Thursday, January 26, 2012

Courageous Cowards

Welcome to today's conversation with God! Join me in 1 Samuel 11. If you've ever lacked the courage to step up and do what needed to be done, whether it was apologizing for something, confronting someone, or tackling a big new venture, this text inspires hope.

What God is revealing to me here is the change he brought in Saul. Remember, yesterday we saw how Saul hid in the baggage at his coronation ceremony, trying to avoid the responsibility of becoming king. He was tall but he was also a coward. No wonder some of the people didn't believe in him as a leader! But this turn of events jumps out at me, as Saul hears about a national threat and is dismayed by the spineless response of the populace:

When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger. He took a pair of oxen, cut them into pieces, and sent the pieces by messengers throughout Israel, proclaiming, "This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not follow Saul and Samuel." Then the terror of the LORD fell on the people, and they turned out as one man. (v. 6-7)

How about that? The coward becomes courageous! The shy, timid guy who ran from the spotlight turns out to be a dynamic, effective leader after all! How does that happen? The Spirit of the Lord filled him. He went from thinking only of his own best interests to thinking of God's interests. Something had been going on in Saul's head as he had been out plowing his father's fields, apparently. He had been considering the amazing reality that God wanted to use a guy like him. And when the challenge presented itself with the news flash, something switched on inside Saul's heart. He had let God in, and God went to work.

God, you can turn cowards into men and women of courage. You can make great leaders out of timid souls. Your Holy Spirit is the source of tremendous strength and boldness to step up and respond to the need at hand. No fear can stand up to the courage you infuse us with when we are filled with your Spirit. So please, fill us. Fill me. Help me to inspire courage in the people around me, starting with my own children and my loved ones. Amen.

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