Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good Posture

Top of the day to you! I pray God's best for your life. If I have learned one thing in mine it's that the way we posture ourselves before God is the primary catalyst that determines the course and satisfaction level of our lives. Today's conversation with God reinforces that truth to me and makes me think about my current posture. With that in mind, why don't you join me in reading 1 Samuel 10:17-27? Is the Spirit of God impressing something on you here?

I see in this short text three different postures that people took before God. First, I see that the nation as a whole wasn't in a good place with God.

But you have now rejected your God, who saves you out of all your calamities and distresses. And you have said, "No, set a king over us." (v. 19)

God had been there for them through amazing times when he powerfully brought them through the worst of situations and delivered them from slavery and brought them into the promised land. But they had gotten over their gratitude and had become demanding of God. Now they see it as his job to give them what they want. God, I'm sure I've been there myself before. I've insisted that I knew what was best for me and expected you to deliver. Forgive me for my foolishness and pride in those moments.

Second, I can't help but laugh when I read this about Saul:

Finally Saul son of Kish was chosen. But when they looked for him, he was not to be found.... And the LORD said, "Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage." (v. 21-22)

God is calling Saul to take this role of immense honor and responsibility leading his people, and Saul is hunkering down behind the suitcases hoping no one will find him! He's in a posture of hiding from God, trying to avoid answering God's call to service. Maybe that's where you are right now. Taking on his assignments can be scary. Maybe you want to escape the call and take the easier path of letting someone else step up. It's a posture people take when their eyes are on themselves and not on God. It's a posture that holds people back from what might be some of the most meaningful experiences of God they've ever had.

Third, I'm impressed by where Samuel is with God.

Samuel summoned the people of Israel to the LORD at Mizpah and said to them, "This is what the LORD the God of Israel, says...." Samuel explained to the people the regulations of the kingship. (v. 17, 25)

Samuel is the only one in the story whose heart is actually submitted to God. He's in a posture of obeying God. He doesn't like the fact that the people are demanding a human king. It angers him. But because God has told him to go ahead and anoint one, he is carrying out what he knows God wants him to do. That's a really good place to be. That's what it means to love God and live by faith. God, I will by your grace trust you and obey you as I posture myself before you with a submitted heart and life. Amen.

As the rest of the story unfolds in 1 Samuel, we'll see where the posture of the people and Saul got them. And we'll see the honor that God brought to Samuel because of his posture. I can be demanding of God, or I can hide from God, or I can obey God. Three different postures. Three very different outcomes.

I hope you receive the blessing of this post and share it with others on Facebook! Click the "f" icon below. And please build us up by sharing your own impressions and experiences in the Comments section (but sign in first at the top right of the page unless you want to comment as "Anonymous"). Peace.


  1. Yes, a humble heart bowed low before our God is the "perfect posture"! Trusting Him in the dark to lead us to the Light at the end of the tunnel is my goal. It is so interesting to study this together! I look forward to tomorrow...

  2. Chris and K.B., so true! I want to be in a posture of obedience always. I know there have been times when I haven't been and it's true that the outcome is very different. Submitting to God's will and leading is the right answer. Why is it that we always feel like we know what's best? Thanks, Chris, for inspiring me to focus on my posture before God!
