Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Would They Believe I'm a Christian?

Good evening to all of you from Michele here in chilly Illinois!  It's a bit warmer than it's been but not near as warm as it is in Texas. That's for sure! Tonight we will be reading from 1 Samuel 10:1-16. Are you ready to hear from God? I sure am. Read it more than once if you need to. This is what I'm hearing God say as I read:

When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, they saw a group of prophets coming toward them. Then the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon Saul, and he, too, began to prophesy. When those who knew Saul heard about it, they exclaimed, "What? Is even Saul a prophet? How did the son of Kish become a prophet?" (v. 10-11)

Why were Saul's acquaintances so surprised that he would be prophesying? Was that not typical behavior for Saul? If you remember back in chapter 9, Saul tried to get out of what Samuel was telling him he had been called by God to do. He said he was from the least important clan. He tried all kinds of tactics to get out of the responsibility that he sensed God was trying to give him. It seems as if he was a selfish man who pretty much kept his focus on himself.

But then, Samuel anointed Saul and informed him of God's calling in 10:1. How awesome that our Lord doesn't always pick the cream of the crop to do his mighty work (see Chris' post from yesterday). I bet Saul was pretty shocked himself to become the ruler over Isreal. After all he had just been searching for some lost donkeys, not seeking to do anything for God.

The verses highlighted above show that others couldn't believe that someone like Saul would be prophesying. It's one thing to personally be surprised that God has called you to something so big, but then to have others question whether it could possibly be true. The thought crossed my mind that there are many people who may know me on a surface level but may not know that I'm a Christian. Would they be shocked if they discovered my love for God?  I think about the times when my focus is on myself. When I don't set a godly example for others in the way I do my work or the way I interact with someone who may irritate me. There is always someone watching. Maybe an unbeliever who needs to see Jesus in this world. Maybe a hurting soul who needs someone to invest time in them. Maybe someone who believes that Christians are just like everybody else. I need to always be conscientious of my behavior. I hope that others don't say of me, "Is even Michele a christian?"

Lord, I want to have an attitude of praise at all times. I always want to remember that others are watching me and seeing my actions and my reactions to the things of this world. Please shape my attitude to be more like you as I live out my days on earth. Please send me on the mission that you planned for me since before my birth and give me an obedient heart to follow you. Amen.


  1. Right on, Michele! The saying comes to mind that "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one!" As a believer and disciple of Jesus, I should "let my light shine" without restraint when it comes to my faith and trust in Jesus. Sometimes we hold back just trying to fit in with the group around us, when we should actually be doing right the opposite. I guess we can say that we should always "Dare to be Different." Michele, your sincere love for Jesus shows clearly! Thank you!

  2. I have to agree with K.B. I can't imagine anyone being surprised to find out that you are a follower of Christ, Michele! It shows in the spirit of your actions and words. But it is a good thought to keep in mind.

    I remember back in my early twenties when I was hanging out on the local rock scene in Dallas, mostly with Pantera. I didn't feel very close to God at that time and didn't think that my faith was showing much. Yet, one of the guys I had gotten to know who was also a friend of Darrell from Pantera called me one day and really surprised me. He said that he was discontent with the emptiness of his life as it was. He said he knew that I had a relationship with God and he wanted to have the kind of happiness that he sensed in me. And he asked me if I would help him find his way to God! I was so honored and felt pretty unworthy. Yes, people are indeed watching us.
