Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's it Really All About?

Good evening, all! I, Michele, am hearing God speak today from John 5:31-47. Go ahead and read it and see what you hear God saying to you. This text is about God's desire for us to come into relationship with him and not miss his true desire for us.

John the Baptist was sent to make a way for the Lord and he testified to many about who Jesus was and what he could do in the lives of each and every person who would come to know him. Many believed and Jesus' number of followers increased as we read about in Chapter 3. Did he stop there? No, Jesus even went as far as performing miracles to show that he was the Messiah.

But I have a greater witness than John-my teachings and my miracles. (v. 36)

Wow! Can you imagine actually seeing, first hand, a miracle of the living God? How would you react? Would what you saw make your faith in Jesus even stronger? Would it turn unbelievers into believers? The religious leaders, not unlike people of this day, missed the point. Even after seeing the miracles that Jesus did and hearing him speak God's Word with their own ears, they walked away empty!

You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! You refuse to come to me to receive this life. (v. 39-40)

It is so easy to get wrapped up in doing things like: daily devotion, going to prayer meetings, doing our occasional service to those in need, reading the Bible, going to church at least one time/week. The list goes on and on. When we do this we miss the essential part of what being a Christian is all about. When we treat our Christianity like a checklist we miss out on a true relationship with the Creator of the Universe! We are so concerned about the things that we do as Christians that we forget to be Christians. Jesus wants to have an intimate, deep, personal relationship with each one of us. Out of that relationship will come all of the above mentioned things....and not as a checklist!

Your approval means nothing to me, because I know you don't have God's love within you.  (v. 41-42)

Is it really all about appearances? Whose praise do you seek? God's approval is all the approval we need! It doesn't matter what others think we should be doing or how they think we should be spending our time. If you are living to honor and glorify your Lord, you are good in his eyes!

Lord, I come to you tonight with a convicted heart. There are times when I treat my Christianity like a checklist and I forget about the most important part....my personal relationship with you. Lord, bring me back to the joy of my salvation when I craved you and sought after you with all of my heart. Help me to remember that, because your Spirit lives in my heart, your love will overflow me and be a blessing to others in my life. Thank you, Lord, that you love me enough to want a relationship with me. You pursue me and mold me as I grow closer to you. Amen.


  1. Very important insights, Michele! Thank you so much! When a person is staunchly religious but misses the real heart of God they become, like Mark Twain put it, "good...in the worst sort of way."

  2. Well said, Michele! "Religion" often stands in the way of true Christianity -- a true relationship of praise and service and walking hand-in-hand with Jesus every minute of every day. Thanks for this lesson! God bless!

  3. Thanks, guys! I don't want to be like the religious leaders and miss out on the most perfect relationship in my life. To be in relationship with my Creator is the greatest blessing ever!
