Friday, August 12, 2011

The Wonderful News!

Did you all enjoy our conversations about the book of James? I know I did! This is Michele with you on this Friday evening. Hopefully, all of you are ready for the weekend and have something fun planned. We are going to move into the Gospel of John where we will discuss the birth, life, death and resurrection of our beautiful Savior. We will begin with John 1:1-18. Read it out loud, a couple of times if you need to so that God can impress upon your heart exactly what he wants you to hear. A couple of verses struck me, the first of which is:

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (v. 5)

This reading begins by explaining that the Word, being Jesus, is the one and only source of life and light, fully God, and eternal. We read in verse 5 that Jesus, the light, can never be overcome or "extinguished" by evil. The entire first 5 verses are full of hope, but the last of these is so incredibly exciting to me. Our world is so dark and disturbing! We hear stories of natural disasters in third world countries, murder of innocent unborn children, civil unions being granted across our country, the plunge of the stock market, Christians being killed because of their faith. Ugh!! I could go on and on. But, this verse reminds us that God's light will still shine in spite of all the darkness around us. Satan thinks he will win, so it only makes sense that he will step up his game. Then, we are also reminded that the darkness can never extinguish God's glorious light. NEVER!! That word gives my heart such encouragement in this context. We will NEVER have to succumb to the darkness of this matter what happens. Jesus will just keep shining through it all.

John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light. (v. 8)

Now, for our part in this equation. John was sent to prepare the way for Jesus, not to be Jesus! To proclaim Jesus' name. We are also called to proclaim the name of Christ to a world that is full of darkness. What does that mean? We are called to live out our faith, to point others to the one who gives life, to be an encouragement to those who need a kind word, to love with the love that the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with. That doesn't mean we always have to be pushy about our faith but we should be intentional about our interactions with others. We always want to point to Christ. Sometimes, it may just be with a smile or the touch of your hand to some one's arm. We always need to be the hands and feet of never know who may be watching. It may be the coworker who you've been ministering to for a very long time, and they're just watching to see how you behave when you don't know you're being watched.

....God's unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. (v. 17)

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your love for us. We are so imperfect and need you to cleanse us and forgive us each and every time we fail to be your hands and feet. But, you are so faithful! Each time we fail you pick us back up and equip us to move forward in your power. You fill us with your Holy Spirit and show us others who desperately need to know of your love and truth. Help us to be like John, to point to you, even when we aren't aware that others are looking. In Jesus' name. Amen

Please feel free to share your comments with us. It is so encouraging to know how many people have read the blog. If only all of you would share a thought about what you read....we could have great conversations! Have a great night!


  1. Thank you, Michele! I really like what you say about "proclaiming" our faith. It is so often just the smile, or the touch, or the help we offer in time of need that shows that we are different. Then we are able to bring the name of Jesus into the situation and show Him to others.

  2. I love thinking about what you pointed out about how the darkness, no matter how dark, can never extinguish the light. Neither does it understand the light. The light is wholly other. And we are children of light! Awesome job!
