Monday, August 1, 2011

Faith That Works

Hello all, this is Chris. Thanks to Katrinka and Michele for covering for me last week! I know that you guys benefit as much or more from their insights as mine, and it's great to have their input. Today I'm looking for a word from God from James 2:14-26. I'm finding one:

Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (v. 15-17)

God is reminding me that if I really trust him, I will actively care for people. If my faith is real it's going to show up my actions, and specifically in the way I treat the poor or anyone in real need.

Authentic faith is more than just a theoretical belief system. Yes, I'm saved by faith. I'm going to heaven by the simple trust that I put in Jesus as my Savior. But salvation is bigger than just going to heaven when I die. God wants to save me from a self-centered life full of poor choices and the consequences they bring to myself and others. He wants to save the planet from the painful effects of human sin. Salvation is experienced fully only when my faith works. My trust in Jesus produces action. I step in behind him and follow in his footsteps...because I want to.

I'm glad that as I read this I have some opportunities to practice it. In a couple of weeks my church will be feeding the homeless at a Houston shelter. I will get to do something to meet their needs because of the faith that I have.

And in October I'll be taking a small team to Guatemala to build a water well to provide clean, safe water for a needy community for decades to come. At times it's been discouraging because the original size of the team has dwindled a lot over the months. Just earlier today I was questioning whether to continue. And then I read this. God is reinforcing to me through this text that I should. As long as the opportunity is still there, my faith needs to act to do more than just wish these thirsty people well and hope someone else will take care of them. In the process of giving water we will give life, and our faith will come alive! (If you'd like to come, let me know asap!)

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1 comment:

  1. Chris, I am so glad that you are encouraged to move forward with the mission that God has for you!! I love how God spoke to you specifically about this issue as you read his word. God is sooo good, all the time. It doesn't matter the size of the team, it's the heart of those select few that will make the difference!
