Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Greatness of Obscurity

Time for our next conversation with God! You are loved by him and special to him. Never doubt that! His voice is the one that you must learn to hear above all the others, and follow it. Today's conversation centers around John 3:22-36. These are God's inspired, holy words to us. Soak them in.

As I read this text, the testimony they give about who Jesus is reaffirms why I follow him. He is "the Messiah," "the bridegroom" who loves his people like we were his bride. As "the one wo comes from above" he "is above all." And because of that I really want to land on this statement from John:

He must become greater; I must become less. (v. 30)

John the Baptist had a thriving ministry going on. Everyone was talking about him and going out to hear him preach. It was a major tent revival (without the tent) out in the wilderness. We're talking thousands! Then Jesus comes on the scene and starts teaching and baptizing, and suddenly the crowds start to move more in his direction. Popularity is shifting. John's disciples are jealous and a little miffed. Honestly, who can't relate?

But John isn't concerned. John understands that life is not about him. He has the peace of knowing that his ministry is not about him. He was never in it to be a big shot. His personal level of success and notoriety were not what was really important to him. What was important was that people turned their eyes and their faith onto Jesus. He's the one that can save them!

Wouldn't the world be a better place if all of us had the attitude that Jesus must become greater and I must become less? What would happen in your relationships, your marriage, if Jesus were to become greater and you were to become less? How would your life goals look different? What priorities would shift? How would you handle conflict differently? It's hard for us because we still think we're pretty great, right? We're afraid if we don't look out for number one, who will? But losing self to gain Jesus is no loss. He just makes you feel like you've gained the whole world!

Today, whatever I do and wherever I go, I want to focus less and less on me and more and more on Jesus. If I can do anything or say anything that brings him into the spotlight, that I will do. And I won't worry so much about self-promotion or even self-preservation. I'll leave that part up to him. Go, Jesus!

Someone you know will be so much more at peace when they start pushing Jesus more than themselves. Why don't you share this post to your Facebook page? (Click on the "f" button below.) And please sign in and share your own impressions about what God is saying to you in the space below.


  1. So true! And in the church world today, so often it is all about the people in leadership positions. The glory gets shifted to the wrong place! To God be the glory, never to people, even his most faithful servants must always point away from themselves and point to Jesus. He is our ALL IN ALL. This blog is such a comfort and encouragement to me. I hope you are all benefiting too and sharing it.

  2. Very true, Katrinka and Chris!! All glory to God for all things. Things go far better when I am less focused on me and more focused on God. When I can step out and allow God to work, he does amazing things. He doesn't even need my help!! Thank you, Chris, you are an amazing teacher and I gain so much from reading your entries!

  3. Thanks very much! While it's true that God doesn't need our help, the cool thing is that he honors us by inviting our partnership. He loves to involve us in his work and use our personalities and talents and experiences. So give God the glory but it's okay to affirm the part you play. John played a very important role preparing the way of the Lord.
