Monday, January 9, 2012

Parent's Job One

Welcome to this moment to have a conversation with the God who made you and loves you! It's such an honor that he has revealed himself to us! Come with an open mind and a humble heart. Come with a desire to hear from him. Remember, he always speaks for our good. Today, I'm seeking him out in this part of Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:11-36. As I read this, I'm asking myself, "What do I learn about God here? What do I see of myself?"

Eli's sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD. (v. 12)

That's got to be the worst thing a parent could ever hear about their children. Of all the problems and struggles that my kids could possibly have as they grow up with health, academics, or the social scene, nothing would concern me more than if they had no regard for God. The reason for that is that I know through both Scripture and experience that God is the source of life and everything that makes it good. If I get one thing right as a parent, it's this--I want my children to respect, love and know God personally.

If that is going to happen, I have to be intentional about it. I can't afford to be hands-off about their spiritual nurturing. This isn't something I can leave up to them, like whether or not they want to take piano lessons or go out for the soccer team. I have to live out my faith before them, show them why it's so important and enable them to see how serving God makes their lives and the world around them better. It's up to me to make sure they learn the value and importance of spending time reading the Bible and praying. It's up to me to take them with me to serve God by involving ourselves in church ministries and finding my own serving opportunities.

If I don't inspire my kids with the goodness and priority of God, who will? I want them to understand that God is all about love, compassion, doing good, reaching out a hand to break down barriers and make others' lives better. It's so important that they understand that God isn't some distant figurehead of a religion I mentally subscribe to, but the real center of my life, the one who is totally trustworthy and amazingly accessible, the living King of the universe who is breathtakingly beautiful, fiercely loving, powerfully creative and holy. I want them to know that he is for them, not against them. But I also want them to realize that if they turn from God and snub his love or disregard his instruction, it won't be pretty.

And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with people. (v. 25-26)

I know I can't force my kids to love God. But I am the number one person in their lives that can lead them that direction. Even when they're resistant and go through their periods of teenage doubt, I can't ever give up this most crucial parental responsibility. It's hard sometimes to know how best to do that, but with God's help and wisdom I will continue to both show them and tell them the difference he makes. And I can pray for them and pray with them and point out God's goodness at everything opportunity.

God help me to raise my kids to experience your favor throughout their lives. I am so thankful that I have your help and your grace at all times! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. thank you Chris, that's what I need. May the Lord God Almighty bless our children!
