Friday, September 2, 2011

The Dark Stormy Seas of Life

Today's conversation with God takes us back to John 6 to pick up the little story we skipped over last time--John 6:16-24. So here we go! This one is a quick read. Read it a second time and go slower, thinking about the details. Ask Jesus to show you what he wants you to see.

This event follows on the heels of the miraculous feast he fed the crowd. His disciples had witnessed his power to provide whatever was needed, regardless of the size of the need. I think that was the lesson. Then, Jesus gives the exam. He sends them out across the Sea of Galilee at dusk heading straight into a serious storm. And he sends them alone.

What I notice are the details that describe what the disciples were experiencing out there and the similarity to things I experience myself:

By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.

A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.

They had rowed three or thee-and-a-half miles.

They were terrified.

They couldn't see where they were going. There was no sign of Jesus. Everything around them was in a state of chaos and adversity. They felt exposed and threatened. They were exhausted. And fear had a grip on them.

To every person who has ever felt that way, take heart. Even Jesus's closest followers did, too. But more than anything what I hear Jesus saying to me today, through the noise of the wind and the jostling of the waves and the darkness of uncertainty and the exhaustion of all that I've done to try to keep the boat afloat and heading in the right direction is this...

It is I; don't be afraid. (v. 20)

So, like these rain-drenched, reluctant sailors, I'm going to do this--I'm going to receive Jesus into my boat.

Then they were willing to take him into the boat. (v. 21)

Somehow things take on a whole different perspective when I remember that Jesus is in my boat with me. After all, he commands the forces that appear to be against me. He defies their threats and even comes to me using these adverse conditions as his vehicle. Isn't that the deeper point of him walking on the tumultuous sea? He's telling me he's got this. No need to worry.

And then I notice the results. Alone, they fought the wind and the waves for hours, rowing helplessly against the contrary forces, lost in the darkness in the middle of the sea. After Jesus approached and they let him into their boat, John recounts what he and the others experienced:

...and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. (v. 21)

Jesus knows what he's doing. He knows where he's taking me. And he will make sure I get there. So in the meantime, I'm hanging onto him. No worries, mate!

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1 comment:

  1. Life is not easy, at best. Jesus in my little boat makes all things possible and gives me the peace that passes understanding. Thank you, Chris, for sharing this comforting picture of how to handle stuff that tries to take me down! Be strong in the Lord, and of good courage! He is guarding your soul.
