Monday, September 12, 2011

Free Indeed

I hope you had a great weekend! Mondays are, well, Mondays. But to hear something important from God will make even a Monday great! So I'm listening to what he is saying in John 8:31-47. Why don't you join me?

Here is the statement that rings in my head:

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (v. 31-32)

Can you imagine being a slave? The closest I ever came to experiencing slavery was working for UPS loading trucks. It was close, but still not quite the real thing. Slavery is when my choices are made for me. My options are closed. I'm used purely as a means to an end. I answer to a master who controls my life. Doesn't sound like fun, does it?

We watch on the news as other people groups fight for their liberty against dictators. We don't think of ourselves as slaves. We live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave," right? Yet, Jesus points something out that is so important and yet so easily missed:

"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin." (v. 34)

So how is that? God is the giver of Life. He explains its purpose to us and guides and instructs us in how to live it well. But when we rebel and do it our way instead, everything gets messed up. Sin is enslaving. With every moment of giving in I lose a little more freedom. Soon I find myself driven by my sinfulness. I am controlled by my lusts and desires and fears and insecurities. And none of it brings well-being to my life. I become a pawn in Satan's game, used and manipulated by the worst dictator of all. And I can't break free.

But Jesus sets me free! Knowing Jesus is the Truth that frees! He forgives me, cleanses me, clears my name. But he goes way beyond that: He frees me to see life as it really is. He helps me to understand who I am and why I'm here. He opens my spiritual eyes, and with the lies of the devil exposed I am free to choose Life. I am free to live for what I was created for--a relationship with my Maker. And he and his goodness free me to love, to celebrate, to forgive, to overcome.

Wars and armies may secure political freedom. And we cheer for freedom fighters. But so many people who are politically free are still slaves at the core. The most vital, most profound freedom is found only in knowing Jesus, the Son of God, personally and deeply.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" (v. 36)

Now that's worth cheering! What do you hear Jesus saying to you in this text? Share it below in the Comments section! (Sign in first or choose Anonymous from the "Comment as" field.)


  1. Great post, Chris! Everyone wants to be free and it's sad to see so many fight for what they think is freedom, when they are really missing the entire point. I used to think I was free until I met I know for a fact that I am truly free because of my relationship w/ the Jesus! Your words are always so encouraging!

  2. Chris, thank you for putting me on to your blog. Thanks for sharing your heart. It's crazy to think that we can make our own decisions, fall into sin and be a slave to it. But all the while we think we're having the time of our lives and feel like we're in control. But yet we're a slave to something that is not looking out for us.

    But with God, you are a slave too, but the difference is he's looking out for you. I guess you're a slave either way, but you get to choose whom you're going to be a slave to. Do you want a master that cares or a master that destorys?
