5)

Second of all, I hear you continuing to tell me about Saul's character, or lack there of. Saul was afraid of what the Phillistines may do to him if they got a hold of him so he opted for what he saw as an easier way out. He commanded his armor bearer to kill him in a "not so brutal" sort of way. Much to his dismay, his armor bearer chose not to follow through on Saul's command. So Saul decided to take matters into his own hands like he had done for much of his life. He didn't even turn to you, Lord, and ask for your guidance or direction. He did the next thing that would bring about the result he wanted and that was to kill himself. You may have chosen to help him if he just would have asked.

There are so many in this world who desperately need you but just don't get it. They think they can only count on themselves and ignore you, the God who spoke this world into existence. What a lonely and dark world we live in without you, Lord. And how do we face moral dilemmas if we don't understand your standards?

Help us, dear Lord, to take the higher road because, in the end, we will be on the right path. Give us hearts that only want to be obedient to you when we're given bad direction from someone in authority. You are the only judge and you will protect us when we do what's right. We want to be an example for those who don't know you so they will someday understand your ways and your love. Help them to see you when they see us. Amen.

Maybe this isn't the verse that spoke most to your heart. Maybe you have additional thoughts. Let us know! We would love to hear how this chapter spoke to each one of you. Have a blessed day and thank you for letting me spend another morning with you.

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