Monday, August 15, 2011

Who Are You?

Happy Monday morning! I, Michele, am writing for you today as I focus on John 1:19-28. Go ahead and read it through. This text challenged me to take a closer look at who I am and this is why:

"Well then, who are you?" they asked. "Are you Elijah?"
"No," he replied.
"Are you the Prophet we are expecting?"
"Then who are you? We need an answer for those who sent us. What do you have to day about yourself?" (v. 21-22)

Why did the priests and temple assistants care to know who John the Baptist was? Wasn't he just a regular guy? Hardly! He dressed weird and ate odd meals. Beginning in verse 19, John was asked 3 times who he was, in addition to the guesses they made about who they thought he may be. Obviously, John stood out in a crowd. But, there is another reason why he stood out that is  more profound then the way he looked or what he ate.....the message he spoke to all who came across his path. John spoke to people about turning from their sins, baptism, and the coming of the Savior. He had a mission and was determined to share that with all who would listen.

John replied in the words of the prophet Isaiah:

"I am a voice shouting in the wilderness,
'Clear the way for the Lord's coming!'" (v. 23)

Notice that John did not explain his credentials, where he lives, or who's in his family (some of the ways we may identify ourselves). John immediately pointed to Christ. He stated his mission. John knew exactly who he was in Christ and for Christ. He wasn't interested in telling others about himself, he wanted others to know about Jesus. And he knew where he stood in comparison to Christ , "....I'm not even worthy to to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandal." (v. 27)
Do people wonder who you and I are when they meet us? Not just because of the way we look but because of message we bring to other's lives? When we meet new people do we identify ourselves by our paid job, or where we live, or who our relatives are? Or do we approach others saying, "Hi, I'm ____, and I'm a child of God, sent to tell you the good news of his son, Jesus Christ." Sounds kind of quirky but that is our mission as Christ followers. We need to take every opportunity to share God's Word to a world who so desperately needs him. In the end, it won't matter what occupation we had, how much money we made, what famous human beings we knew, or what our house looked like. The only thing that will matter is if we pointed others to Christ and where we spend eternity.

Lord, help us to be like John and point to you always. There are so many out there who don't know of your freeing grace and forgiveness for them. This world is hurting. Help us to be your hands and feet, to love even those who are unlovable. We want to bring as many to Heaven with us as possible. We are your children and our mission is to tell others about you and your love for them. Help us to own that mission and take it out into our world. In Jesus' name. Amen

Please share your comments. We love to hear from you! Have a great Monday and remember to go out and share the good news!

1 comment:

  1. That's right! John knew who he was because he understood and embraced his mission. And that gave him a powerful presence and the strength that comes with clear focus. I want that! Thanks so much!
