Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Different Kind of Character

Good morning. I woke this morning to the sound of the birds chirping. Such a beautiful sound and evidence that spring is here!! Are you ready to hear from God today? I am. I, Michele, will be writing today and tomorrow for you as Chris continues getting ready for the move. Today we are moving forward into the first chapter of 2 Samuel. The story continues after Saul's death.

Keep in mind as you read this chapter how Saul had died by taking his own life (1Samuel 31:3,4). In the beginning of this chapter David has no idea that Saul is dead until a man from Saul's camp comes to inform him. But, he has a different story to tell about how Saul died. He lies because he wants to get praise from David for killing Saul. Little does he know that David has a different kind of character than he suspects. And this is actually how David responds:

"Why were you not afraid to kill the LORD'S anointed one?" David asked.
Then David said to one of the men, "Kill him!" So the man thrust his sword into the Amalekite and killed him. "You have condemned yourself," David said, "for you yourself confessed that you killed the LORD'S anointed one." (v. 14-16)

Certainly NOT what the Amalekite expected from David! It doesn't make sense does it? Saul had been David's enemy for a very long time and he isn't jumping for joy that he's dead?? But, it wasn't about Saul for David. It was all about God. David may not have had a lot of respect for Saul but he had an amazing amount of respect for God. After all, God had anointed Saul and saw him fit to be king. Who was David to dispute that? So David respected Saul as the king. Keep in mind that David had many opportunities to end Saul's life himself and chose not to. Such a contrast in character between David and the Amalekite man.

This is what it looks like to put God first in our hearts. Even when David's greatest enemy died and it looks as if he had come out on top, he didn't gloat. David continued to show respect for Saul as king because of his relationship with the true king. What an example for us to follow. Our allegiance should be always to God first regardless of the situation or who has authority. We are called to honor those who God has given authority to and David did just that. And ultimately David was blessed.

God, I want to follow David's example. I want to let my enemies know that you hold the highest seat in my heart, not them. Please don't allow my heart to become full of the desire for revenge. I want my heart to be full of your Spirit. I will put you first and daily submit to your authority over me. I am yours! Amen.

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