Thursday, September 8, 2011

Throwing Rocks

God is near you every day, every moment, no matter what you are feeling. And he is always communicating his love and his vision for our lives. Let's step into a story from the Bible recorded in John 7:53-8:11. You may notice that your Bible indicates this text was probably not written by John or in the original manuscript of his gospel. Yet it has been preserved through the centuries by the church and regarded as an authentic account. As you read it, ask yourself what you learn of Jesus and what he may be wanting to say to you here.

If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. (v. 7)

Even the hate-filled hypocrites in the story couldn't argue with that. Touche`! They knew they really had no choice but to drop their heads and their rocks and walk away...this time. Inwardly we cheer for Jesus! But it makes me wonder why we applaud him and yet there is still so much rock-throwing in the world, even among the followers of this same Jesus.

It's so much better when compassion wins the day over condemnation. Really, we're all in this thing called life together. We all hurt. We all get confused. We are all capable of getting lost inside. It's so easy to look down on someone and think harsh thoughts, but it takes a lot more character to care enough to consider what inputs may have led them to that place. And it takes humility to look in the mirror.

Instead of throwing stones at people today--verbal stones, mental stones, kidney stones (ha, just kidding)--why don't I just decide to put my rocks down and sit with people in this mess we call humanity, as one of them, and tell them about how God is a forgiving and merciful God. Thank God that he has sent a Savior for them as well as for me. Tell them of how Jesus didn't come to condemn us but to save us. Receive his grace and then go free to treat fellow sinners with the same grace I've received. Why don't I toss some grace their way instead of flinging a rock? It might just be the thing that eventually brings the freedom to...

"Go now and leave your life of sin." (v. 11)

Maybe one of your acquaintances is thirsty for some grace. Why don't you share this post with your Facebook friends and toss some grace their way? Just click on the Facebook "f" button below. And we'd love to hear what Jesus is saying to you. Sign in (top right) and comment below.


  1. So very very true! But most people would rather sit "above" and throw rocks than see their own faults. This kind of teaching is one thing that authenticates Christianity to me... no mere human would ever come up with it. Thanks again, Chris!

  2. Compassion is much more likely to win people over for Jesus than condemnation! When we condemn others they turn away from us but if we are able to listen and not "throw stones" we are much more effective in our interactions with others. Nobody likes to be condemned...we need to always remember that! Thanks, Chris!

  3. Maybe we should break this down even more specifically. How does this apply to marriage, to parenting, to the way I function at work, to the conversations I have? to my extended family? to my politics? Where in my life do I need to drop my rocks and toss some grace instead?
